Chapter 59 Flight of the Harpies

"Be careful!" shouted one of the demon warriors, as the half human-half bird screamed by.

Aella jumped to the side, throwing her glove in the form of a short spear at the creature. The gust of wind that trailed the thing grabbed her spear, embedding it into a tree. With a curse, she flung it again once it returned to her hand at another one, hitting the creature square in the chest and eliciting a cross between a scream and a squawk, before it fell out of the sky.

"Great shot!" cried another guy, running past her, but she didn't take the time to smile or respond, as another swarm of the things was falling out of the sky.

Aella braced herself against a tree and shot a wave of air at them, knocking the gust of wind they were forcing before them back into them, causing several to falter and fall a short while, before catching themselves. Taking advantage of their confusion, she flung her short spear again and again, every time it hit its mark, it would return to her, ready to be thrown again. Yet more and more came, flooding the sky with their black forms and raining feces and feathers down on them.

General Brimsey sent volleys of ballista at them, scattering them and killing a few at a time. His warriors were ragged, tired and exhausted after the long fight. Aella knew if she used her fire ability, she could take the nasty things out, but she also knew the church was somehow watching, and she didn't want to give that away. Because of the elemental ring, she could get away with using her air abilities, but even then, she had to be careful to use them in ways that went with what the ring could do. She had honestly forgotten its abilities, in the heat of fighting, but tried her best not to use the wind abilities anyway.

"Agh!" screamed a demon, falling under the onslaught of one of the harpies. It was scratching at his face, trying to rip his eyes out with its clawed feet, while also buffeting him with strong gusts of wind.

Running at it, she jumped and slashed out with her sword, cutting its head off as it looked up at her. Landing beside him, she made sure he was alright. His face was covered in blood, but none of the scratches had gotten his eyes. Using a quick heal from her ring, to make sure, he nodded his thanks to her, before she was off, running at the next harpy. It was sending gusts of wind at a group of demons that had killed two harpies, keeping them pinned down while three more of the things swooped down to attack.

Leaping high, Aella slashed one of the wings of the hovering harpy, sending it crashing to the ground, then jumped off a tree at the three incoming, catching them before they could react with a wide sweep of her sword, cutting all three across their breasts, severing the muscles that allowed them to fly.

Rolling as she landed, she turned back to see the demons that had been pinned down, were finishing them all off. Once they were out of the sky, their control of the wind was gone, and they were all but helpless against the wrath of the demons. Hearing cries behind her, Aella turned to see a huge group of harpies had started to circle in the sky, and storm clouds were starting to form. The ballista couldn't shoot high enough at that angle, to hit any of them.

"We have to stop them!" shouted a demon. "If they finish summoning that storm, a lightning storm will kill everyone on the ground! That's what happened to the last group!"

Looking towards the general, she could see the defeat written on his face as his troops continued to fight around him, and those manning the ballista tried over and over to get a good angle to shoot them. He knew what was coming. He looked at her. Their eyes met and she knew he was giving her permission to reveal what she wanted. Nodding at him, Aella turned to the harpies in the sky. She was the king. She would do what needed done to save her people.

Activating the ring, to run on air, even though she didn't need it, she dashed into the sky towards the swirling clouds. They were getting darker and darker the closer she got to them, and she could feel the wind whispering to her. It wanted to play, not be forced into this friction. The feeling wasn't pain, but it was close.

A few harpies darted at her, swooping at her with tremendous speed, but she slashed them out of the sky as they drew close, and never once stopped running. Rumbles of thunder and flashes of lightning welcomed her as she reached the edge of the harpy ring. Holding two swords in her hands, Aella began slashing, cutting them out of the sky.

Her vision was obscured from the feathers, so she used the air to clear the feathers, to see the harpies had moved their ring away from her, taking the storm higher into the sky. There were too many of them, she would never kill them all before the storm was unleashed. Pausing to catch her breath, she knew what she had to do. Glancing far below, where the demons were craning their necks to watch her, she met the eyes of her father.

Gripping her swords, she continued to run up, this time, not at the harpies, but rather, at the storm. The winds caressed her, welcoming her as the Air Hero, and then she reached the heart. Releasing her control over the air, she coaxed it to follow her, instead of the harpies. Her ring began to heat up, burning her hand, but the fire inside of her enjoyed the heat, absorbing it. That's when the lightning hit her.

Aella didn't remember falling, or being caught. What she remembered was the feeling of the heat as it danced along her limbs, burning her rings and swords. The lightning was attracted to the metal on her body, and her elemental powers lit up, taking control, and expanded.


She knew that voice. It was in her memories.

"Aella? Wake up!"

"No one commands the king," she murmured, opening her eyes with a wince, seeing her father kneeling above her.

His laugh was one of relief and joy. A cheer rose up around her, and she became aware of the many demons that were also kneeling all around her.

"Long live the king!" they were cheering. Her father kept them from picking her up and parading her around, which she was very relieved of. Her body felt rubbery, as if she had been chewed up and spat out.

"What happened?" she asked, struggling to stand.

There were more than enough hands to help her, too many to belong to just her father, and she glanced at the happy faces around her in surprise.

"You ran up into the sky, killing all the harpies, then when they moved away from you, you ran into the storm. It was… it was terrifying and awesome all at the same time. The lightning went for you, and you became like a lightning god!" said the colonel, standing beside her and her father.

"I am no god," she said, spitting the burnt taste out of her mouth.

"Perhaps not, but you directed that lightning to blast every harpy out of the sky. There's not enough meat left to feed a dog," laughed another demon.

"You saved us! Just like you said you would!" cried another, eliciting another round of cheers.

"I never thought a little magical ring could do that," said her father, the general, motioning towards her right hand.

Aella glanced at her hand. There should have been a glove covering the ring, but her hand was bare. In fact, none of her magical items were on her body. Only the faintest lines remained where they had been. Even the magical cloak that had formed her clothes was singed almost entirely gone. Hiding her panic, she reached up to feel her hair was spiky, where the tips had singed off, and felt the crown.

"We're here," came the whisper in her mind. "We're just a part of you now."

"I am ready for that discussion you meant to have with me, Your Majesty," said General Brimsey, turning away to lead her past the crowds of cheering and celebrating demons.

Aella shook so many hands, and was clapped on the back so many times, she lost count. She didn't even mind that they shouldn't technically be touching her, because she was the king. These people needed a win, something to boost their morale, because she could see the graves that had been dug through the trees, and too many had died here. The general led her to a large building, partially buried in rock and dirt. The entrance faced away from the mountains, and was still accessible.

Stepping into the interior, the coolness of being underground swept over her. Looking around, she frowned. This was not what she had thought she would find.