Chapter 187 A King’s Wrath

Aella blinked twice, really fast, as the realization of what had just happened occurred to her. Giving a silent snarl, because her lungs weren't attached to her face anymore, she teleported back to her body. The cloak sent strands from both her head and her body to hold her head in place while her healing kicked in overdrive. The moment she was able to control her body once again, she threw a hand out to catch herself before her body had a chance to hit the floor where it had started falling forward. Then everything seemed to move in slow motion.

Vesh had backed away from her quickly, in anticipation of her doing something in retaliation, but it wasn't far enough. She teleported from the floor to just behind him. Aella had to do something special to him, to make sure everyone in the room knew she wasn't to be messed with. He needed to be an example.

Knocking his blade from his hand, she teleported to stand in front of him, long enough for his eyes to lock with hers, so he could know just how much trouble he was in, before grabbing his shoulder and flinging him up into the air. It was just like flipping a dagger, no effort at all.

Teleporting and using her flight, she made it look like she was standing on the ceiling as his tumbling form approached her. Reaching out, she snatched his ankle and held him upside down from the ceiling.

Everyone in the room just now managed to react. Most gasped or cried out, stumbling back away from where her body had been, or where Vesh had been standing. Sending a blast of air at the doors, Aella kept them shut so no one could escape. They needed to see what she was going to do.

"Your Majesty!" came a strangled cry from Vesh as he struggled and kicked at her hand, but Aella laughed.

Sending her laugh around the room, and causing it to bounce around like a ball, she unnerved many, causing some to huddle where they stood, and others to start crying. No one would ever try to hurt her ever again!

Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a strand of rope and tied it around his foot, then taking the other end of the short strand, she tied it to a hook that jutted from the ceiling. It was meant to hold a chandelier, but she hadn't cared for it, so the chandelier had been removed, but the hook remained.

"No! Wait! Please!" stuttered Vesh, struggling to pull himself up to reach her, or his foot, but his heavy armor kept him unable to do so.

"What did you plan to do, once I was dead?" she hissed, once she was certain her neck had healed enough. Her voice ricocheted around the room, causing people to duck as if she were about to hit them.

Vesh seemed to realize she was going to kill him, and shut up. All the fight drained out of him, and he hung limp from the rope she had him tied to.

"Finish it," he said quietly.

"Ha!" she laughed. "You think it will be that easy? You attempted to kill me! ME!"

Floating down to face him, as she was still upside down, she reached out and slapped him. Her claws left streaks across his face that immediately welled blue blood.

"Killing you is too nice. It won't satisfy me," she hissed.

Floating away from him, she turned her self upright and looked around the room.

"Why are you scared of me? I am your king! Stand up and know that if you are loyal, you have no reason to fear me! WE ARE DEMONS!" she roared.

As the last echoes of her voice faded, the people in the throne room stopped cowering in fear and stood up. They were glancing around at the others around them, obviously not sure exactly what was expected of them.

"If you have issues with what I do, then ask. I don't mind explaining myself. Those who disagree may have viable reasons for their opinions, that I may take into consideration. The way we chose kings in the past is over. I don't intend to give up my throne lightly. I did not move my people out here, away from everything we have known, and destroyed our prior home, to have a sniveling brat try to ruin it because he felt cheated and wronged."

She spun around, catching the eyes of those around her. They were starting to calm down and nod along with her words. She was their king. Why shouldn't they agree with her?

"General Vesh, I strip you of all honors, duties and privileges. Your punishment for this highest form of treason shall be death by hanging. It will be up to you how long that punishment takes."

"I will make you kill me!" he snarled at her, fighting against his armor to pull up, before fumbling at the buckles of his armor.

Aella smiled a slow smile and floated up to him. He froze in fear as her fingers found his buckles for him, but instead of undoing them, she superheated them, melding them shut. He screamed as his fingers, too close to the buckle, immediately formed blisters that popped. She moved around him lightning fast, melding all of the buckles shut. Then she welded several pieces of the metal armor so that it couldn't be pried off. Each time she reached out, he would flinch, but she was so fast, his scream didn't have a chance to end in order to start another.

"No reason to give you an opportunity to hurt any of my people while you serve your sentence."

She floated away from him as he finally stopped screaming, hanging exhausted.

"Just kill me and be done with it," he moaned.

"Seifer, I need a status on my kingdom," Aella said, ignoring Vesh.

His eyes snapping to her, away from Vesh, Seifer nodded, and licking his lips, said, "The storm has worsened. Any who try to leave the protected areas have their skins rubbed raw within minutes. None have managed to get very far without having to flee back to safety. Concerns are high that our food will run out, and for those who left to form new villages."

"Understandable concerns. I have negotiated with the halflings to provide food for everyone during this time, including the animals. Due to the dangers to my people, I will go personally to search for those who might still be alive. I am the only one who can calm the winds enough to survive outside the walls. Alfred, I will need you to come with me, as I believe your reaction time is faster than mine. I may need your speed."

"Of course," he said, stepping forward and bowing.

"Firion, make sure no one attempts to bother my new chandelier. Unless Louie, Ruth and Frank want to practice their fire breaths."

"It will be my pleasure to ask them," said Firion with a smile.

"The lions have taken refuge from the storm within the walls, Your Majesty," said Frederik. "Will the halfling food be able to handle their added needs?"

"I will bring back whatever animals I find along my way, for them to eat. Have Josephine be waiting at the empty field to the north. I will take everything and everyone I find, there for her to look over. If any of the wild animals can be saved, they can live longer to feed the lions later.

"I need to be briefed on where the new villages were planning to be built, to know where to look first," she said, glancing over at the advisors.

A table with a map drawn on it was quickly brought to the center of the room. Aella looked over it as several people were more than willing to show her where the people may have gone to. It was pretty clear to everyone that they were believed to be lost.

"Don't forget those humans we were going to save," said Alfred as she approached him to start teleporting.

"I am the Demon King, Hero of Light. I will search for my people first, then go to save those who did not wish to be saved."

"The children probably didn't get a choice," he said with a thoughtful frown.

Tilting her head to the side, Aella said, "The children often do not get to choose their fates, because they are not capable of understanding everything well enough to be expected to make good choices. The storm was not raging where they were. It will not be raging when we go to save them."

"I hope you are right, Your Majesty," he said softly, obviously more worried about the lives of the children than of upsetting her.

"How are you still alive?" asked Frederik softly, once he was standing next to her.

"Hell hath no fury, like a king attacked," she responded, taking Alfred's arm and teleporting away.