Chapter 78 No Fear

"Okay, first we need to get as many of my people out of that area as possible," said Aella, trying to stay calm.

"That thing is huge. Unless you've traveled that area to be able to teleport around, grabbing people that way, we need to focus on the storm itself first," said Alfred, reminding her that she needed to have been there before she could teleport.

Nodding in agreement, she took a breath to calm herself and closed her eyes for a moment. Finding her calm, she felt the air and fire flowing through her veins. Surely, she was capable of this. There was no other option.

"Rain is water in the air. So, Josephine, want to help me calm a storm?" asked Aella with a smile.

"Aella, that is more than just a storm. That thing is a monster!" worried Josephine, her eyes still glued to the mounting black mass. "I can feel it's anger. It wants to cause death and destruction!"

"What happens when it hits the wall?" asked Curt.

They all turned to look at him dumbfounded.

"Curt, I never believed you were that smart," said Aella, jumping into the air.

If anyone had shouted anything at her just then, she didn't hear it, because the moment she was airborne, the storm spotted her. She could feel it turning its attention towards her. Shaking off the fear that dragged at her skin, and ignoring the shivering and goosebumps her body was forming, Aella flew towards the storm.

"I am the Demon King!" she shouted at it. "You will pay for the damage you have done to my kingdom!"

It's howl of fury was in the form of a swirling tornado, so large, Aella could only gape in surprise and shock. This thing was HUGE! Teleporting away, as the winds ripped at her clothing, she faced it from the safety of the other side of the wall. The tornado hit the wall, and the wall responded. As the tornado split into two smaller ones, the wall sent a blast of energy out to the storm, destroying the smaller tornadoes and solidly hitting the storm.

Hoping that the storm wasn't very smart, Aella pretended to be sending the blast by moving her hands at the wall at the same time it sent the blast towards the storm.

Stopping its forward momentum for a moment, Aella wondered if the blast had done any good. Then the entire blackness that was the storm, rushed at the wall so fast, she almost missed it, throwing her hands up in reflex to cover her head.

The wall shattered.

Aella tumbled in the winds, not sure which way was up, as lightning flashed all around her. Hitting the ground, she bounced and managed to get enough wits about her, to teleport away.

She was on the roof of the tower they had killed Father Steven in, breathing hard and holding her side. The ribs were broken, and the taste of blood assured her it was serious. Ignoring the pain, she turned to see the storm howling, turning towards her, when a very interesting thing happened.

The wall came back. The bad thing, was that the storm was in the middle of its path.

The moment the wall dissected the storm, it began to dissipate, the huge black clouds fading away, and water gushed across the land. She barely managed to teleport back to the heroes, grab them, and teleport away before the wall of water reached them.

Landing on the floor of the throne room, she fell to her knees as the pain refused to be ignored, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Your Majesty!"


"My King!"

The cries around her were starting to fade, and Aella knew she was about to pass out. Fighting through the fog that was crowding around the edges of her vision, she enacted her healing on her side, and relief washed over her. She could breath easier, and the tightness was fading. Audible pops resounded through the room as her ribs moved back into place, and those rushing to her side skidded to a halt. Their faces horrified.

Josephine added her healing magic to her own, and everything was just dandy. Aella had to fight to keep the smile off her face that wanted to be there. This was no time for smiling.

"What happened?" asked Frederick, kneeling beside her, and helping her to stand when she was done healing herself.

"Never mind that, we need to contact the general. Varnin, see if you can contact General Brimsey. I just killed a storm that traveled along the northern mountains. I believe it's the one that's been plaguing our western region. I need troops moving to help anyone that may be needing help. That storm was dropping water and lightning the entire trip."

"There will be flooding," added Josephine.

Varnin jumped from her seat and rushed from the room.

"I'll notify those keeping an eye along the river. If there's flooding to the north, it may follow the river and flood the city," said Xathtak, rushing out of the room after her.

"The guards need to be notified," added Ernun, also hastily leaving.

"Seifer, take the heroes to the room with Father Rice," said Aella, turning to see that there were still a few nobles in the room. "Are you all deaf? Get out! I'm sure if the river floods, your families are in danger!"

They all seemed to break free from their surprise and shock to turn and flee the room.

"Orolon, make sure the staff is notified. We may need to bring people into the palace to protect them if the flooding is too severe. I'm going to see if I can see it before it gets here."

"Take me with you!" said Josephine. "Flood waters can move very fast! I may be able to help keep the water out of the city!"

Nodding, Aella grabbed her and teleported to the window at the top of the palace, just under where the demon was imprisoned. The water was following the river bed, and covered the entire ground, for as far as the eye could see.

"There's no stopping that water," whispered Josephine in shock. "You will have lost so many people!"

"We have to try!" cried Aella, holding out a hand to her.

Josephine looked down at her hand then back at the approaching waters. With a nod of determination, she grabbed her hand, and Aella teleported them to roof of the topmost peak. There was only enough room for Josephine to stand, so Aella floated. They both called on their respective elements, Aella wind, and Josephine water. Fire, for some reason, wanted nothing to do with this task.

Creating the most powerful wind wall, she could, Aella directed it around the entire city, feeling her grasp and control stretching, trying to accommodate her wishes. As the water rushed towards them, Josephine reached out and forced it to go around the city, rather than crash into the walls. They were both struggling as it flowed at an incredible pace, threatening to break through their barriers.

Aella could faintly hear screams, but wasn't sure if they were from people far below, or from the demon under her feet. The thought that she was annoying and frustrating him more, brought a faint smile to her face as sweat beaded along her brow. After only a few minutes, it was over. The water was receding back into the river and the ground glistened with puddles.

Josephine sagged noticeably, and Aella caught her, teleporting back to the throne room. It was empty, so she teleported back to the room where the girls were supposed to be. Alfred was there, with Curt, each holding an excited little girl. The moment they noticed her, both girls were on the ground, running to Josephine.

Aella stepped back, out of the way, as Josephine sunk to the floor holding the girls and crying.

"Is everything alright?" asked Alfred, seeing the fatigue on Aella's face.

"I have to see to my city. There will be countless people dead to the north, and I'm sure reports are going to start pouring in soon. Take this time to rest."

"You need rest, Aella," said Alfred, concern apparent in his eyes. "You can't save everyone."

"I'm not worried about losing everyone. I know the world isn't fair. I don't fight the battles that can't be won. My people are scared. I must show them confidence so they can gain the courage they don't know they have."

Teleporting away from the happy giggles of the girls, she appeared back in her throne room and headed for the doors. Everyone was outside, dealing with what they could, and she was determined to find them and help as best as she could. The flood already came and went, but there would be people arriving in the coming days who needed a place to stay.

Unfortunately, she had plenty of space to let them stay in. She was sure she would find out soon if her father had survived or not.