Chapter 125 Planning Committee

"We need to move everyone, because when we're done, I expect the palace to explode, killing anyone who's left."

They all stared at her for a moment in shocked silence, except Firion, who was still eating as if she hadn't said anything at all.

"Why do you think that?" asked General Brimsey, clearing his throat when it squeaked.

"In the basement of the palace are several rooms of magical crystals. I know from experience that when you break one, it can cause a huge explosion, and I don't want any of the humans getting their hands on them," she said, noting Alfred and Rupert nodding to themselves very seriously.

"So, you plan to blow up the city, when we're done moving?" asked Seifer, looking confused. "But why? That doesn't explain why we're moving in the first place!"

"The demon city we are currently in has been allowed to rot out from under us all these years. The humans have set traps and ways to destroy the city at a moment's notice. As long as we remain here, there will always be tension between us and the human church. If we move to the new city, not only is there untouched land for our people to spread over and claim, we shall never have to worry about that threat ever again."

"So, the primary reason we're moving everyone is because of the humans?" asked Frederik.

"Yes. Everything I have done, since becoming King has been in direct response to what the church has already done to our people. There is no guarantee that once I overcome the challenges that have been left to me in this current city, that the church won't have spies reappear and do more damage. The people are dying! The west coast, which should be able to produce enough food for the entire kingdom has just now become available to us, and all of the farmland has been destroyed."

They all looked back and forth at each other.

"So, why are you blowing up the palace again?" asked Kieran.

"There are demons that have been placed in magical prisons within the palace. The only way to free them is by removing magic temporarily, and I'm pretty sure that will cause a chain reaction. I want everyone moved before I free them, to make sure that no one is harmed."

"How important are these people that you are willing to move an entire kingdom's worth of people?" exclaimed Rupert with a shocked expression.

Aella thought about that while they all looked at her. Was saving the old king worth all of the effort she was going through.

"Anyone who refuses to go over to the new city will be dead. The explosion from the palace will knock down the wall that separates the two kingdoms. I do not want the humans getting their hands on the magical crystals. They are far too powerful to be left for the church to find," she said.

"You're forgetting another benefit to blowing up all of the crystals," said Alfred, as everyone turned to look at him. "All of the magic in the land has dried up. What people used to be able to do magically before, has all but disappeared. Soon even the heroes will start having troubles controlling their magical abilities. By blowing up the crystals, which have been storing magic within themselves for thousands of years, she will be releasing all of that magic back into the world. This area will probably be too magical for anyone to survive for quite some time, but I think that's a good thing."

Aella hadn't thought of that, but she nodded along. Everyone seemed to mull it over and come to the conclusion she was right.

"Besides," said Zack, the Head Builder, "we're already this far along. It would be disastrous to try and stop construction and moving now."

Aella stood up, getting all of their attentions. "Okay, now that we've addressed why we're doing this, it's time to determine the major issues I'm struggling with. With everyone piling into the city, it's becoming harder and harder to tend to all of them. The construction at the new city is taking too long for everyone to get housing, and it's causing people to get sick and die. I need help staying on top of things, so I don't forget anyone or anything."

"Your Majesty," said Zack with a smile. "Rupert and I came up with something while you were busy yesterday, that we haven't had a chance to tell you about."

Judging by the smiles that lit up several people's faces, Aella was curious to know what he was talking about.

"I hope it's something good," she said.

"It is!" said Zack.

"I have started building homes stacked on top of each other, like you had described to the builders," said Rupert. "Only instead of using the wood, like you had wanted, I started using rock. It's sturdier, I can build them much faster, and if the people start fires, they won't burn the rest of the buildings down."

Aella gaped at him, wondering why she hadn't noticed. Had she really been that tired when she gathered everyone together? Thinking about it, she did recall seeing large buildings in the dark.

"That's fantastic! How high are you stacking them?"

"We decided to only go three homes high, so people wouldn't have so many stairs to climb. There's no furniture in them, but they are ready for people to start moving into," said Zack.

"I'll get the noble in charge of the people in the warehouses busy getting them assigned," said Frederik.

"That saves all the wood for furniture and tools," said Aella, thoughtfully. "That's great."

"The fields for the farmers will need to be protected, and we're going to have to move animals over, as well," said Seifer. "Frederik was telling me about the dinosaurs that caused the damage and deaths from before. I know that there are several demons that approached me yesterday about their animals."

"I can build a moat around the farm lands, instead of a wall?" asked Rupert.

"No, I think walls are the best," said Aella. "Winds rushing through the area can be pretty dangerous and strong. I don't mind, personally, but it will be very difficult for farmers and animals to do whatever they do in the high winds."

"Fair enough," said Rupert, with a shrug.

"You moved all of the food for the whole city to the new city the other day, and all of the soup kitchens are starting to run out of food. How long do you think it will take to get everyone moved over?" asked Seifer.

Aella sighed. "I need to focus exclusively in bringing everyone over for the next couple of days or weeks, coming here to get sleep, and then going back to it. Do you guys think you could focus on helping out? I don't know how fast you can get the buildings built?"

"Well, we're going to need business and the nobles moved," said Seifer, scratching his head. "But the common people need to be moved where the food is."

"The weather is much nicer in the new city, too. They can all sleep on the ground until we get homes made for them," said Frederik.

"Don't forget the humans will be needing tools and supplies to build their homes," said Alfred. "They're probably fine for a few days, with what you brought over already, but we can't forget them."

"You need to send the woodworkers out to cut more trees in the mornings, then they can spend the next couple days cutting the wood up for whatever needs we have. You haven't spotted a location for ore, yet. Have you?" asked Frederik.

"No, I haven't had a time to really scout out and around. Has anyone heard from the demons sent up to the ore mines?" asked Aella turning to her advisors.

"Nothing has been heard from them since they left, Your Majesty," said Varnin.

"We can probably send out people to start scouting for new mine sites," said Frederik.

"Once I get everyone in the city moved, I can check on them. It wouldn't hurt for me to get some of the demons that can fly to come with me, scouting the land for any stragglers or people who didn't get the word of being summoned to the city," said Aella.

"That wouldn't be bad," said General Brimsey. "I can start going through the demons who have wings to see who has the best stamina in flying. Do you plan to bring Frederik with you?"

She glanced over at her regent. "I believe so. Seifer should be over in the new city and capable of staying on top of everything while I'm gone."

They all nodded and she turned to the rest of the table.

"Does anyone have anything else to bring up?"

"I want a formal fighting arena set up," said Firion. "The people have to have some form of enjoyment they are used to, and it gives them something to think about other than trying to survive from one day to another."

Aella sighed. She hated the idea of the arena. It reminded her too much of the pits. Firion had a point though. There did need to be something for the people to do that they saw as enjoyable. The more she thought about it, the more an idea began to form in her head.

"I'll think about it," she said, wanting to play around with the idea a bit more before committing to it.