Chapter 218 Revelations

"Aella, you need to stop," mewed Precious, looking up at her from near her feet. The stone columns all around her were broken and shattered, and her body, despite its best efforts to stay healed, was splattered with her blood. Breathing hard, she threw herself to the ground and pulled her knees up to her chest.

"I tried so hard!" she growled.

"You did," agreed Precious tentatively.

"What am I going to do?" she asked in a small voice, burying her head in her arms.

"Nothing," said Precious, sitting down and wrapping his tail around his legs.

"What?" she asked, glancing up in shock.

"You are going to do something fun for the rest of this full moon, and not worry about any of the responsibility things that you've been trying to work on. I think we should visit the old demon lands, mostly because I haven't seen them, but also because I think the mana poison is probably gone. Nothing there should be bothered by your pheromones, and we can play."

She stared at the lion before her blankly. He sighed when she didn't immediately agree.

"We can check on the tree to see how the snake is coming? Or we can travel to the gnomes and continue working, making sure to take the air with us when we leave?"

"Everyone keeps telling me that I need to have fun, but what is fun?" she asked, still looking at the lion before her blankly.

"What do you mean, what is fun?" he asked in exasperation. "Think about all of the times you laughed. Those were fun!"

She lay her head down on her knees and looked at the one untouched wall in the cave she had made. There was a door leading back into the space she had made her home.

"Alfred made me laugh, sometimes. Frederik made me laugh. I can't go back to them, though. Frederik will be hounding me to become his mate, and Alfred is probably busy dealing with the pheromones I bombed his city with. I had fun flying with Amra, but I already told him I wouldn't be his mate."

"Then go flying with me. I'm bonded to you, so your pheromones don't bother me," said Precious, moving forward and bumping his head against her elbow. "We can fly up high, so your pheromones don't bother anyone and ride the winds that travel all over the realm."

"I need something that I can do that would be fun," she muttered, not seeming to have heard him at all.

"Aella!" he yowled, pushing his face into hers and resting his front paws on her arm.

Aella jerked her head up and looked at him in surprise.

"You are ignoring me!" he hissed, baring his fangs in anger.

"I am?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Let's go flying!" he repeated, dashing back a few steps then shaking himself to make himself larger. He reached her knee, standing on all four legs, then glanced at the door, and shook himself again, to be as tall as her waist. "I'll drag you out, if I have to!"

Aella sighed and climbed to her feet. She felt numb after punching the walls so much. Leaving the bloody room behind her, she followed Precious as he pranced and danced around her, threatening to drag her if she didn't hurry up. The sky outside was threatening rain, but Aella didn't care. The wind was calling her, and she wanted nothing more than to forget all of the trouble she had caused everyone. Closing her eyes, she allowed her body to become that of air, and let the wind blow her away.

"Why so depressed?" a voice asked.

"I messed up big time," Aella sighed.

"It couldn't be that bad," scoffed the voice. "Did anyone get killed?"

"No," she said hesitantly.

"Did anyone get hurt?" the voice asked curiously.

"No," she answered even more slowly.

"Were any important events messed up?"

"No, I was able to prevent that," she said.

"Then, how did you mess up big time?" asked the voice.

"I have these pheromones that I release during the full moon. They're supposed to make me horny so I accept a mate sooner, and thus get pregnant. But I'm not interested in having kids right now. I have too much that needs to get done and having a kid would make it even more difficult."

"And the problem is?"

"The pheromones are super strong, because the realm has given me so many powers, which means anyone who is introduced to my pheromones, is affected by them. I've made entire cities lose a week before," she grumbled.

"Why is this a bad thing? I thought there was an issue with so many people having died over the massive storms last year. This sounds like a wonderful way to get populations back up. If you can't control them, then how about having a yearly celebration where people can choose to take advantage of them?"

"That sounds crazy!" she said, taking a turn at scoffing at the voice.

"Do you think it's easy for everyone to find a mate? What if someone wants to get a kid, but not deal with getting a mate? Or someone wants to help someone get a kid, without worrying about getting a mate? The act can be pretty fun!"

She snorted, causing a nearby cloud to scoot across the sky.

"Sounds like you could make a lot of money with these pheromones. Think of all of the people who would be willing to go to a place, knowing that they would be bombarded with pheromones and could legally get it on with whoever they wanted without worrying about pairing up and getting hitched? It would be even better if they wanted to have a kid, but didn't want to worry about a mate."

