Chapter 207 A New Home

"I like it," said Alfred, after Aella had explained her trade hub idea.

"But who will oversee it?" asked Bridgette, petting Precious as he lounged on the table in front of her.

"Tell her not to touch my wings," Precious purred as she got close to them.

"He really doesn't…" started Aella, but Bridgette had already started messing with them and he pounced on her, both biting and scratching her hand before moving out of her reach and licking his front paw.

"Got it, don't touch the wings," winced Bridgette, moving over to a shelf and pulling out some bandages.

"Here," sighed Aella, grabbing her hand and healing it before she wasted any of her supplies.

"Oh! Thank you, that feels much better," nodded Bridgette, as they returned to their seats.

"I was playing with having Frederik oversee the trade city. He's been introduced to most of the leaders in the realm, and I think he would make a good ruler," said Aella thoughtfully.

"That's not a bad idea," agreed Alfred. "Have you been back to see them yet?"

"No," winced Aella. "I've been there to oversee how things were going, but they didn't know I was there."

"Wait, how is that possible?" asked Bridgette, grabbing her book of notes on Aella's powers.

"I can go invisible if I need to," explained Aella, wondering if having that book was a good idea or not. What if someone got it in the future and used it against her?

"Don't worry, I keep this under lock and key. If I die, you have permission to take it," chuckled Bridgette, seeing Aella's look.

"I plan to," nodded Aella.

"What other abilities have you gained?" asked Alfred with a frown. "I would have thought invisibility would be a light ability, not a shadow one."

"It's complicated," winced Aella. "So, technically, I can mimic every ability you have because of my fire and shadow, but you will always be stronger than me in light abilities."

"You don't have my speed yet, right?" he asked.

"No, I don't think so. At least, I haven't tried since I can teleport."

"That makes sense," he nodded, still looking disturbed. "So, what are your plans for this coming month? Just building the trade city?"

"No, since I'm not in charge of the demon city anymore, I think I want to find a place to call home. Somewhere no one can bother me and I can store my belongings, and things that are too dangerous to have just laying around."

"I would start with your chests of magical things," said Alfred. "I don't know who was the one who went into your room in the castle to get coins, but I know they've talked a lot about your treasures. The baby hydra has been keeping people from there, but I'm not sure how good they are against those who can fly."

Aella sighed. "It might be a good idea to keep Ruth, Frank and Louie in my new home, too."

"You might want to start with that before you work on the city," suggested Bridgette. "We have enough problems with people causing trouble as they figure out what they can get away with since you left without throwing in a bunch of random magical items."

"That's not a bad idea," admitted Aella.

"You should do that right now, before your hormones jump into overdrive. I'll talk to you after the full moon some more," said Alfred, climbing to his feet.

Aella nodded and picked up Precious as Bridgette frowned and looked down at her book of notes. They all knew that she was dying to ask more questions, but time was running out, and Aella wasn't sure how she would be able to handle her pheromones since she didn't remember the last time while being in the volcano.

"Where do you think you will have your home?" asked Precious as she teleported to the mountains near the frozen wastes.

"I have to find a place where no one can get to," said Aella, more to herself than to the kitten. Thinking about it, she teleported to the mountain islands east of the dwarven mountains. The seas here were so harsh that the humans were never able to cross them to get to the elven forest. Several of the mountains, as she flew around them exploring, were rough rocky outcroppings devoid of any plant life. Choosing the one that was the furthest from shore and surrounded by the harshest waters, Aella used her earth abilities to form a landing spot among the sharp rocky spears that stabbed at the sky.

"Here?" asked Precious incredulously, looking around. "This place looks horrid!"

"Exactly," nodded Aella. "I don't want it to be inviting to anyone looking for it."

Creating stairs going into the middle of the mountain, she started hollowing it by forcing the outer layer of rock to compress and become stronger. Her time in the volcano helped her decide exactly when it was at its strongest, before moving the left-over rock into even more formidable spikes on the outside. She worked for hours, until the sun had dipped and the almost full moon started poking its head over the horizon.

The entire center of the mountain now looked like a fancy palace with decorative support beams throughout that Precious was enjoying flying around. There were even play areas for the baby hydra to enjoy and not be bored.

"Time to start moving things," said Aella, holding her arm out for Precious who flew over to her.

"I really like this! I'm getting a ton of practice flying around," grinned Precious.

"I'm glad," laughed Aella teleporting to her room back in the castle.

The first thing she noticed was that the chests with the magical stuff were open. Ropes dangled from the door far above, and bags were scattered around where people had been filling them up and leaving them to haul out. From the looks of it, the thieves were still working on stealing stuff.

The first thing Aella did was close the doors and windows with her earth ability, to make sure no one could escape. Then she moved everything in the room to her new home, like the beds and the lights. Returning, after taking all of the magical torches, she stood in the dark waiting for the thieves to reappear.

"Hey," muttered someone as he stepped out of a chest. "What happened to the lights?"

"What?" asked someone else, stepping from their chest. "What did you do?"

"It wasn't my fault," snarled the first guy, dropping his bag as he fumbled at his belt for a lantern that was hanging there.

Aella grabbed all of the bags they had just brought and took them quickly to her new home, before returning to watch them fumble with their lanterns. What they didn't know was that her fire was waiting for the first flames to catch. The moment they did, there was a loud whoosh!

Aella smiled as the men screamed and flailed around, ending up falling off the ledges she had the chests positioned on. The first guy died the moment he hit the ground. The second was on a lower ledge and was still alive, though very much in pain.

"You weren't invited," she whispered, making her voice bounce off the walls and causing the man to scream again in fear. "Now you will die alone in the dark."

"No! Please!" he cried, waving a hand around as if trying to find something to grab. There wasn't anything left except the chests, and none of them were on the bottom floor.

Ignoring his cries and whimpers, Aella stood before the chests, wondering how she was going to move them. Her teleport magic allowed her to move things that were massive, but these were magical themselves.

"It shouldn't be any different than moving your magical pouch," said the cloak in her head that originally gave her the teleport ability.

Nodding at that thought, she grabbed the handles of the chest and tried to teleport with it. There was a pause as everything tried to figure out if she should be allowed, but then she was standing in her new home with the chest beside her.

"Apparently if you believe it should work, the magic will oblige you," observed Precious with surprise.

"Well, let's get the rest of the chests before the magic changes it's mind," laughed Aella, quickly moving all of the rest of the chests.

"Shouldn't you leave the ones with coins?" asked Precious.

"And let them flood the streets with them? Heck no! I'll use the coins to get the trade city up and running. The coins need to be reintroduced slowly, so the whole system can adjust without crashing."

"But that's not as fun," sighed Precious.

"Maybe not, but I need there to not be any chaos for now," said Aella, looking around her new home.

"So, what's next? Getting the city started?"

"Nope, I'm bringing the hydra here to see what they think."