Chapter 201 My Precious!

"Josephine," called Aella, after leaving the throne room before the chaos erupted.

The room was neatly decorated with a water theme, screaming of the influence her powers had over Josephine's taste. Would that change when she lost her powers? There would be time to worry about that later.

"Who is it?" answered Josephine, entering the room with her hands up tying her hair out of her face. "Oh, it's you, Aella. Are you ready to start learning about water?"

"Actually, I've had a little time to think, and I want a little while to understand my new powers before I start learning another one," said Aella, running her hand over a fishbowl.

Josephine went to say something, then sighed and nodded. "That's probably a good idea. I would want you to be able to focus on what I taught you, and not understanding what you are capable of doing at the moment might distract you. In fact, thinking about everything you could do right now might make my teaching dangerous. Do you know how long you plan to wait?"

"I was thinking of taking the time during this storm to figure myself out. I will check in with you in about a month, and then once a month until the storm subsides," said Aella.

"Have you talked to Bridgette?"

"I did. She told me what the church had written down about each of the heroes, but I have more than one element so I need time to figure out how that works."

"Good. I'll let Alfred know, the next time I see him. He was going to get busy checking over the other city, and letting the people know he was the one in charge over there."

"Take care, Josephine," Aella said, turning to leave.

"If we need you, how do we contact you?" asked Josephine quickly.

"I don't know. That's one of the things I'm going to be working on," said Aella. "Hopefully you won't need me."

Josephine merely nodded and Aella teleported away.

"Where are we going?" asked Precious, squinting to see through the debris of the storm that raged around them.

"I don't know," said Aella. "I thought I would travel around, looking at the continent."

"In this storm?" asked Precious. "How can you see anything?"

"Well, I can see pretty well, but you're right. I won't see far. Maybe I should just find a cave somewhere to focus on learning my new abilities."

"That probably wouldn't be a bad idea. I can sit on a nice rock and watch you do whatever," yawned Precious, resting his head on her shoulder in the nook of her neck.

Glancing down at the city below her, she knew that the dome over the city would hold for a long time. Teleporting to the other city, she checked the dome over it as well. It was fine. Teleporting back to the cave she had left the lizard people in, she stepped inside and looked around. The lizards had been busy, working to widen the cave and make it more livable. The waterfall protected the entrance from a lot of the wind, to her surprise, and their pond for the eggs had been filled.

"Ah, Realm Guardian, we would humbly ask if you have had a chance to find us food yet? The fish that fall in the waterfall have not been sufficient to fill all of us up," said one of the lizards approaching her with a strange movement, as if trying to grovel on the ground and still walk.

"I have some meat from dinosaurs, if you can eat that?" asked Aella, pulling some meat from her pouch.

"I am sure we can survive on that until you can find us more fish. We generally eat things such as frogs and fish, among other creatures that live in the water, but this will probably work for now."

Aella handed over the meat and watched as they passed it around until everyone had some. No one ate until they all had some. Once they started eating, though, the meat disappeared almost immediately. She would definitely have to find them more to eat. She might even have to request the realm open a new portal to summon creatures suitable to breed for them to eat. Until then, she would grab more dinosaurs.

With a nod, she turned and left the cave, teleporting to the halfling caves the moment she touched the water of the waterfall. The halflings were having some kind of celebration, with music and dancing. She watched them for a few moments, noting that many were streaming in and out of the entrance to Bob's bar. With a slight nod to herself, she teleported to the dwarven city.

The elves were busy working and living in the topmost levels of the city, keeping the thin rock patched as best they could against the fury of the storm outside. Aella flew up to it and sent more rock to reinforce it, but her earth cautioned her to be careful. There weren't enough support beams to handle the weight.

Aella flew back to view the area better, trying to figure out what to do. Earth was trying to explain to her how load bearing supports worked, but she didn't understand. She could see that the dwarves had built stone columns to hold up the ceiling, but that was for the previous weight. They never expected whole giant trees to be shoved through their roof with the force of an enraged storm.

Surely there had to be something she could do? The storm was going to last for three months! She had three whole groups of people relying on the strength of this ceiling to keep them safe. Earth cautioned her to be more patient as it tried again to explain to her the different options. Fire thought she just needed to melt the rock so it couldn't be broken, but earth said that would make it more brittle. Air thought the storm needed to be allowed in to circulate the stagnant air better.

With a sigh, Aella teleported to the outside and began moving the rock on the outside of the ceiling, reinforcing it from outside, rather than inside. By using certain designs, she cut down on the weight, allowed air to circulate through small openings she created, and then used heat to weave strands of minute ore throughout to strengthen it all. All of her elements were impressed with her by the end, and she grinned in triumph. Time for something more complicated, so she teleported to the gnome bunkers.

The entire place was silent, since all of the gnomes had fled to the dwarven tunnels. This seemed like a good place to stay and learn her new abilities. Using her earth powers, she started to make repairs, while her air made the air circulate and her fire made the temperature comfortable to Precious.

Aella had to listen to earth to know how to reinforce the walls. Fire got involved to heat the metal so she could repair the air system. The hesitation her elements had in working together diminished and she was soon using them all as the bunker started to become habitable again.

"Aella, I'm hungry," complained Precious, stretching and looking up at her.

"Alright, let me reconnect this piece… right… there. Okay, let's go. I probably need to check in on the lizard people, too," said Aella, floating down and letting Precious fly up to her shoulder.

"They wanted fish," he reminded her before she could teleport.

"That's right. I wonder where I could find that," she murmured, her eyes following the ductwork she had been working on.

"You could try the water?" suggested Precious, tipping his head to the side and giving her a look.

"Water?" asked Aella, not clueing in and giving him a puzzled look. "I don't have water yet."

Precious sighed. "You don't need water to get fish out of it."

"Oh, yeah. Then, let's go fishing," chuckled Aella, realizing she hadn't been making sense.

Teleporting to the ocean, Aella looked out over the wind whipped waters. There was a lot of mana in the air here. The storm was circulating it, and the waters were snatching it out of the air. Whatever lived in these waters would have to be very magical, or it might die. Debating for a few minutes, Aella decided to grab something anyway.

Sending a long thin stream of flexible metal into the water, she struggled with controlling it as it chilled in the cold water. With her brow furrowed, she sent the line searching for anything floating in the water and quickly found something living, because it moved whenever she touched it. Whatever it was, it had to be big and if she caught something big, she wouldn't have to take food to the lizards again for a while. Sending out more lines, she created a type of net around the creature, whatever it was, and started working to catch it.

"Aella?" cautioned Precious a moment before she felt her lines go taught.

The creature had decided it didn't want to be caught and Aella wasn't nearly as big as it was. Precious jumped from her shoulder to the ground as she was ripped out of the air and pulled into the water.