Chapter 87 Magical Teddy

"What do you mean by World Tree?" asked Aella, forgetting her soup was extra spicy and taking a large slurp. The burnt parts of her mouth started to blister immediately, but her automatic healing kicked in and the pain faded.

"Well," said Bridgette, going over to a stack of books and pulling out one from the bottom. Aella watched in amazement, astounded that the whole stack didn't fall.

Flipping through the book, she found what she was looking for.

"It says here, that most realms have a great tree, a World Tree, that is so huge, its roots go throughout the entire world. This tree is the guardian of the realm, and regulates which creatures live on the realm."

"Our realm doesn't have a tree," said Aella, remembering what the woman in Bob's bar had said.

"How did you know that?" asked Bridgette, looking up from her book.

"Someone told me," said Aella, motioning for her to continue reading from the book.

"Um, okay, well, it says here that our realm doesn't have a tree," she glanced up at Aella before continuing, "so, the realm created portals on the biggest chunk of land, to summon people through, in order to populate the realm. That's as far as the book goes, before swapping over to that blasted language. I've struggled with it forever!"

"Wait, so every race in the whole world, came from somewhere else?" asked Aella. "That means, the demon race, or gargoyle race, was probably the last race to arrive, and that's why we've struggled so much with trying to live here."

"So, how do we get a World Tree?" asked Felix, sitting next to Aella and eating the soup she had forgotten about.

"I don't know, that part of the book is written in the other language, probably," grumbled Bridgette.

"I think the world tree is planted by someone special," said Aella, thinking about the woman again. "Someone from some other realm."

"Assuming we get a World Tree, from this special person, what happens to us if it decides it doesn't like all of the fighting we're doing with the humans?" asked Felix.

Aella looked over at Bridgette, and saw the same level of horror she was feeling, reflected on her face. Jumping to her feet, she began to pace again.

"I need to find out about the heroes. Why do we have these powers? Did they come from the realm, or some god we don't know about anymore? And I need to get my people away from these humans, before they try to ruin our world, and possibly the entire realm. If they release that earth monster Rannaun mentioned, the realm itself may kill all of us off."

"Wait, he knew about the Living Mountain?!" exclaimed Bridgette. "How could you guys have found out about that? The church has it locked away, underneath the main Chapel, with spell chains keeping it asleep. If you guys try to wake it up, there's no telling how much damage that thing could cause!"

The panic in Bridgette's voice, had Aella glancing over at her, and she saw her looking around at the library, with its multitude of books, as if they were going to be the worst casualty.

"So, there is a monster the church still has contained. How can I neutralize it? I don't have another magical wall to cut it in half with."

"Don't even joke about this, Aella! The church is supposed to have it contained, and with the wall up, it will destroy the human side first, before coming around through the mountains, to bother with this side of the valley. In fact, it would probably head for the dwarves, after the humans were destroyed, because they're underground. You would have better luck asking the dwarves how to deal with it, than me. None of these books have mentioned it."

"So, that's why Bob wanted me to go to the dwarves!" muttered Aella. Bob was so smart!

"Who's Bob?" asked Felix.

"A great man, and an excellent bartender," said Aella, brushing her hands together. "I have several things to tend to, do you guys need anything?"

"Could you look for another bedroll? Every time I go to sleep in that one, I always end up under the desk," said Felix, pulling the green bedroll out from under the desk.

"I'll check," she said, taking the soft fabric and preparing herself for whatever she may face in the treasury. Would the mimic still be there, in all his feather finery?

Teleporting, she looked around the room with the chests, carefully. There wasn't a feather or drop of chicken crap anywhere. Heading over to the miscellaneous chest, she wondered what the world of the chickens had changed to, since she had been there last, but didn't want to get distracted. There was still a lot that needed to get done.

