Chapter 133 Annoying Decisions

"You won't take us alive!" cried a demon from the back of the house.

"Why in the world not?" asked Aella, dumbfounded. "Haven't you heard that this entire area is going to be destroyed?"

"Lies!" cried the same demon.

Aella sighed and darted into the room, ducking under the scythe the demon swung at her. Frowning in anger, she grabbed the demon's leg and jerked him off his feet. The demoness with the child stood in the back, cowering from her. He landed hard on his back, with a whoosh of air, then lay there gasping for breath as she kicked the weapon away.

"Don't be stupid. I don't know who told you it was a lie, but I can assure you, that if you don't leave, you will die," growled Aella.

"We have struggled too hard to make this our home, to just abandon it," said the other demon, behind her.

Aella turned so he couldn't attack her from behind, and put her hands on her hips.

"It is a daily struggle for everyone to survive every day. It is no different from all of you. It is an order from the King that you are moved to the new city, and from there, if you wish to leave and form a new town, you will be given supplies to aid you in doing so," she said.

"With a new baby, in the middle of winter?! Are you insane?!" cried the demon as he entered the room. "We put a ton of effort into building this town, and scraping together to survive. No king has ever helped us before, in anything, though he has demanded that we start paying him, for some reason. Now he wants us to leave our only home, travel across the countryside to some strange new land, without any warning, in the middle of the coldest winter we've had in years?! I think not!"

Aella sighed again. Maybe she could think of something to convince them, without just teleporting them forcefully?

"What if your town could be moved?" she asked.

"What kind of nonsense is that?" asked the demon on the floor, as he got his breath back and pulled himself up of the ground.

"What if your town, that you've worked so hard to build, could be moved to a new spot in the new lands? I could move all of the buildings that you've got here, if you would be willing?"

"That's a load of nonsense. Only the king would have the ability to do that, and he's off running the country in some other land now. Why don't you just leave us in peace?" growled the demoness in the back.

"Because I was sent by the King to bring you to the new city," said Aella, trying hard to be patient.

"I've told you already, we're not interested in going. So, you can see yourself out," growled the demon in the doorway.

"Why don't you want to go?" she asked, confused by their attitude. "Life in the new city may be a bit crowded at the moment, but everyone is getting a free home and free food while things are in transit. Plus, all of the tools and supplies to build a new town would be provided to you when you were ready to leave. This entire area is going to be destroyed, and everyone who is still here will die!"

"Don't you get it, you idiot," growled the demon that had just stood up. "We don't want to go! It doesn't matter why!"

"It does matter," said Aella, her voice dropping and becoming even softer. She was starting to get upset. It was about to not matter why and they were going to be sent anyway. Aella knew it was important that she learn to be more polite and understanding of her people, but when they were this rude, she wanted nothing more than to rip their heads off.

"We don't believe the same things that others believe," said the demoness, holding her child tighter.

"Shut it!" growled the two demons by the door.

Aella snapped. Sending a blast of air at the two demons, she knocked them to the floor and held them there, watching as they struggled to breathe. It would be so easy to suck the air out of their lungs and watch as they died. She was tempted for a moment, then decided it would be too easy of a death for them. Still holding them to the ground, but letting them breathe, she turned back to the demoness.

"What was that you were saying?"

Swallowing in fear, she stammered, "W..we don't … We don't believe the same things…"

"I got that part. What do you mean? What do you believe?"

"We believe that when a child dies, before the age of five, in order to preserve the child's spirit, it's body must be consumed by everyone in the community, and thus providing an avenue for the child to be reborn in the future…" she trailed off as she caught sight of the look on Aella's face.

"Amazing. I never thought there might be more of you…" said Aella, shaking her head. All sympathy for these people was gone. She was done playing games and trying to be the good king. Walking over to the two on the ground, she teleported them to the new city, where the guards waiting jumped in surprise.

"I'm bringing people who are unwilling. Some are small children. Be advised, they are baby eaters," said Aella darkly, dropping the two demons off and teleporting back to grab the demoness.

She screamed when Aella reappeared. "If you don't wish to be with those guys, you have the option to be separated. Then no one will try to eat your babies."

"They're only eaten when they die," she said softly, as if she was still trying to explain their religion.

"But how hard has it been to find food this winter, and how many of your children seem to die around the winter months when food is scarce?" demanded Aella. This demoness didn't seem to be completely brainwashed yet. Maybe she could talk some sense into her?

"That's exactly what they said you would say. Just because you don't believe the same things we do, doesn't give you the right to restrict us in our own beliefs. And you can't take away my child!" cried the demoness, turning her back on Aella, so she couldn't seen the baby anymore.

Groaning in frustration, Aella was done trying. There were others she needed to grab and plenty more land to cover. Grabbing the demoness's arm, she teleported her to the new city, letting her go as she screamed and turned to fight her off, stopping in mid-movement as she realized she was in a new place.

Leaving her for the guards to deal with, Aella returned to the village and headed for the next house. She could hear fighting going on inside. General Brimsey had one demon on the ground unconscious and another pinned. A third was picking himself up off the ground to attack him again. Aella didn't give him a chance, teleporting beside him and then teleporting with him to the new city, where she flipped him onto his back and knocking the air out of him so the guards had a chance to grab him. Returning to grab the other two, she left Brimsey to hurry and help the others.

By the time they were done in the village, they had moved almost two dozen people.

"I don't understand why they were trying to hide," said Alfred with a shake of his head.

"They were more baby eaters," said Aella angrily. "How can such a horrible belief even exist?"

"Baby eaters?!" exclaimed Brimsey. "They were supposedly eradicated with the last king, when they were trying to 'adopt' kids in the capital. They were hunted down and executed."

"Well, some managed to escape," said Aella. "I don't agree with it at all."

"Then don't allow it," said Frederik. "You are the King."

"No, if I start making laws about what people are allowed to believe in, it will start a whole bucket of issues, I'm sure. I just don't want it to be happening in my city," she grumbled.

"That just means those demons will take women with them, and breed them for the children they want. You're not solving anything by kicking them out of the city," said Alfred.

"But who am I to declare what people are allowed to believe in?" demanded Aella.

"You aren't saying people can't believe what they want when you say they can't have kids to kill and eat, or even to eat them after they've died," argued Brimsey.

With a sigh, she turned to the sky and said, "I'll think about what you've said. I don't have time right now to declare anything other than that we need to keep moving."

They all nodded and followed as she headed off again. The voices in her head, from her earrings of wisdom, were silent on the subject. This was something she was going to have to decide on her own, and it was annoyingly difficult to do.