Chapter 211 Gorgeous Behemoth

The ocean floor was still as the figure swam away, but then there was a bubble that worked its way free of the silt. The figure paused as more followed, then turned back to investigate. As its nose drew close to the stream of bubbles, a sudden flash of heat shot up, scorching it.

Shaking its head in agony, the figure quickly swam away. Behind it, where Aella had disappeared into the ground, the beginnings of an island began to form.

"I still can't believe you weren't worried about that thing," sniffed Precious as they stood on the edge of some rocks that were the beginnings of her island.

"I would have teleported us away if it did anything," she sighed, guiding the molten rock into the forms she wanted.

"It could have eaten us in one bite!" he cried, miming the biting motion accompanied with little growls and shakes of his head.

"All that while under water?" she asked, amused.

"It could have," he sniffed, looking out over the ocean. "Uh, Aella?"

Aella turned to see what had caught his attention and paused what she was doing as the shell of a giant turtle rose out of the waters not far from her.

"I thought we were far enough from the old demon lands," she muttered, watching as it seemed to float there, basking in the sun with its eyes half closed.

"At that size, I don't imagine anything is far enough," quaked Precious.

Glancing back at her little island, she decided it needed taller and thicker walls, possibly reinforced even. Turning back to watch the turtle, she took a step back as two giant otters, not quite as big as the turtle, swam up to it carrying a similarly large crab. With a couple thwacks against the turtle's shell, the two otters broke open the crab, then offered a few choice pieces to the turtle. It eyed the offering, then snapped it up in the blink of an eye.

The otter making the offering snatched its hand back, inspecting to make sure it had all of its fingers, as the turtle rolled its eyes and dived back under. With a quick lick of its hand, the otter turned back to find its companion stuffing crab into its mouth as fast as it could. The waves from their fight approached her and Precious squeaked in terror as he scrambled back to her shoulder.

Aella formed a wall of air around them, allowing the water to wash over them and her island. The sides of her island just got taller and more sheer…

"I can't believe that!" panted Precious in her ear.

"That there's so many giant creatures living in the ocean?" asked Aella, turning back to work on her island again.

"No! That I almost got wet!"

"You do realize I plan to get the water abilities, too?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, yes, but until then, I prefer being a fire kitty."

"Did you seriously just call yourself a kitty?"

"At this size, I am a kitty," he responded with a tilt of his head.

Shaking her head, she went back to getting the base of the island as big as she needed, before starting on the walls. The magma chamber had been huge, allowing her plenty of materials to build her island. Once it was empty, she planned to reroute the magma from the chamber to other areas, so pressure wouldn't build up, then she could get some of the drinkable underground water into the chamber for water in her town.

"What do you think the World Tree looks like?" wondered Precious after she had been working for almost a week.

"It's probably grown a bit," she said, not really paying much attention to him. The island itself was almost done, with super tall reinforced walls. The city itself was what she was working on at the moment, trying to get it built the way she had it in her head.

"Think we could go see it when you're done here? The full moon lasts for a whole month, and it's only been a week," said Precious.

"Go see the world tree?" she asked, finally picking up on what he was saying. "Why? It's not like it will be big enough to talk to, or anything."

"You don't know that. It's magical. There's a chance it may be able to take over some of the things you would need to be in charge of. You released a lot of magic after all."

Aella turned to look at the lounging cat behind her, and sighed. She would need something else to do for the rest of the month, or risk spreading her pheromones all over the place.

"All right. As soon as I finish the town, we will go check out the world tree," she sighed, turning back to finish working on some of the things. If she did it just right, the fountains would fill themselves from the action of the tides and pressures of various tunnels underground. Most of the living quarters even had running water with both cold and warm water. She was pretty pleased with herself as she finished.

"Can we go now? I'm bored of this place," whined Precious.

"You can be kind of annoying, you know," she warned, but he jumped up and rubbed his head against her chin.

With a sigh, she glanced over the town one last time, and then teleported them to a cliff of one of the mountains surrounding the world tree. She fell back on her butt when she saw the size of it. The edges of the branches reached over her head, blocking most of the sunlight.

"Who's that?" asked Precious, looking towards the trunk of the tree.

Aella squinted to see the figure, and teleported closer to get a better view.

"Looks like Stella," muttered Aella.

"Is she burying something? It kind of looks like a body!" gasped Precious, looking at her with wide shocked eyes.

"If Stella wants to bury a body at the foot of the world tree, she is welcome to do it. I am not about to tell her not to do anything," said Aella, giving Precious a look.

"That's good to hear," chuckled Stella, stepping up next to her. "Cute Pussy."

"Don't touch my… Precious," said Aella as Stella went to pet him and he froze in panic.

Stella chuckled again and said, "I have one of my own, want to see?"

Aella's mouth was dry. What should she say? Would she kill her if she said no? Finally, she managed to nod.

Behind Stella, a huge figure appeared, with glowing golden eyes it turned to examine them with interest. Precious' mouth opened in amazement, and he leapt from Aella's shoulder to land on the ground. Giving a shake, he resumed his normal form, and gazed up at the still much larger behemoth before him.

"She's not interested in you," laughed Stella, "Though the pheromones in the air are tempting her."

"Sorry," winced Aella, as Precious purred at the massive beast anyway.

"You should get that under control before I bring my kids next week. They won't be affected by them, but that doesn't mean it would be easy to keep track of them with all of the creatures around you going crazy."

"Wait! Next week!" cried Aella. "I can't watch your kids next week!"

"Well, you did promise Joseph you would watch them," said Stella softly.

"Yes, I did," Aella quickly responded. "But next week isn't good for me. Is there anyway we could wait a month? I will have this brand new town all ready for them to explore?"

Stella turned to look at the oversized lion with wings trying to cozy up to the massive behemoth and sighed.

"All right, but don't mess with the world tree. I just fertilized it with dead god and I don't want its meal interrupted. A couple hundred years should be long enough."

"Dead god?" whispered Aella in surprise.

"Oh, don't worry. It wasn't anyone you would know… I think. I'll let Joseph know you said you would take the kids next month, since he can't come over right now. Your realm is still recovering from the invasion last year. It's a good thing you figured out how to burn them before they developed a way around that. Those things are nasty!"

With that, Stella and the behemoth disappeared, leaving Aella and Precious standing under the branches of the world tree.

"She was gorgeous!" sighed Precious, returning to his small form and jumping back up to her shoulder. "I can't wait until next month! She said she would bring the kids and stay for the week."

"Wait, a whole week?" gasped Aella. How was she going to keep up with those kids for a whole week!? She had almost had one die from having them for only an hour!

"Where are we going?" asked Precious as Aella teleported them to the island.

"I have to kid proof this place," she grumbled.