Chapter 82 Wizardia

"I need to find someone to throw at that magic circle," said Aella, reappearing in the library.

"Did you find something to kill the guy?" asked Alfred, coming over to her.

"It's a magic bottle that will suck out his soul," said Aella, holding up the bottle.

"Oh! I've heard of those!" exclaimed Bridgette, excitedly. "It's too bad there aren't any fairies left to make more of them. They would come in handy if we needed to kill someone with a phylactery."

"What's that?" asked Aella, not wanting to share that the fairies weren't all dead.

"Well, a phylactery allows someone to come back from being dead by grabbing their soul and producing a new body for them. The bottle catches their soul before the soul can go to the phylactery, so they don't come back from death. Also, by putting their soul in the bottle, we could decide to bring the person back to life later, if we wanted to.

"The problem remains, how to get him out of the circle," said Bridgette. "According to the runes that Aella said were on the circle, it takes someone special to trade places with him."

"What do you mean?" asked Felix, looking up from his book. "Special how?"

"Well, one of the runes is the word for gargoyle, but I've only seen it in a handful of places. Most of the runes used to describe the demon race is 'demon', not 'gargoyle' which leads me to wonder if there are two different races here."

"Now that you mention it," said Aella, "The magic circle that Brian was using in the north, to summon monsters, said I was the King of the Gargoyles."

"Maybe there are two races, and the humans didn't differentiate between the two and called them all demons?" suggested Felix.

"But how can that be?" wondered Aella.

"You could ask the king?" suggested Alfred.

Nodding, Aella put the jar back in her pouch and teleported to the king.

He was sitting in his chair, staring at the walls around him curiously. Her stomach dropped and she wondered if he remembered anything? Could that memory thing not have been caused by his brother in the spire? There was only one way to find out.

"Jozef?" she asked.

He turned to her and smiled. "Ah, Aella. Have you noticed the glowing runes on the walls? I don't recall them before."

She glanced at the walls and saw that they were all indeed glowing, but it was so faint, she hadn't noticed them. With dread, she drew closer to them, to see what they said.

'Any who enter, shall never leave,' she read. Swallowing, she nodded and turned back to the king. If she was trapped, surely the others would find her? Her cloak was powerful, but she wasn't sure how powerful.

"I've not seen those before, and I've been here many times," she said. "Do you know what they mean?"

"I think they're the runes that keep me trapped here, but I'm not sure. I think the magic on the room is starting to unravel, or get worse. It's very confusing because I keep losing track of what I was thinking about. It's as if I'm losing my mind."

"You have been forgetting a lot of things lately," she said, nodding again.

"Well, whatever it means, what did you want?"

"I was wondering about your brother and asked the Sage I found to look up information about him. She said the runes she keeps finding refers to us as either demons or gargoyles. I was wondering if you had anything you could tell me about that?"

He nodded and said, "There are two… ways, I think… that our people came to this place. Those from the north were gargoyles and those to the south were demons. It was easier, as I was growing up, to call everyone the same thing, so that we didn't have fighting among our people, as the humans were already causing enough trouble. My childhood is so fuzzy, it's annoying to talk about."

As he started talking, Aella glanced at the walls, but they didn't glow. So, whatever was causing his memories to disappear, was gone.

"Do you remember anything about the heroes?" she asked, but he shook his head no.

"I remember that they were bad for the kingdom, but I don't remember why."

"Really?" she asked, confused by that. "How could they be bad? I've befriended them, and they're helping me fix the problems in the kingdom."

He scrunched his brow and shook his head. "If you've befriended them, then you've succeeded where so many have failed. I don't know why they're supposed to be bad. Maybe if you traveled to the north, and saw that building, you would figure out why. I made sure that the carvings there told the stories of the heroes."

"I did travel north," she said with a sigh. "All of the carvings had been taken by the other races for safekeeping until I came to get them. They even left notes in their native tongues, saying they had been told to do it by you."

"Really? That's interesting. Then I guess you'll need to travel to the other races. You'll need to do that anyway, in order to set up trade and such with them."

