Chapter 46 A Sage Thing

The mimic reached out and grabbed the chicken before it died. Because if it had laid one feather on her, Aella would have cut it into fine little nuggets.

"Why is that thing still here? I thought you wanted to eat it?" she asked, eyeing the chicken as it tried to get loose to attack her.

The mimic glanced at the chicken, petting it to get it to calm down, and said, "I like Henrietta. She doesn't talk back when I talk to her, and she lays delicious eggs."

"But what are you feeding it?" Aella asked. Wild ideas of it feeding the chicken strands of saliva and such danced through her head and she shuddered.

"There's a magical spoon that I got from the miscellaneous chest. It makes all the sludge you could ever eat, and it's good for you, but it tastes awful. Henrietta doesn't mind the taste though, and her eggs have gotten even more delicious."

It opened its mouth to expose a spoon that had a portion of gray goop on it. The chicken eyed the stuff, hopping up into the mimic's mouth to peck at the disgusting looking stuff. When it was done, it hopped out and the mimic closed its mouth.

"I thought you couldn't eat anything that wasn't alive," said Aella, not quite sure how to take what she had just seen. Some things were beyond words or description.

"The tiny amounts she spills doesn't seem to bother me."

Shaking her head in disbelief, Aella opened the chest to the miscellaneous stuff and stepped in. Ignoring the various piles of stuff, she headed straight for a rolled-up bedroll perched against a large green horn. The bedroll had ornate designs stitched into it, that looked similar to ones she had seen in Jozef's room. Picking it up, she could tell it was magical, and would allow the person who climbed into it to be fully rested when they got out, regardless of how much they actually slept. It seemed perfect for Bridgette, assuming Aella could get her to pay enough attention to it, to actually use it.

"Bridgette?" Aella called, looking around the library as she set the bedroll down on the desk.

There was a muffled thump from way up high, and Aella started climbing steps. The library actually stretched up four flights of stairs, with huge floors filled with rows and rows of bookshelves, all laden down with books. It was amazing the number that must be there, and it was all Aella could do, to keep climbing and not stop herself, to look at one or two of the books. It almost seemed as if there was compulsion magic in here. That didn't bode well for the Sage.

"Bridgette? Where are you?" called Aella again, getting to the top floor and looking around.

A stack of books that had been pulled off one of the shelves shifted slightly and Bridgette's head peeked over the top.

"Aella? You won't believe what I've found! It's an entire history of the church and the demon kingdom! It's fascinating how they used to be before the war!"

"Okay, I would love to know what you've read," said Aella. "I brought you a bedroll to sleep in. I left it…"

"Oh! I don't have time to sleep! Thanks, though. This book tells about how the demons came to be here, and this one tells how the church formed. Apparently, the humans had a king that tried to make the two live together but the nobles didn't like the demons. They thought they looked like monsters."

"Wait, what do you mean, the demons didn't always used to be here?" asked Aella, sitting down next to her, trying not to cause all the books to tumble down.

"Oh, no! This entire valley was human territory, but the demons needed a home. Their home was torn apart from some war. I just found a book that tells about it. It says here, that the demons were trying to find somewhere away from their war, to live in peace. That's funny," she said with a frown, turning a page and then another, before turning back.

"What's wrong?"

"The writing changed to a language I don't know. I know six different languages, and this one isn't one I've ever seen before."

"Can you learn it, like you did the six you know? I would love to know more about this war the demons were trying to escape. Did it start the war we're in? Was it what caused the human nobles to hate us?"

"I don't think it's the same war as now, but it could have caused it. I don't know. I would need more writing like this one, to be able to figure it out. Maybe in one of these other books."

Aella looked around. There had to be thousands and thousands of books just on this one floor. How Bridgette was able to find this information so quickly, was beyond her. It must be a Sage thing.

"I'll keep reading, and see if I can find out anything more about the demons and the human nobles. Is there anything else you want me to look for?"

Aella nodded, "I want to know about magic, and the first demon king. How the war started, and how to end it. You said you found some information about the church? I would like to hear it too."

"Well, the church was formed by the nobles that didn't like the demons, with the thought they would turn all of the humans against the demons. All those who followed the church, would gain special powers, granted by the deity that the church followed, but demons couldn't join. That's interesting because the church we have now, doesn't even mention a deity to follow. Everyone is to follow the elders of the church, and there's no special powers granted to anyone, other than maybe the heroes."

"Does that mean the heroes are tied to some deity that's been forgotten? That would be very interesting if we could find out more information about that."

"I'll see if I can find anything else about the heroes! That sounds like it would be very important. Maybe there's information about what the heroes are supposed to do, instead of just killing the demon king."

Aella nodded, when she remembered something. "I was told that there were ruins near the mountains, where information about the heroes could be seen, if they can be found."

"Ohh! That would be very interesting! If you find them, let me know! Maybe you can take me there, the same way you brought me here, and I can see them? Maybe some of this unknown language is there, too!"

Aella nodded and climbed to her feet. She still needed to check in with the Regents and Advisors before it got too late. Bridgette was busy flipping pages and muttering to herself excitedly. It would be very interesting what else she could find. Probably shouldn't tell Jozef about her, unless he already knew.

Stepping a few feet away, she teleported to the throne room, where Frederik and Seifer were currently sparring. She watched them for a few moments, admiring the shine of their muscles in the lantern light, before sighing and stepping out of the shadows.

"Your Majesty!" cried Varnin in surprise.

The two demons stopped sparring and turned to her, breathing hard.

"I'm ready to hear what you have to tell me."

Frederik nodded to Seifer who sighed and nodded back.

"You were right in thinking that the nobles would flock at that chance to sway us once you were gone. They didn't wait until morning to start requesting personal meetings, rather than meeting us in the throne rooms. We refused, believing it would be best to hold off on such things for the time being. It would cause too much chaos among the others."

Aella nodded at his words as Frederik threw him a towel to clean up the sweat that was already beginning to dry.

"They all basically wanted the same things, that we give them the rights to return to their houses for one reason or another, all of which we refused on the grounds that everyone was to be in the warehouses until the sewers were cleaned up. Strangely enough, there has been a record number of people volunteering to work for the sanitation department."

Xathtak nodded as she stepped forward. "I have more than enough workers to get the sewers cleaned up by the end of the month. In fact, not having more filth added to the clogged pipes has made it easier to clean them."

"Wonderful," said Aella, clapping her hands. "How much are you paying these workers?"

"Paying?" asked Xathtak, confused. "What do you mean?"

"These people can't possibly be doing all this hard work for free?" said Aella, raising an eyebrow.

"They get first rights to the soup kitchens, when they are done working," said Ernun, stepping forward. "All workers of the crown have always been awarded free meals."

"No, I want all workers to be paid for every day they work," said Aella giving them all a look. "I want coins to get back into circulation, so people aren't struggling so much to survive. Pay them three coppers a day, understood?"

Destov nodded, then asked, "You are the only one with access to the coins from the treasury, how are we to pay them? I fear anyone we give that much coin to, would become corrupt and keep the coins for themselves."

"Do you have scribes to keep track of things, yet?" she asked, turning to look at everyone in the room. They all shook their heads and looked away from her.

"Your Majesty, we don't have many people capable of writing well enough, to be scribes," said Orolon.

"Of course, we don't," she sighed.