Chapter 105 Cause and Effect

"Because Aella sent Alfred to deal with the humans, they've decided they would rather stay here, on this side of the wall, and not return to the church," Destov was saying to Varnin as Aella teleported into the throne room after delivering the bag of chickens.

"That's good to hear, when will Alfred be back?" she asked, resting her arm on the throne.

"His report said he was going to take the full month you gave him, to round up all of the humans and help them start a new town," said Destov.

"Alright. Let's grab some breakfast before everyone starts showing up," she said, heading for the door.

Stepping into the hall, she saw a group of people heading her way.

"Tell Edgar I'll need a plate brought to the throne room," she said to Varnin, turning back.

The demons streamed into the throne room, carrying all sorts of equipment with them.

"Your Majesty, we brought our assistants with us, as you requested," said one of the Master Builders.

"Tell me your names, Master Builders," she said, eyeing them all.

"I am Zack, the Head Master Builder, and these are Rafferty, Brody, and Isaac," said the first demon, stepping forward and bowing.

"Alright, step forward, so I can take you to the location I want to discuss," she said motioning to them.

They moved forward, hesitantly. Reaching out a hand, she waved for them to hurry, and they all held out their hands to hers. Sighing in exasperation, she grabbed their hands and teleported them all to the middle of the field where Stella had brought her. They all jumped back when she let go of them, gasping and exclaiming in surprise.

"What is this?" cried one.

"We are in the middle of a new land that has been untouched by any other people. This is the location where I want my new kingdom. The four of you are going to begin today, to build it. I will bring over your assistants and you will begin. Make a list of everything they need, because I will only allow one for each of you to return for those items. After two days, you will have available a list of materials, a rough plan, and a number of people you will need to begin this monumental feat."

They could only stare at her in shock and horror. The sun had yet to rise here, being so far away from their homes. Since none spoke up immediately, she continued.

"You will remain here, until everything is complete. Make sure you write notes to your families, and I will see to it they are brought out here when you are ready for them. I suggest the first thing you build be a house to live in and base out of."

"Your Majesty, this is…" Zack couldn't finish his thought, just shook his purple head in disbelief.

"I suggest you make use of every moment you are here, and don't let anyone waste time. I want this city done by spring. Every day I will be bringing more people and supplies. Choose one of each of your assistants to handle things on the other side, and I will pass notes back and forth for you."

"By spring of this year?" whispered Brody, looking at the other Master Builder's as if he hadn't heard correctly.

"I suggest you all get a better mindset," she growled, getting all of their attentions quickly. "Blood is acceptable. Sweat is acceptable. Puking is acceptable. Crawling is acceptable. Falling is acceptable. Pain is acceptable. Quitting is not. You will get this done. Strength doesn't come for what you can do. It comes from overcoming what you thought you couldn't. This city will be done. You have the time. The winter chill hasn't settling into the ground here yet."

They all gave themselves a shake as they looked around again.

"The land is relatively flat, so there won't be much need for digging," said Zack, getting them moving.

"We should find a source of water first. The new city will need that. We can implement it into an underground water source," said Isaac.

"A sewer system should be implemented before we start building the buildings and streets. If the pipes are placed under the streets, we can access them in order to make repairs easily," said Rafferty.

"If we make the sewer tunnels big enough, it will also handle any yearly flooding that might occur in this area," added Brody.

"Good. I'll fetch your assistants," nodded Aella, teleporting back to the throne room.

The other demons were standing there uncomfortably, wondering what she had done with their bosses. When she appeared, they looked around expecting to see the Master Builders returning as well.

"Come, I will take you to them," she said, holding out her hand again.

All twenty of them rushed forward, and she stepped back laughing.

"I can only take four of you at a time," she chuckled, grabbing four arms and teleporting them a few feet away from the Master Builders.

Leaving them standing there confused, she made 4 more trips, arriving a few feet away from the last site each time. Once they were all there, she headed over to the Master Builders where they had their assistants setting up a folding table and were already pulling out other equipment and papers to write on.

"We will need a few hours, Your Majesty, to get our list together. We will try to have it ready by the time you return," said Zack.

"I have the supplies from where they were repairing the sewers being brought to the castle today. Have a location picked out, and I will start bringing that over as well," said Aella, looking around.

The breeze felt so clean and free here. She couldn't wait until this was over.

Returning to the throne room, she sat on the throne and took the plate Edgar had for her. There were little sausages and tiny boiled eggs along with biscuits covered in gravy. No sooner had she taken a bite, when another demon rushed into the throne room out of breath.

"Your Majesty?" he asked, pausing to catch his breath. "I was told to inform you that the materials from the sewers are being brought into the front hall? There's quite a commotion!"

"Wonderful. I was expecting it to be later in the day before they arrived. Let's go take a look, shall we? What was your name again?" she asked, standing up with her plate of food and heading towards him.

He looked at her and then back at Edgar in confusion, as he answered, "My name's Andrew, Your Majesty."

"And what job do you normally have, Andrew?" she asked, taking a bite of one of the tiny eggs.

"I… I don't have one, Your Majesty," he stammered, looking panicked at her question.

"Then I may have a perfect one for you, come along."

He followed her, glancing at Edgar who followed close behind her with her mug of hot tea. As they arrived at the front hall, Aella looked over the growing pile of materials, then turned to Andrew. "In order to move this to the new location, it cannot be more than I can pick up. Your job will be making sure they don't make the piles of things more than that."

"But, Your Majesty, how much can you pick up?" he asked, looking panicked as he looked over the heavy stacks that were already growing immense.

Glancing back at the long line of workers hauling things into the palace, she shook her head. There was no way there would be room for all of that if she insisted on it being in piles she could move.

"Who's in charge here?" she asked out loud.

Xathtak stepped forward and bowed. "I have been overseeing everything this morning, Your Majesty."

"Andrew, is going to take over here in the front hall," she said, turning to the horrified demon beside her. "Fill him in on what he needs to know, and make sure everything fits. I won't be starting to move things for another couple hours, and people need to be able to get through in that time. Make sure the workers don't go anywhere, as I will start taking them over in batches of 4 in half an hour. Be sure they are aware they will not be coming back, so they need to get sleeping rolls, some food from the kitchens, and whatever else they may need to stay working hard. Workers who go will be paid double pay, as long as they stay working. If they have family that needs to go, be sure they get them ready as well."

"Are you sure you're ready for so many to be moved over already?" asked Xathtak.

"If they aren't ready for them, the Master Builders can find something for them to do. There's no where for them to go to. And if they are there, then they can do something. Do we have enough shovels? I hear there's going to be a lot of digging needed."