Chapter 155 Voluri Meets Bob

"Welcome Your Majesties!" gushed Bob as they entered his bar. "Shall I make you all a special drink?"

"What does he mean by that?" asked King Voluri, turning to Aella.

"Bob has magic on his bar that lets him know what each person who enters would like the most in a drink," explained Aella, nodding to Bob.

"Eh, I'm not so sure I like the idea of Bob knowing so much about my dwarves," grumbled Voluri.

"He has a bar in my capital, and in the elven forest, as well," added Aella, sitting down at a round table.

"And you aren't worried about him using the information he gains against you?" asked Voluri.

"Oh, no!" laughed Aella. "Bob is only interested in running his bar. He loves to sell drinks to people, and the occasional meal. He is a wonderful source of information though, so if you ever have a moment where you really don't know what to do, he can help."

"The information isn't cheap, though," said Bob, setting down three mugs.

"We would like three meals, too, please," said Aella, grabbing her mug in anticipation. It wasn't her normal drink, so she was looking forward to seeing what it tasted like.

"What do you mean by it isn't cheap?" asked Daefina.

"Well, I'm sure you are aware of how easy it is to gain information from someone who is a little too far into their cups?" said Bob, turning back to the table. "If I were to just share the information I learned with everyone, then no one would feel comfortable coming to my bar. And depending on the information you are wanting, it could compromise another location where my bar is set up. Therefore, I charge based on what type of information you are wanting, and how sensitive it is."

"And it's pretty expensive for some of that information," added Aella, taking a sip of her drink and letting the drink swirl around her mouth for a moment. It had a complex flavor, with popping and fizzling that tickled her tongue.

"How expensive?" asked Voluri with a scowl, picking up his mug and looking at it before taking a sip. "Wow! What is this?!"

"That would be called Mountain Tears. It's made using fresh water from a mountain creek, among other things," said Bob with a grin.

"Well, in answer to how expensive things can be," said Aella with a grin, "Getting you dwarves to allow Bob a bar was one of my prices when I really needed some information from him."

"Now wait just a minute," said Voluri, setting his mug down and glaring at Bob. "You'll be telling me the prices before you give the information, right?"

"If that is what you wish," nodded Bob. "There have been many a time when a leader, or individual, was desperate enough for information that they asked for it and didn't care what the price was. It's amazing, honestly, what some people panic over."

"I suppose I could see that," nodded the dwarf, taking another drink from his mug.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll grab those meals," said Bob, bowing and hurrying into the back room.

Aella craned her neck to see what was on the other side of the door, but it was only black on the other side, almost as if there wasn't another room in this bar, and he was leaving it to go somewhere else.

"What kind of drink did you get, Princess?" asked the dwarf, slamming his empty mug down with a satisfied look on his face.

"It is D'Entarian Wine," she said with a small smile of satisfaction. "It is a simple dry elvish white wine with hints of elderflower. My ancestors often aged it for at least five years, but this one tastes much older. I wonder where he got it, and if he still has the recipe. I would be interested in buying it from him. The knowledge of how to make it was lost with my mother when I was very young."

"I'm sure Bob would have that information," Aella chuckled. "What do you think of this place, King Voluri?"

"It's not as bad as I was worried it would be, but it's going to take a bit to wrap my head around. We'll see how well the food tastes."

Bob returned with a tray of food, and quickly began setting plates in front of them. They each got their own bowl of a thick meaty stew, along with bread rolls. Then there was a platter of cheese and fruit, along with various raw vegetables cut into bite size pieces. Pickles and olives were arranged on a smaller plate, with a fruit cobbler being set down last.

"This is a very nice spread!" exclaimed King Voluri as he looked over each of the platters. "I'm thinking I may need to up my activities or I'm going to become a very fat dwarven king!"

Daefina laughed as she reached for some of the grapes.

"Bob, I was going to ask you if there were any way to hold a drinking competition this afternoon," said Aella before he could slip back over behind his bar.

"It could certainly be done, but you are aware that it will cost quite a bit of coin, right?" asked Bob.

"I know, I know," she said, waving her hand. "I promised the dwarves I would hold one and I would hate to disappoint."

Bob rubbed his chin for a moment, while he thought about it, then turned to the dwarven king Voluri. "Would it be alright if I made a magical room large enough for all those who wished to participate, or view the competition? I know that you don't normally like for magical modifications to occur within your kingdom."

"While that's true," said Voluri, with his mouth full of bread, "I think an exception can be made this once. A proper celebration for my crowning, and a proper send off for the late royal twins seems like an excellent idea."

Bob nodded and hurried over to the wall next to them, touching it gently and a doorway appeared. They all watched in rapt fascination as the room formed, with long tables and benches to sit on. On the far wall, a raised platform allowed everyone in the room to see whoever sat on it.

"Now, who all will be participating in this competition?" asked Princess Daefina.

"Everyone who wants, I suppose," said Aella. "I don't expect any of the royalty present to participate, as that doesn't seem very fair, but I will offer to pay for your drinks. It only seems fair."

"Nonsense!" cried Voluri. "It wouldn't be a proper celebration if we didn't participate in the competition! Besides, I need to know how well you all can hold your cups if we're going to be allies."

Aella paused before answering, as the princess laughed and quickly agreed. How could she decline? Being the Hero of Air meant she was immune to poisons. Should she pretend to get drunk, like Alfred had? She wasn't sure she was good enough at acting for that.

"I will participate if you insist," she finally agreed. "But I warn you, I don't get drunk easily."

"That makes it all the more fun!" laughed Daefina, as Voluri quickly agreed.

"Hey, Bob! Do you have a drink that can get the fine king here, drunk?" called Voluri once he had swallowed his bite of stew.

"I do, but it isn't cheap," said Bob, glancing under the counter.

Aella was intrigued. They both knew she was immune to poisons, so what could he possibly have?

"Then that seems like the drink for her for this competition," laughed Voluri.

"How long before it starts?" asked Daefina, glancing down at her food as if gauging how much she should eat.

"It will take roughly three hours for every dwarf in the city to hear of it, so I would think, three and a half hours?" suggested Bob with a chuckle.

"Then I can finish my stew," said Daefina picking up her spoon again. "Will there be food offered during this competition?"

"There can be," Bob nodded, glancing over at Aella, since she was the one paying.

Aella nodded, and finished her drink before reaching for some of the cheeses. "I will need to return home soon, before deciding what to do next."

"I thought you would return with us to the elven forest once you were done here," said Daefina surprised. "My brother will probably gift you the lion you have bonded with."

"I would love to have it, but what does it eat? Will it get lonely without the other lions around it? How do I care for it?"

Daefina tapped her chin with her spoon for a moment, thinking, then said, "I don't really care for them personally, but I can have the handlers meet with you back in the capital, so you can see what they do for them?"

Aella quickly agreed, since she wanted to make sure she knew as much as possible for her new pet. Hopefully it got along with the hydra…