Chapter 222 Negotiations

"What are you looking for?" asked Precious as Aella perched on a cliff overlooking the fields north of the cities. "We've been looking for good homesites for the gargoyles for hours!"

"I want a place that's close to water, and good hunting grounds," said Aella.

"We need to finish the portals to the trading town and start letting people go over there," said Precious annoyed.

"I'm trying to do my job," growled Aella. "Now that I know the realm relies on the gargoyle population to exist, these gargoyles need a good home. They're going to have demon mates, since there aren't any other gargoyles for them to choose from, and those demon women are going to be very picky about where they live."

"I suppose," conceded Precious, calming down. "It was pretty sucky for the realm not to tell us that sooner."

"It didn't remember until recently, but I agree," said Aella, standing up from her crouch with a nod. "This place is pretty far from the demon city, but that isn't a bad thing with Seifer as king."

"Why don't you just replace him with someone different? I think Frederik would make a good king."

"I thought of that, but I think Frederik would be better in charge of the trade town. Seifer isn't too bad for just the demons, but he really doesn't like the other races and that might be a problem. I know the people don't like each other, because that's how they've been raised, but things need to change for them to survive. I haven't decided who else could be king just yet to swap him out.

"I think one central cave and then separate living quarters split off until their population grows some."

Aella turned towards the stone cliff behind her and reached out to touch it. The stone was old and didn't think it really wanted to move. She had to reach deep to convince it before it would respond. As the caves began to form, she was satisfied to think that they would be very secure with the rock being so hard. There wouldn't be a fear of cave-ins any time soon.

"You should probably bring the gargoyles here before finishing with tables and such, to make sure they are happy with it," said Precious, craning his neck around and flicking an ear in satisfaction with her work.

"I plan to, but I want to test it for wind issues," said Aella, returning to the entrance and sending strong gusts of wind towards the main entrance. She tested all of the different angles the wind might blow from and tweaked a few things before deciding it would be good enough.

"You should go talk to Frederik. He hasn't been told he will be in charge of the trade town yet, and you probably don't want to have that conversation around Seifer," said Precious.

"Crap. You're right. I wonder if he's returned to the demon city yet?" Aella wondered as she teleported them back to the human city, and looked around.

She spied Alfred, Frederik, the new gargoyles and several demon women with wings in front of the library and decided that would be a good spot to head to.

"They are… good to see you…" Frederik was saying as she arrived.

"Oh, thank goodness!" sighed Alfred when he spotted Aella.

"Your friend here knows a little of our language and has been trying to explain to the females our interest," explained Hunter when he turned to see Aella.

"Could you explain to the gargoyles that these demoness' are interested in courting them for a while to see if they would make good mates?" asked Alfred.

"I tried to explain, but my ancient speech is really not that great. The tutors didn't go into it very much because we didn't think it would be very useful," explained Frederik.

Aella held up a hand to get everyone to calm down and smiled at the three demonesses who were standing there admiring the gargoyles.

"Are you three willing to court these gargoyles? They are looking for mates to have children with."

"What do they think courting is?" asked one demoness. "I don't feel comfortable actually getting physical until I know enough of his language to talk to him."

"I'm totally willing. I like the looks of that gray one there. He has huge muscles!" laughed another one, blowing a kiss to the gargoyle that had been shocked to hear Aella had assassins. He smiled back at her and flexed, making Aella wonder if he understood a little bit of their words.

"Will we have to leave the city? I kind of like the comfort of having a house and don't want to have to build one. I've never lived outside a city before," said the third, glancing around at the houses that had already been built.

"I have a cave built for the gargoyles to call home, and am going to take them there to look it over and make final touches," said Aella to the last demoness. "You can request things you want when you look it over."

Turning to the gargoyles, she said, "They are interested in courting you, for the most part, but this one wishes to learn your language before she makes up her mind and gets physical. This one wishes to request certain aspects of her home be more comfortable as she hasn't lived outside of a city before. Are you willing to court them before they become mates?"

"It is customary to give the prospective mates three months of close contact, non-physical of course, to allow time to see if the relationship will work," said Hunter. "We look forward to seeing what this cave you have made us looks like. These leaders you have are very good people. It is clear they care a great deal about the people."

"Aella, I need to go, do you have everything taken care of here?" asked Alfred, glancing at the sky to check the time.

"Yes, thank you, Alfred."

He nodded to the group and then was gone, having used his super speed to get where he was needed. Aella felt a pang of guilt because she knew he had his hands full with other things, being in charge of the city. She knew how busy a leader could be, trying to manage everything.

"The leaders here are very impressive, I think you have your work cut out for you, Hunter," chuckled Rog, patting Hunter on the shoulder.

"I will be fine, Rog," said Hunter glancing back to look at the demonesses before turning again to Aella. "Will they be fine living with us in your cave? We know how to make clothing from the hides of animals we kill, and can do a variety of other tasks, but are they suited for that kind of life if they are used to living in the city? Will we need to trade with the people here?"

"As newcomers to our realm, it can only be expected that there will be a time of adjustment. If they cannot handle the hard living you are used to, I am sure Alfred will be more than willing to trade with you for the things you need. I am in the process of making a trade town at the moment and could add a teleportation portal near your cave to allow you access?"

"That would be great!" exclaimed the demoness who had been worried about leaving the city, clasping her hands in front of her.

"I think I will give you some coins to use in the trade town as well, to help set you up with whatever you may need in your new home," said Aella to Hunter.

Turning to Frederik as the gargoyles all nodded their approval, she said, "Would you be willing to be in charge of the trade town? I need someone I can trust to oversee it while all of the different kingdoms mingle."

Frederik grimaced and said, "I would like to talk to you about that later, once you have a chance to get the gargoyles settled. If that is alright?"

Aella nodded and watched as he bid his goodbyes to the group before hurrying off as well.

"He didn't seem that excited to be in charge of your trade town," pointed out Precious as she led the group of female demonesses and the gargoyles across the fields towards their new home.

"I know," she said quietly, so the others didn't think she was talking to them.

"Who are you going to put in charge, if he doesn't want the position?"

"I don't know. We'll see what he wanted to talk to me about."

As they investigated the cave, Aella made the portal onto the side of the sheer cliff. She was sure the assassins could maneuver up the cliff but anyone else who came through was going to need to know how to fly or be carried. The gargoyles were important for the realm to continue, and she was going to do the best she could, now that there weren't insane rules hanging over her head. If the realm tried another trick like that though… she wasn't going to put up with it!