Stepping into the room, she looked around, and spied several blankets rolled up by a chest. Some of them promoted better sleep, and one even ensured no nightmares, but when she opened the chest, she stopped in her tracks. There was only a single stuffed animal inside. Reaching to pick it up, she realized what its magic was, and stopped. The four-legged, brown creature, would protect whoever slept with it, from bad dreams, negative effects, and predators. If she handled it too roughly, it might suspect she was a predator, and attack. Picking it up carefully, she decided it would be perfect for Felix.

Teleporting back, she held it out to him.

"What's this?" he asked, taking it and turning it over in his hands.

"A magical item for you to sleep with. It should keep nightmares away, and predators," said Aella, wincing as he continued to examine it. Would it think he was being too rough? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

"Thanks. That would be nice. I hate the dreams I've been having. Maybe this will help with my prophecies too."

"Alright, well, I need to go. If that's it, I'll check back on you guys later."

With one last glance at the stuffed animal, she teleported to the alley outside Bob's bar. The wall to her old house was all that was standing, when she looked around. The flood had come through and destroyed the whole town. The two buildings that had been Bob's bar, were ruined too. Judging from the carrion birds, pecking at exposed limbs, not a lot of people escaped, and she didn't see any survivors picking through the rubble. Shaking her head, she teleported back to the throne room.

"Seifer, I need the Heroes for a meeting. It's time we travel to the southern mountains and check on the people down there. I need to know if the troops are still holding up against the monsters after the human army overran them, and I need to see if there is a portal that the humans are summoning the monsters from, like they were in the north."

Seifer nodded, and hurried out of the throne room. Turning to Frederick she said, "I think it would be a good idea if you traveled south with us, so that we have a more 'demon-looking' representative when we meet with the elves."

Frederick smiled and said, "As you wish, my King. I was going to suggest one of us travel with you, so the heroes didn't freak everyone out as much."

She nodded. The thought that the survivors might be scared of more humans showing up hadn't occurred to her. Especially if they hadn't heard that the heroes were on their side yet. The heroes arrived minutes later.

"Edgar, after our meeting, I want a good meal. We will all be leaving afterwards, and I want to make sure no one is hungry on the trip."

The demon bowed and left the throne room, heading towards the kitchens. Aella turned to the Advisors.

"I will be leaving Seifer in command, and will be taking Frederick. I plan to return each evening, as I have been, whenever I am able. Make sure things continue as I have ordered, and if anything needs done, I am sure Seifer will be capable of handling it. Keep on top of the waterways and sewer construction."

Turning back to the Heroes, she motioned for them to follow her. She was going to have a proper meeting, in the Map Room, so they could see what she was talking about. Frederick followed, since she wanted him to go with them. Once they arrived, they all circled the table.

"We need to head south, and deal with the issues down there. A human army overran my forces, that were dealing with the monsters in the mountains. I have a strong suspicion that there's another portal, but I'm not sure who might be activating it. Once we've dealt with the portal, we need to continue south, through the mountains to the elven lands. They've taken some of the carvings detailing the history of the Heroes, and we need to find out as much about that, as possible."

"What's the rush, Aella? The church isn't going to cause any more troubles for us now that you have the wall up," said Josephine.

"You're wrong. One of the demons I had on my Advisory board, was a spy for the church. He spilled what he knew, which was a lot. Other than the obvious, there's spies everywhere and ways for the church to cause me a lot of trouble, he also told me about something Bridgette called the Living Mountain. Ring a bell?"

Alfred and Josephine both gasped, but Curt shook his head.

"There's no way they would use that thing. It would destroy them first. That must just be something they told the guy about to keep him in line," he said.

"Even if what you say is true, it gets worse. Felix told Bridgette of a prophesy he had, where the heroes would endure and find a new home. He also mentioned a World Tree. Our realm doesn't currently have one, which means if we ever get one, which I'm reasonably sure we will, it could decide to wipe the slate clean and kill us all."

"Wait, wait, wait. Back up a little, please. I don't understand half of what you're saying," said Frederick. "What is a World Tree, who is Bridgette and Felix, and what is a Living Mountain?"

"I'm kind of with the big guy," said Curt. "What's a World Tree?"