"I know. Bob wants me to head south to the Dwarves, too. I just haven't had time, with all of the other emergencies that have been happening. Your brother in the Spell Spire sent a living storm to destroy me, while I was at the barrier wall, and when I killed it, it released a wall of water that has flooded and killed and destroyed almost the entire northern half of my kingdom."

"Living storms can't die. They can be cut in half by the barrier wall, and reduced to quiet little things, when they blow themselves out, but they can't die. As soon as it builds itself back up, it'll look for something else to storm on."

Aella shook her head. "As long as it doesn't come after me and my people anymore."

"How did my brother end up in the Spell Spire? Only the mages were allowed up there. The place is very dangerous."

"What do you mean, it's dangerous?"

"All of the magic in the entire kingdom, and everything in the castle itself, is controlled from that spire. If anything were to happen to it, then all of the spells I have in the whole kingdom, would cease to work."

"Your brother is trapped in a spell circle, that is trapped itself. If anyone touches it, he can be freed, but the person touching it would be trapped inside, in his place. I want to kill your brother, because he's been causing me a ton of trouble, but I don't know how to get him out of the circle."

Jozef stood up and paced back and forth. "My brother was a spoiled rotten brat. I hated his guts."

"You remember about him?" she asked. He couldn't remember that he even had a brother before. Maybe he was getting the memories back?

"Just that. Nothing else. It's like I have a worm in my head, picking and choosing what I can remember, and when I try to look for something it throws up a wall. I need a chicken or something to dig it out…"

She gaped at him, trying to fight the urge to giggle. There was no way he knew anything about the chickens!

Seeing her expression, he laughed. "I hated chickens. They would always chase me when I was little. Mother made a delicious chicken pot pie, but I had to force myself to eat them because I was always afraid they would chase me around."

"I have a way to kill him, but I don't know how to get him out of the spell circle."

"Have you tried using pixy dust? I believe it can negate magic. Though, because of how endangered they were when I was little, I don't know if there are any left around. Fairies are very hard to negotiate with. The only thing they love more than flowers, would be sweet things."

"Sweet things, got it."

She stood up from the couch, where she had been watching him pace, and went to teleport back to the library. The runes that were faintly glowing, brightened. With a frown, she tried to think of the throne room, and then her home in the village to the west. While she could picture each place in her head, they were just memories, not actual places she could teleport.

Frowning, she glanced back up at the runes, and with desperation, thought of Bob's bar. The runes started to glow brighter, than there was a loud snapping noise, and they stopped glowing. Bob's face looked up at her in surprise, and Aella teleported without hesitation.

"Aella? I told you teleporting into my bar would be very dangerous!" said Bob with a frown. She nodded, and looked around. Swallowing in surprise, she realized, none of the people around her were demons. They were a mixture of all different races. There were beast people, and humans covered in tattoos. Some of them were floating, and others were casting spells.

"Aella, this is Wizardia. You shouldn't be in this realm! You have to go home right now!"

She nodded at Bob's words, but she was busy listening to some of the people talking behind her.

"I've been looking into this other realm, where they have these little nanobot things. It's so fascinating!"

"Aella, you have to go back… Oh, yes, sir! I know she doesn't belong here," said Bob, looking up at the ceiling. "Yes, I'll send her back right now. Sorry, sir."

A woman, almost as tall as Aella stepped into the bar, and walked straight to her. "I have her. Ooh, I like this one, she's got blood on her hands. And don't kill any of those chickens. They're fantastic. My husband has been watching them with rapt fascination."

"Really?" whispered Aella, too overwhelmed, to speak any louder.

"Your Majesty, Joseph said the realm liked her too much to kill her, and that she should leave before her realm missed her too much, and tried to start a war. He didn't want her realm destroyed," said Bob with a faint quiver in his voice.

"I would guess not! Don't worry, I'll try and get to your realm eventually to give you a proper world tree. It's struggling so much without one, but at least it's not dead yet. I'll try to bump it up on the list and get to it in the next hundred years or so."

The woman reached out and grabbed Aella, and everything went black. When she opened her eyes, she was on the floor of the library, looking up at Alfred.

"Are you all right? You don't normally teleport in and fall down like that."