"I'm sure guys would be all over that, but not girls! I can't see anyone wanting to have a kid, without someone stepping up to help!" she argued.

"Then, what keeps you from having a kid?" asked the voice. "Why not go ahead and choose a mate, then let him take care of the kid?"

She opened her mouth, to answer, then shut it back. She hadn't thought of that. The image of trying to carry around a kid while she did everything that she had to do was what had been keeping her from entertaining the idea.

"How will he care for the kid when it's still a babe?" Aella finally asked. "I'm the one who would be making the milk for it, right?"

She knew how breasts worked, and was pretty sure whoever she chose, wouldn't be offering a teat to any kid she pushed off on him.

"There's goats and cows that provide milk, too," sighed the voice. "If there weren't substitutes for a mother's milk, then tons of kids would have died by now."

"But I don't even like kids!" she said, throwing her arms into the air and causing several more clouds to scoot away.

"So? Having a kid would calm down your pheromones, letting you get back to work and you wouldn't have to see the kid very often. Just drop in occasionally, to see it, so it knows you care, then back to work. I've heard that having your own changes your thoughts on kids, and even if it doesn't, people would stop harassing you about having a kid."

"Aella, who are you talking to?" asked Precious, flapping his wings and looking around at the clouds around them. He had been struggling to keep up with her in her gaseous form every since the wind blew her away.

"A new acquaintance," she said, turning away from the air elemental as it drifted away.

He looked around suspiciously, but obviously couldn't see the elemental. "Right. Are we going to just let the winds carry us around, or are we going to play?"

Spying the demon city far below them, Aella thought about what the elemental had said. But could she hold a conversation with him without the pheromones getting involved? Would he already have hooked up with someone since she already bombed the city with her pheromones? Could she even get pregnant with all of the powers she had? What kind of child would she have? Would it be normal or have all of her powers too?

With so many questions swirling in her mind, she decided there was one person who could answer her questions and give her good advice.

"Aella, good to see you," nodded Bob as she entered his bar and looked around. It was empty for some strange reason, but she ignored that as she came over to sit at his bar. Precious merely sighed as he perched on her shoulder, once again the tiny kitten he normally appeared as.

"Really? I figured you would still be upset over my disappearance," she said surprised.

"Well, it was rather annoying, but I find holding grudges can be bad for business."

Pounding and the sounds of several people running around upstairs startled her, as she didn't realize this bar had an upstairs.

"Don't worry about them," Bob said, waving his hand. "They're only here for a few more minutes."

As he finished speaking, the noise from upstairs disappeared mid-run, and Aella raised an eyebrow.

"They're Krush's kids. He adopted them and I was letting them stay in my inn while he dealt with some missions I needed done. The inn phases around occasionally. Don't worry, I wouldn't let any of them into your realm. They would make a mess."

"Who is Krush and why should I worry about his kids?" she asked, slowly, wondering if he would charge her for the question.

"Krush is a half orc- half dragon that I forced into dealing with some things for me. He came across the kids you heard playing at one of the realms I sent him to, and ended up adopting them. However, they're all half-dragons of various kinds. It's complicated and you don't need to worry about it. I don't intend to send that group of mercenaries to your realm. They specialize in dealing with complicated problems and charge a lot."

Aella nodded thoughtfully, deciding the info really didn't mean anything to her.

"I need to know about getting a mate and what kind of kid I will have. I'm kind of torn on what to do, and thought you would be the best one to talk to."

"I'm assuming you have someone in mind?" he asked, setting a glass down in front of her.

"I'm leaning towards Frederik," she admitted. "I really like his wings…"

"Have you told him?" asked Bob, wiping the counter down where the glass left a trail of condensation.

"That I like his wings?" she asked, flushing at the thought of telling him that.

"No, that you wanted him as a mate," said Bob.

"No, that's what I wanted to talk to you about," she said, glancing around to make sure the room was empty, even though she already knew it was.

"The only advice I will give you, is that you need to be aware of your lifespan," Bob said, looking her in the eyes. "You will not age ever again. The realm you live in has claimed you as its own, and will not let you die from aging. Whoever you choose as mate, and subsequently have children with, you will outlive and they will die, as well as any children you have. The powers that you contain, will not pass on. Just letting you into my bar can be tricky for me, as I don't want your realm to get angry. I've been lucky so far."