Chapter 135 Request of a God

Aella left everyone to scatter to their beds and looked around the city as it started to settle for the evening. She was tired, but couldn't imagine sleeping at the moment. Spying Rupert, she had another thing in mind.

"Hey, Rupert, are you busy right now?" she asked.

He sighed and laughed. "I was getting ready to go rest for the evening. What did you have in mind?"

"I have someone who wants a bar built. Do you think you could do that for me before you head off to bed?"

"Where did you want it?" asked Rupert, intrigued.

She thought about that for a moment, then glanced back at the castle. "Close to the castle, so I can go whenever I want. I don't want him to have to pay taxes to any of the nobles."

"Hmm. Well, I suppose there's room. Let's go see what I can do."

"What did you accomplish today?" asked Aella as they walked towards the castle.

"I finished the arena for Firion and Jogug. They were pretty excited about it. I'm pretty interested to see some of the fights. I've heard demons fight viciously."

Aella nodded. She had forgotten Firion wanted an arena. She wasn't sure when Jogug got involved in it with him, but at least Jogug was doing something. Since moving him over, she hadn't really been keeping up with anything in the city. She would have to meet up with her advisors to see how things were doing.

Reaching the inner wall, they stopped as Rupert looked around. The castle took up most of the interior of the space. There was a sizable courtyard for sparring and practicing, but not really any space for a bar.

"I could change the area over there, and make the barn for horses smaller, since not many of you use them, and put the bar there?" suggested Rupert, pointing over at the small barn that was incorporated into the side of the castle.

"That's a good idea. If it becomes too much of a problem, I'll have the horses housed in the wall itself," said Aella.

"This barkeeper must be pretty impressive to have you willing to put him up this close to your castle," remarked Rupert, raising an eyebrow as he pulled up his sleeves.

Aella gave a laugh. "He's not in my league."

"Ahh, alright. You know, there's a bet going around about who you're going to name as your mate," said Rupert, starting to pull rock up for the walls and foundation.

"Good luck. I don't plan to even think about that until I'm done with all this moving and traveling nonsense. I still have to travel to the elves and dwarves."

"Why bother?" he asked, starting on a second floor. "It's not like we're going to be close to them anymore."

"They hold information about the heroes. The first demon king gave them the information so the human church couldn't steal it and wipe it out."

"I suppose that's worth looking into. I never did like the church. They were very stuck on their rules and ceremonies. Perhaps that's why I was sent away to babysit the stupid portal. Sorry about all the monsters I sent, by the way. I was just following orders."

"I'm sure there are some who don't think so, but I feel that you've more than earned your place here," she said, watching as he finished the roof.

The bar looked perfect. As they went inside, she had him fix a few things, to match what she remembered from his last bar, and to tweak a few things here and there. When she decided he was finally done, he headed off to bed, leaving Aella in the empty bar.

How was she going to let Bob know the bar here was done?

Before she could turn around, there was clapping behind her.

"Very nice, though I'm still waiting for the bar in the dwarven city," said Bob.

"How did you… never mind," she said with a shake to her head.

"Go get some sleep, Aella," Bob chuckled, moving behind the stone bar and rubbing his hands over it. The counter became a deep wood, and bottles of wine began to appear behind him on the shelves that she wasn't sure were there before.

Rubbing her eyes as the bar transformed before her, Aella watched as the stone floor became hardwood and tables began to form with chairs. Rubbing her head, she decided it was past time for bed and teleported to her room.

"Food!" screamed Ruth, as both her brothers tried to shush her.

Aella quickly jumped back as sharp little teeth snapped where she had just been standing. Ruth had finished the dinosaur and was hungry again.

"Ruth! Calm down!" cried Louie as Frank tried to stop her by wrapping his neck around hers.

Aella teleported away, high over the fields to the north of the city. Below her were grazing dinosaurs getting ready to settle down for the night. Spying a large herd of strange dinosaurs, she flew closer to investigate them.

They had a bulky body with thick skin, and their heads sported two long spikes jutting out over each eye, and a small horn poking up from their nose. Along the back of their heads a long bony frill protected their necks. What kind of predator would they need to have such protection for? Looking around uneasily, she didn't spy anything else in the area.

Settling her nerves, she thought about killing one of them, but they were so large, it would fill her entire bedroom floor. She wanted to sleep tonight, and she didn't want to kill a baby dinosaur, so she turned her attention back to the smaller thin ones. Teleporting close to one, she quickly stabbed it before it could react, then teleported back to the room with it.

Ruth jumped at it, taking quick little bites, almost before it had hit the floor.

"So, sorry about that," said Frank. "She's always starving!"

"Yeah, it's almost like she got a whole 'nother stomach, just for herself!" said Louie with wide eyes.

"As long as I can finally sleep," grumbled Aella, stumbling over to the bed and falling into it.

She didn't remember falling asleep, but when she woke up, Ruth was staring at her, only inches from her face.

"Are you wake?" she asked loudly.

"Yes, I'm awake," said Aella, not daring to move.

"You get more food?" asked Ruth.

"I can. Have you eaten all of the dinosaur I just brought you?" asked Aella, edging away from her slowly, and shooting a glance around the room.

"Food all gone. You get more food."

"She ate it all," groaned Louie, looking at Aella with red, bloodshot eyes. "It was so hard to keep her from waking you up."

"We didn't get to sleep a wink," complained Louie, shaking his head to try and wake up.

Aella glanced back at the hydra, and noted it had grown since it had hatched. Their necks were much longer too.

"How much do you guys need to eat?" she asked, getting a sick feeling in her stomach. How was she going to get them out of here, if they grew too big? Should she teleport them out now? Would they eat her people? What about the animals they needed to survive?

"We can eat forever!" laughed Louie. "The first king trapped us under the palace and let us eat all of the rats, and anyone who tried to sneak into the underground grotto. We got used to being hungry, until Firion started bringing us all those demons to eat. That was awesome!"

"We only stopped growing because there wasn't room to grow anymore," said Frank. "So, we focused on stretching our necks really long, so we could get the rats that were in the upper floors."

Aella looked over at Ruth in panic. What was she going to do with them??!

Teleporting over to Bob's bar, she ran inside, spotting Bob behind the bar, and darted over to him.

"Bob!" she cried. "What do I do?"

"If you release them into the wild, they will eat everything that lives," said Bob, putting a glass on the counter and scooting it to her.

Aella grabbed it and downed the glass. Slamming it down on the counter, she savored the burn as it went down. The flavor barely registered.

"There's a magical item that will remove their hunger, but you're not going to like how to get it," he said, taking the glass back and wiping it clean with a cloth.

"How?!" she asked, feeling only slightly calmer.

"Ask Joseph for the ring the mimic ate. He's probably planning on you asking, and has something in mind that he wants in return," said Bob with a bit of a frown.

Aella felt sick to her stomach. Who was she to demand something from a god? This had gotten out of hand! Maybe she should just kill the baby hydra and put an end to it… but she knew she couldn't. With a groan she lay her head on the counter with a thump.