Chapter 84 Chickenopolis?

"Did you touch it?" she asked, looking at her father, as he struggled to remain sitting upright.

"No, I did not. The ones who took me up there threatened to throw me out the window, but I laughed at them," he said, flexing his wings. "Whatever magic was keeping that thing contained, couldn't be good for me. Besides, I knew what the runes said."

She wanted to ask him all sorts of questions, but now wasn't the time. He could barely keep his head up. Once he had eaten and rested, she could question him further.

"Firion, take the boy and Tezra's family back. I'm done with them for now. Frederick, see to it that General Brimsey gets something to eat and a bed to rest in. Seifer, I need people to take to the north. There are dead bodies and miles of debris that needs cleaning. Send out a summons among all those who have flocked to the city. They will be paid a silver coin every day they work, and they will be fed a good meal at the end of each day. I will be ready to start taking them from the Great Hall, near the entrance in half an hour."

Turning from them all, Aella walked across the hall to the dining room. Edgar jumped up from where he was eating at the table, but she waved at him.

"I can get myself something. Keep eating. Goodness knows everyone needs a moment of calm at some point in the day."

He hesitantly sat back down as she proceeded into the kitchens. Everyone was crazy, rushing around and preparing food. No one seemed to know who she was as she made her way over to a platter lined with thin strips of meat and various cheeses.

"Hey! Those are for… Forgive me, Your Majesty!" cried a young girl as she went to smack Aella's hand, then noticed who she was. The green of her cheeks paled almost to a white, and Aella wondered if she was going to pass out. As her cry registered with everyone in the kitchen, all of the work came to a standstill as everyone was trying to process what they should do.

With a sigh, she popped a couple more piece of meat and cheese into her mouth, and teleported to the Great Hall. The front doors of the palace were open, and people were streaming through it as they went about their daily business. So many people were living in the palace at the moment, she wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. The sanctity of her palace was being lost. Because she didn't have any guards or attendants around her, most of those walking past her ignored her. The crown she wore hidden among the wild strands of hair that had grown since she last cut it.

Watching the crowd move past her, she wondered for a moment at the feeling of freedom that hit her. If she wanted to teleport far away, no one could stop her. If she opted to head out on foot, again, no one could stop her. There were no walls or door preventing her from heading out and doing whatever she wanted. No fights were scheduled, no obstacle courses arranged, no tests to prove her ability to survive. Strangely, she missed it.

Shaking her head, she kept her eyes peeled for those who were hungry for money. A small group was starting to form, on the other side of the hall. It was time to test her teleport ability. Before she could approach the crowd, a demon stepped up beside her.

"Your Majesty? My name is Ghalsdefin, and I have been the one in charge of the cleanup after the flood. I've sent groups of people north, to deal with the cleanup already, near the town that held the kingdom's stores of food. Would you like it if I took over this duty, for you? I can escort them to the north, and search for survivors as we go. New groups can be sent out each day, to help as needed, and to replace those who wish to return. You have far more important matters to deal with, than this."

She looked him up and down. He had muscles, but not a lot of them, and his black hair was partially covering his eyes.

"Alright, Ghalsdefin. I leave it up to you."

Aella returned to the throne room, a little disappointed that she wasn't going to be leading the people to the north.

"Your Majesty, the food shortage is starting to cause trouble down in the markets," said Seifer, reading one of the notes with difficulty. He held out the scroll for her to take.

Glancing at it quickly, she smiled. "I shall be back. I believe I may have a solution for that."

Teleporting outside the palace, she floated over the massive city, listening to the hustle and bustle of the people who had flocked to it for sanctuary after the flood. In the distance she could see the faintest tinge of green spreading out over the land, where the grass was perking up after the water from the day before. Then she heard what she was listening for. A rooster crowed below her.

Swooping down on the unsuspecting merchant, she landed to screams and shouts from the surprised people all around her.

"I want to buy all of your chickens," she said, motioning to the cages all around the old demon before her.

"All of them?" he asked, looking around. "Let me figure out a price."

She stood there, patiently waiting, as he counted each type of chicken and did the math out loud before finally turning to her with his final price.

Paying him an extra silver, she gathered up the many cages with a thin rope, then jumped into the air, trailing the many cages behind her. Once they were all up, in the air, she teleported, taking them all with her, to the treasury room. Loud squawking filled the small space, as she proceeded to release all of the chickens from their many cages. Feathers were flying, and chicken turds were falling, as the mimic appeared. Everything froze in the small room, as the mimic took everything in, and the chickens took in the sight of the mimic, with his oversized chicken head and feathered arms and legs. Then everything exploded. Feathers were flying, as the mimic tried to catch them, and they tried to dodge it.

Slipping around the majority of the chaos, Aella stepped into the chest with the chicken world and flew towards the barn that contained the food. She hadn't been gone for more than a couple of hours, and already there were chickens spread out all over the fields, tending the crops with little hoes and rakes. There were more buildings built, and she paused to make sure she was going into the right one. They were abusing things so bad, but if they could feed her kingdom, she would overlook it for now.

Swooping down into the underground caverns, she looked around. It had been expanded, and the tubes that the chickens dropped food into, were being funneled far away. On the wall, beside the stairs, there were magical bags hanging on hooks. Grabbing up several, she opened one next to each mountain of food, and watched as the food was sucked up into the bags. Each bag could only hold about half of the grain or food item, but it was far more than she was expecting. Picking up one of the bags, once food stopped flowing into it, she went to pick it up and started laughing. It was almost too heavy for her.

Teleporting to the throne room, she set the bag down, and went back to the treasury room. Most of the chickens were caught, but some were still screaming as the mimic chased them around. Each trip back through the treasury for more bags, saw fewer and fewer chickens, until her last trip found it empty. Entering the chicken world, she found the mimic standing in front of the chickens, discussing their new duties in Chickenopolis. Making a mental note to have him change that to something better, Aella grabbed the last bag and teleported to the throne room.

"Where did you get this?" asked Frederick, running his hand through the corn in one of the bags.

"I have found a source for these types of food items. Don't ask me from where, because I won't tell you. I need the bags back, once we have them emptied, so I can refill them. They are magical, and I will kill whoever loses one."

She glared at the servants who had come to take the bags, and they all bowed quickly. Watching as they struggled to lift one bag between two of them, she wondered at her own strength. Had unlocking her hero abilities and the bonuses from being king set her that far apart from everyone?