Chapter 130 The People Have Spoken

"Alright, let's get down to business," said Aella, moving over to the meeting table, where the scratches she had made into the table looked old and worn.

It took several minutes for everyone to get situated, and then she jumped up onto the table with a laugh.

"I've finished moving all of the people in the old city to the new city! Isn't that great!" she laughed, throwing her arms wide in glee.

"That's fantastic!"


"But, what about the palace?" asked Bridgette, once everyone had calmed down and Aella had jumped back down to sit.

"I plan to get started with that as soon as we get back. Your library has already been built, but I have all of the humans living in it at the moment. Rupert, how busy are you?" asked Aella.

"I'm still making buildings, but I could definitely do with a change of scenery if you need me to make buildings over in the human town," he replied with a grin. "I might find someone who catches my eye."

"It would be nice if the people over there had homes to move into," said Alfred, with a nod. "That would let them start getting their lives back."

"What about all of the fencing and farm separating you were going to do?" asked Aella.

"I did a lot of combinations between walls and ditches, to separate things out at the beginning of the week. It only took me about a day to finish, as fences and ditches are much quicker and less complex than buildings and houses."

"The farmers and ranchers were very happy to have a place for their animals, and to start preparing the land for crops next year. There was a lot of talk among them of getting wood from the woodcutters to start building houses and barns while the weather was so mild," said Orolon."

"I've been taking them back and forth, and moving the trees they've felled each day. They should have plenty to keep them busy for a long time," said Aella, thinking of the massive pile of logs she had moved in the past week.

"I do have some concerns about how the sewers work," said Xathtak, turning to Rupert. "Where does all of the sewage go? We're not near a river to wash it all away."

"There's several underground rivers that I'm using to keep everything flushed clean. The main one, that the waste goes into, heads straight to the ocean, so there shouldn't be a problem with it contaminating anything. We will need to keep an eye on things when it rains, though. I don't know how bad this land floods every year. I may need to form more drainage ditches in the future," explained Rupert.

"That makes more sense," nodded Xathtak. "So, the water does come from a river, just one underground."

"Yes, and it should all be good for drinking, too. I made several watering troughs for the animals to have water, as well," he said, turning to Aella.

"That's good. I hadn't thought of that. Have you heard anything from the flyers?" Aella asked, turning to Varnin.

"Which ones?" she asked. "The ones sent to scout the area should be back tomorrow to share what they've found before heading back out to scout in a different direction. The ones that you wanted to go out searching for people across the kingdom, haven't returned as far as I know."

"I may need to check on that," said Aella, thoughtfully. If they had met up with any people who hadn't made it to the city, they might not have been able to get them there before she was done.

"I suggest you let Alfred and another group of flyers go with you," said Varnin.

"Why? They can't help me teleport people," said Aella, confused.

"They could spread out and would make searching old villages and homes faster," said Frederik. "There's a lot of land to cover."

"Especially if you still plan to head south in a couple weeks," added Alfred. "I think it's a good idea to let others help when they can."

She nodded hesitantly. It was hard to let others help when it was just so much easier to do things herself. "Tell me about the city. How has everyone been settling in?"

"There's still a shortage of housing overall, but I think it's going well. There's plenty of empty houses for people to be moved into, so it shouldn't be a problem for Rupert to go over to the human city for a day or two," said Destov. "The soup kitchens are busy from sun up to sun down, as trade hasn't really started back up. Several groups have left to found their own towns, and the hope is that they will bring goods back to the city to sell. A few people have opened their shops, but there's a distinct lack of materials and goods for them to buy in order to produce anything to sell.

"The other nobles have been struggling to keep up with everything in their districts, but I feel that will calm down a lot once we have everyone housed and trade starts back up. When do you think you might start moving the noble houses again?" Destov asked.

"I plan to have everything in the palace moved by tomorrow night, except for a few things that will have to wait. Then I want a group ready to go with me, including Alfred, Frederik, and General Brimsey, so we can start searching the rest of the kingdom for any stragglers. Once the palace goes, anyone who is left will be killed by the blast. Once we are done searching for people, I think I will move the houses and anything else that may be of value to the new city. I need a place to put things that don't necessarily go into the city."

"There's an unused field to the north of town, that would work, Your Majesty," said Ernun.

"Then it may be more than two weeks before you head to the other races?" asked Alfred.

"Seeing to the other things in my kingdom trumps seeing the other races. I want to learn more about the heroes than what has been taught for the past couple thousand years, but my first priority is to my people. We'll see how long it takes for us to get everything done, before we can go to see the elves and the dwarves."

Alfred and several of the others nodded.

"Is there anything else to discuss?" she asked, looking around the room.

"Will there be a barracks?" asked General Brimsey. "I know that the wall has rooms all around the city, but I was wondering if there would be a central location for the people to train and spar?"

"I think I want them to spar and train near my castle in the middle. By having the troops and guards stationed all around the city, it will take the same amount of time to report to any problems for every district," said Aella.

"The inner wall also has rooms and passages if you wanted to station some people there, too," said Rupert.

"That's good to know," said General Brimsey with a nod.

"Other than the dungeons under the new palace… err, castle, will there be a prison?" asked Ernun. "The dungeons are getting a little full of demons who are only causing minor trouble, and I would like to have a place to put them that's a little more obvious to everyone, to try and keep small troublemakers from causing problems."

"Well, there can be some open-air cages, suspended around the town? Put people there as punishment for a time based on how much trouble they've caused. Post guards to make sure that no one tries to free them. That should help. I want the dungeons for those who cause more serious crimes," said Aella.

"That's more of what I was thinking. I'll get some people on that as soon as I get back," he said with a nod.

"Your Majesty, in the old kingdom there were whole towns dedicated to recycling trash that was collected around the city, but we don't have that here," said Xathtak. "Do you want me to start small trash centers in each district to deal with the trash for that specific district?"

"Yes. Have each noble be in charge of overseeing it. If any fall behind and their district starts to look bad, I want to have it where the people can choose to move to another district, where the noble is doing a better job. That way, if each noble wants to stay a noble, they have to work at it," said Aella.

"How exactly will that effect the noble?" asked Ernun, confused.

"I'm going to allow each noble to tax the people in his or her own district, and then pass on a portion of that tax to me. For keeping their districts nice, they will become richer, but only if they can make it where the people want to stay."

"Won't that cause a problem with all of the money being hoarded?" asked Destov.

"No, because each noble will also have to pay for any problems that arise in their district out of that tax. If they need buildings built or roads repaired, they will have to pay for those. Also, when I decide there will be a city-wide celebration, each noble will get an opportunity to show off with decorations and food in their districts," she said with a grin. These were some ideas that she had gotten, talking to the people over the past week. It was amazing, and kind of disturbing, what some of the ideas had been.