Chapter 127 Misunderstanding or Not?

The people were mostly scared, confused, and annoyed as Aella teleported them to the new city. The people working to make the transition as smooth as possible, were getting really good at moving people into position for her to grab them and go. She was starting to figure out how to move five and six people, depending on how much stuff they carried.

The assassins would move people into long rows, bunched in groups of four or five, and she would teleport them all in sequence, so fast, the people didn't even have to move. The people in the new city, who were moving people out of the way, had a long row of places for her to teleport to, so the people didn't have to be moved quite so fast. The only problem she had, was after a couple of hours, she was starting to get dizzy.

Taking a break from moving people, Aella started teleporting around the city, moving the soup kitchens over. With her moving so many over to the new city, the soup kitchens were needed over there more than they were over in the old city.

Not everyone was apprehensive. As she finished with the last soup kitchen, a man walked up to her, waving at her to not leave.

"Are you really the King?" he panted, trying to catch his breath in the cold air.

"I am," she said, giving him a nod.

"My daughter wanted you to have this," he said, holding out a scrap of fabric.

Aella took it, unfolding it to see it was a red scarf that matched the red of her outfit.

"Tell your daughter thank you," began Aella, but stopped as he shook his head.

"I would if I could, but she passed away just this morning," he said with a shaky voice. "If you get a moment, could you start moving the people in my section of the city? We have no food, no heat, and the people are dying there. I've tried to ask the nobles and the city guards for help, but they all tell me to take my people to the warehouse district to get moved. I can't move them. The cold would kill them before they could get there."

"Take me to your people," she said, angry at the oversight.

She hadn't thought about those who couldn't be moved in the cold. She did tell the assassins to carry those who couldn't make it, and there were plenty who had been carried. How many had died because she had made that order?

The demon took her back to the nastiest section of the poor section of town. These demons had been shoved in here, when they arrived to the town last week from their village to the west, and then forgotten. They kept waiting for someone to tell them what to do, but it seemed they had been forgotten.

Wrapping the scarf around her arm, above her elbow, she moved everyone that she could find, making sure those in the new city were aware of their frail conditions. They all seemed very warm towards her, when they saw the scarf tied to her arm, which is why she was so confused when she teleported back to the warehouse district, and the people there started screaming and trying to run away from her.

Firion appeared next to her, having run up behind her, and ripped the scarf off her arm.

"It would be best if you don't wear this," he said, throwing it to the ground and stomping on it.

"What do you mean?" she asked, furious that he had ruined it. "That was a gift from a little girl that died this morning!"

Firion sighed. "Did you move those in the poor section just now?"

"Yes? You knew about them and did nothing?" she cried, starting to get angrier.

"Aella, they were there because they were known for eating their children! That scarf signified that you also were willing to eat the young."

"Oh," she said, all of her anger at him gone in an instant. "Why were they allowed to live, if they were known for that?"

"We couldn't prove they killed their children before they ate them. I haven't had time to properly investigate how the children died, since they ate them almost before their bodies were cold. And if you start on me about them not having food, that's a lie. I personally delivered them plenty of food."

She turned with a stone face of fury, and sent a stream of fire at the scarf on the ground. She could feel the people around her, watching as she burnt it to a crisp, then teleported to the new city, and flew into the air.

A group of those she had just brought over, were huddled around each other, chatting quickly about something. She saw one of them glance over at a young couple with two small children, and she teleported beside them, blocking his view of the children. He blanched in fear at the look on her face, and the others turned to see what had startled him.

"Your Majesty? What is wrong?" asked the demon she spoke to, who had given her the red scarf.

"You lied to me," she growled.

"I did not lie to you. My daughter did want you to have the scarf, and she did die this morning," he said, his words having a ring of truth that she could hear in them.

"You misled me," she snarled.

He swallowed and held up his hands, as the people around them started to gather to see what was going on.

"Your Majesty, please listen, I did not mean to mislead you. I merely gave you the scarf. You were the one who put it on your arm."

"You did not tell me what it symbolized!" she snarled, both her hands turning into balls of fire as she clenched them into fists.

The demon dropped his hands and looked at her with horror in his eyes. "You would kill us, just like everyone else, just for what we believe?"

"No, I am not going to kill you," she said, softly. "You are to gather your people together and leave my city. This land is wild and unexplored. You will be able to find many places to build a new village, but I will not have those who eat children living among my own people. If I ever find you in my city again, you better have a really good reason for it!"

He nodded quickly, and turned to gather his people up before she changed her mind. Turning to one of the guards who had shown up to see what was going on, she said, "Make sure to escort them out. They are to get no additional supplies. I do not want them hurt by any of the onlookers, but they will get no help either."

The guard bowed, turning to yell at some of the other nearby guards, and she teleported back to the old city still shaking her hands.

"What did you do?" asked one of the onlookers, curiously. All those who had screamed and run away were back, looking at her curiously.

"All those who think it alright to eat the flesh of demons or men, will not be allowed in my city. I will not kill those who have a different viewpoint than me, because I don't know if they actually killed their children or not, but I do not have to allow them sanctuary in my city."

The people seemed relieved to hear that they would not be in the city when they got there, but many believed she should have killed them. Aella returned to moving the people, thinking about what had happened. Could she have handled it differently? What if there were worse things people did? Would she kill or exile them, too?

Deciding she would have to wait and see what happened, she turned her focus back to moving people. There were so many to move, she wasn't sure how long it would take her.

Sometime after dark, she had just finished the last of the people brought to her in the old city, when Alfred approached her in the new one.

"Aella, I have a question."

"What is it, Alfred?" she asked, thinking about grabbing several hours of sleep in the chicken world before continuing.

"Could I get some sleep in that other place, so I can keep working without losing time here? I think it would be a really good idea if someone kept an eye on those demons you exiled earlier today. They had several small children with them, that I'm concerned about."

"I can do that," she said with a nod, teleporting them both into the treasury.

Before he stepped into the chest, a thought occurred to her.

"Wait. I want to show you something," Aella said, turning to the fake walls around them.

Alfred waited as she stepped behind them, and started checking out the chests. When she found the one that had the magical weapons, she pulled him with her into the chest.

"What is this place?" he asked, turning until he spotted the sword in the stone.

Aella watched as a strange look came over him, and he seemed to appear next to it. He reached out to take the sword by its handle, and there was a bright flash of light. Shielding her eyes, Aella struggled to see what had happened.

"It's talking to me in my head!" he exclaimed in wonder.