Chapter 91 When a Realm Wants Your Babies

"Bridgette!" hollered Aella, craning her neck as she looked around the library.

"You're back!" shouted Bridgette, running towards her with a book in her hands, then skidding to a stop as she sniffed the air. Her pupils dilated visibly, and she shoved the book into Alfred's hands as she fell to the ground, scrambling away from him.

"Tell her!" she struggled to say, as she disappeared back into the refuge of the library.

"I think I did something bad!" Aella cried, running up to Alfred.

"Let me think, the worst thing you could possibly do, would be fly over the entire city, dousing them with your pheromones. Is that it?"

"Yes! Everyone's going crazy! I had to leave my dad miles away from the army, because of how many people had followed me north of the city!"

She wanted to pace, but there wasn't room. Her mind kept going back to Frederick and Jogug in the throne room, and she had to shake her head to stay focused.

"Aella, the full moon will last for a month. You need to go to the northern mountains and camp out there until it's over. Drop me off at the throne room and then come back in half an hour. I'll have supplies for you, and I'll oversee everything until you return. It's going to be a mess," he said with a sigh.

She gaped at him.

"A whole month?!"

"It's for the best, unless you intend to find a mate and get pregnant? That would stop your raging issues." He motioned at her unkempt figure, and she glanced down at herself.

She couldn't think straight. The man before her was starting to look good. With a clenched fist, she grabbed his shirt sleeve and teleported to the throne room with him, just long enough to leave him there. He shoved the book in her arms before she left again.

Aella stood on the mountain, looking down at her kingdom, breathing the cool clean air, and trying to get herself under control. The book was almost forgotten in her hand, until she heard a noise behind her.

A mountain goat stood frozen, staring at her and waiting for her to prove herself dangerous.

"Are you attracted to my smell, too?" she asked it with disgust.

It gave a startled bleat and dashed away to safety, diving off the edge of a supposedly sheer cliff. Her surprise had her approach the edge, and look over, to see the goat already a long way off, running for all it was worth. Several others joined it, as it leaped over a small crag and continued on.

Sighing in frustration, she glanced down at the book. There wasn't enough light to read it, and making one, on this spot, would alert anyone around for miles, that she was here. Since she needed to avoid people, that didn't sound like a good idea. How the hell was she supposed to lead a kingdom, if she was too horny to function?!

Turning away from the cliff edge, she made her way down into the valley that lead to the portal. Until her father arrived with the troops he was to train, this area would be good for her to stay in. She would wait until dawn, then head out and find a cave or something to stay in until the full moon was over.

Glancing up at it, as it hung full and beautiful in the sky, a peace came over her and she smiled. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. She would be able to rest and rejuvenate, and be ready to head south to see the elves and dwarves. Maybe she would head northwest, to check to see if there were a place she could take her people to, if the humans did release that horrible mountain monster.

Pausing at the entrance to the tunnel Brian had lived in, she thought she heard voices. Could the church have sent someone so quickly?

Crouching, so as to make herself harder to be seen, she snuck closer to the room at the end of the tunnel.

"Do you smell that? Smells like something died!" complained someone in the room ahead.

"I don't know, it smells kind of musty, like that deer we took out last night."

Snarling, as her anger flared to rage, Aella charged into the room. The two men who were standing in there, looked up in alarm as she swung at the first one. He went flying back, hitting the wall and sliding down to slump on the floor. The second guy was able to duck under her swing, but she twirled and kicked his head. He went flying and sprawled on the floor next to his buddy. She stood there, panting, looking around for someone else to attack, but the room was empty.

Taking a breath, she shook herself, and managed to get herself to calm down a little. They were both dead, she didn't need to check to know that. Spying their bags, she pulled them open, and found supplies to last them a couple days. It was obvious they were here to stay, though. She glanced at them again, wondering if they were related to Brian. It was too late to ask. It was time to get the supplies from Alfred, but it might be a good idea to investigate the portal, first.

In the moonlight, the portal shone with the runes lit up.

"Hello, crowned King of the Gargoyles, and Hero of Air and Fire."

"Who are you?" she asked. The last time she never got a chance to respond when it greeted her.

"I am a manifestation of the power of the realm itself." The voice was neither male or female, loud nor quiet. In fact, she wasn't sure if it was out loud, or in her head.

"Wish you would answer some of my questions," she muttered, remembering what had been said about the realm liking her.

"What would you like to know?"

It was too good to pass up. She sat down right then and started asking questions.

"What is the purpose of the heroes? How can I be two at the same time? How do I protect my people from everything that's going on? What should I do about the human church? Why is this stupid moon causing me to lose my mind? What's up with that guy in the Spell Spire? How can the mimic raise the chickens into a thinking race? How is Bob's bar not in this realm? Is my dad really a good guy? Can I trust him? What about Alfred? Can I trust anyone? What was up with that time I visited Bob? What am I supposed to do with this fairy? Why is Jogug affected by my smell? How is the portal to the south summoning monsters? Are there other heroes? Why does the realm like me?"

There were so many other questions rattling around in her mind, but she needed to breathe.

"I cannot answer all of your questions, until I consult with the realm. The ones I can answer, are the ones that are about the realm. The power of the moon, on your people and yourself, was amplified in you because of your affinity with air as the Hero of Air. Once you gain more control of your hero abilities, you shall be able to control the spread of your pheromones. The realm brought your people here, in the hopes of populating the realm with more powerful beings, than what was already here, and by amplifying your reaction to the moon, it would ensure the procreation of your race."

"The what of my race?" she asked, confused. "I don't know that word."

"The reproduction of your people. You would multiply faster, if you were brought into a heightened sense of sexual activity."

"So, the moon affecting me so strongly is because the realm wanted more babies?" she asked, thinking that was a jerk move.

"Yes. Because the realm likes you specifically, it has decided to bless you with a rather potent form of this. Had you been exposed to the effects of the moon as you grew up, it would not be as severe on your mental abilities. That possibility was not foreseen."

"But why does the realm like me so much?" she asked.

"You are the first time a gargoyle has been born with two hero possibilities."

"Wait, so, because both my parents are heroes, and I am a gargoyle, the realm likes me? Why am I the first? Surely this has happened before?"

The voice was quiet for a moment, then it replied. "No, you are the first. The moment the heroes were announced, the human church claimed them, and began a breeding program to make all of the heroes mostly human."

"The heroes weren't always human?" she asked, shock flashing over her face.

"No, each race had their own hero. As to the main reasoning behind the heroes, I do not have that information."

She couldn't believe it. If her father descended from the gargoyle hero, then what were the others? She had to know more!

"What are the types of heroes? I know of air, water, fire, earth, light and dark. There are humans, gargoyles, elves and dwarves. What other creatures are there? Do the demons count as their own race, or are they tied with the gargoyles?"

"The demons arrived after the gargoyles and the realm did not give them a hero. I do not know what the other races in the realm are. I am sorry."