Chapter 93 Traveling Truths

Grabbing her stuff, Aella teleported out of the cave, high into the air. She must have slept some, because the sun was high in the sky. The beast that had chased her all this way, had clawed its way up the sheer cliff facing, leaving jagged marks in the rock. As she watched it fight its way out of the cave, she marveled at its silky white fur. This creature was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

But it was a danger, which meant she was wasting precious time while it was stuck in the entrance to the cave. Drawing her magical sword, she teleported right above it, and shoved the black blade into its back, hoping this thing had a heart in the same general location as demons.

It froze and gave a snort, before jerking itself out of the hole. She quickly teleported back into the sky, so it couldn't reach her as it turned towards her. The blade returned to her hand. Its long muzzle had sharp teeth poking out of its lips, but the look in its eyes shocked her. They weren't angry and hate-filled, as she had assumed from its roars, but were instead rather surprised and hurt. Taking a shaky step towards her, it slipped on the icy ledge and tumbled down, landing far below her at the base of the cliff. It didn't move again.

"It was coming to kill me, or worse," she told herself, putting the blade away. After a moment of hesitation, she flew down to the carcass and began skinning it. The hide was thick and would protect her if a blizzard blew up. The entire time she was working on getting the hide loose, she was struggling with the unfamiliar urge to apologize. It was closer to a wolf, than a bear, she decided, as she rolled the hide up and tied it with a string from her pouch. She had fought both, while in the pits. The counselors didn't throw any more animals at her, after that. She killed them too easily.

Leaving the skinned carcass for something else to eat, she flew back into the sky. She had a long way to go, and plenty of time to explore. Avoiding the area south of the mountains, she opted to continue along the northern edge of them. Finding something to kill, in order to eat it, was really easy from the sky. The goats could see her coming, but she was able to teleport.

Whatever issues she had with fainting, seemed to be gone. Maybe being away from the guys was causing her issues to calm down. She didn't know, but as soon as the full moon was gone, she was ready to get back into the swing of things. As the sun began to sink on the horizon, and the moon began to rise, she could feel herself starting to get crazy again. Why would it get worse at night? Stupid body.

Finding a cave was harder. There weren't a lot of them to peruse, so she settled for a depression under an overhang. The wind was howling through there, which was probably why there was a depression, but it didn't bother her. She enjoyed its fierce caresses.

Unrolling the hide, she had with her all day, she used rocks to hold it down and began scrapping it. It would be soft to sleep on, once she had it cured. The wind would dry it out quickly, so she left it as she lay down to grab some sleep. A noise in the night woke her, and she found small lizards trying to grab a bite of her hide.

Forming a ball of fire on her hand, they fled from the light. Aella checked the damage, and saw it was negligible. The rest of the night, she worked on creating different colors of fire in the dark. The hotter she made it, the closer to white it would get. She had always thought red was a hot color, but the fire was teaching her otherwise. The blue was her favorite color in the flame, and the fire didn't seem to mind that at all. It took more energy though, and she ended up laying back down for a couple more hours of sleep.

As the sun rose on her third day of the full moon, Aella went to roll the hide up, and found it stiff as a board. Sitting down, she took one of the rocks and began to beat the stiff hide, to make it supple again. If this was what she was supposed to do, she didn't know, but it was working for her. It took her all morning to work the hide until it would roll up again. Some of the white fur along the edges came off, but she decided it would be alright. Tying it back with the string again, she finally flew out of her temporary home, and began to head west again. The rocks were becoming sharper on the mountains, with fewer rounded edges. It looked like they may have been rounded at one point, but something had come through and caused massive rockslides, knocking the rounded points away and leaving the sharp edges.

Flying to investigate one of them, she found it wasn't really sharp, so that meant it wasn't recent. The wind had dulled the edges.

In the distance, to the north of her, she could see clouds building as the sun began to sink. There would be a storm soon. With the last couple hours of daylight, she flew around looking for a cave that would protect her from the storm. Underneath another overhang, she found a cave, but as she investigated it, a thick musky smell hit her nose. The owner of the stench was fast asleep in the very back of the cave. After a moment of thought, she killed the great bear, and pushed it near the entrance, to block the icy blasts of wind that preceded the coming storm. She didn't mind the wind, and the fire in her veins warmed her, but the cold was growing more than she cared to withstand. It was easier this way, to sleep comfortably, and wait out the storm here.

When the sun was supposed to rise the next morning, Aella found the sky overcast and dark. Snow and ice had fallen overnight, and it looked as though more might join it. Eating more of the goat meat she had left, she decided to work on the white hide some more, to make the stiff edges softer.

When she was tired from pounding the stiff hide with a rock, she lay in it a while and listened to the music of the wind as it howled outside. She could see her breath in the dim light of the small fire she had burning, so she decided to gather more material for it.

Teleporting back to the valley with the portal, she saw that the storm reached this far, but wasn't as severe down in the valley bottom. Gathering an armful of wood, she teleported back, and soon had a nice fire warming the small cave. Laying back down on the hide, she played with the smoke, guiding it out into the gale, and making shapes in it.

The storm blew itself out by the next morning. She tried to remember what day it was, and sighed. Taking a piece of rope, she decided to tie a knot into it for each day she had been gone. When she was done, she found it had been 5 days already. Gathering up her hide, she glanced at the dead bear, wondering if she should do something with it. It was frozen solid, after the storm. This would be a good spot to come back to, each night, so she decided to leave it. If she needed something to eat, the bear meat would still be good.

Teleporting back to the sky above the mountains, she looked towards the west, and saw what looked like large lumps sticking out of the ground. A layer of snow covered everything, but the lumps drew her attention. With a shrug, she teleported as close as she could to them and flew down to investigate. Using the wind to blow the snow away, Aella found herself surrounded by piles of giant bones.

Flying closer, she saw that they were all mammoth bones. With a sinking feeling, she realized she hadn't seen any mammoth's the entire time she had been traveling. Was it because the griffons had eaten them all? Gazing at the bones, she could only shake her head at the death they represented. Their meat had fed her people until they could get back on their feet. She hadn't killed them all, so she couldn't feel bad about them. Remembering where the bones lay, in case she ever had need of them again, she continued west.

The sun was starting to sink, and she was starting to think about teleporting back to the bear cave, when she spied something in a valley ahead. It was the ruins of a village. As she drew closer, she recognized some of the architect as being that of her people. There wasn't much left, as most of the walls were fallen, or crumbled, only a few dozen buildings could be seen.

As Aella landed, to investigate closer, she sighed when she found the graveyard. Whoever had fled here, didn't survive. The winters were harsh, as she had already guessed, and they all died. If she was going to find a place to take her people away from the humans, this was proof that it couldn't be north of the mountains.