Chapter 229 Magical Ties

"Aella, just the person I was wanting to speak with," said Elalar, the elven king. "My sister has settled into the dwarven city, but I find myself too busy to visit. Is there any way you could visit with her and just make sure she is doing alright? I worry about her, and I can't tell if she is being truthful to the messengers I send."

"Is the honeymoon period over?" asked Aella, concerned Elalar might be jumping to conclusions.

"That's one of the reasons I'm concerned," he said. "They were supposed to be celebrating for a week, yet I'm told the dwarven king has already resumed his normal duties. The wedding was beautiful, despite a few hiccups with differing cultures."

"Probably too much drinking by the dwarves," yawned Precious.

"Will you stop reading my mind," said Aella to the lion cub, then turning back to the elven king who was looking at her in mild amusement and concern.

"Do you speak to your lion cub often?" he asked.

"It's a king of the realm thing," she said, waving her hand. "I've been given the gift of speaking any language. That way I can talk to whoever I need to."

"That sounds appropriate," he nodded. "So, do you think you could visit with her for me? I would feel much better about leaving her there if I knew she really was happy."

"I don't mind visiting with Daefina," chuckled Aella. "She was a good friend. But while I'm here, I was hoping to be able to speak with you about something."

"Is it about a portal to your trade town?" asked Elalar with a chuckle of his own. "I've been keeping up with the gnomes and the dwarves since we lived together, and they've told me about your portals. I would love to have one, especially if it will allow easier travel to the other kingdoms."

"Well, I'm not really allowing movement between kingdoms unless the leaders allow it. The halflings, for example, don't want anyone visiting their lands, yet they can travel back and forth to the trade town freely to conduct trade."

The elven king nodded. "That's wise. The people from all the kingdoms were taking advantage of those poor creatures during the time of the storms. I'm surprised they managed to have enough animals and seed left over to restart."

Aella winced at that news since she was the main reason the halflings were taken advantage of.

"I do wish Bob hadn't closed up shop, though," sighed Elalar. "He made some of the best drinks. Do you know when he might be able to open back up?"

"No, the realm has placed a pretty tight barrier around us to keep other monsters from being able to invade, and it kicked Bob out, since he wasn't from this realm. I'll work to get him access back sometime in the next year."

"Wait, what monster invasion?" asked the elf. "I don't recall hearing about this."

"During the storm, some creatures attempted to invade and destroy our realm. We lost several heroes in the process, and I had to fight them off and close the portals they had opened. I didn't get a chance to notify everyone because a volcano started to become active near the demon city, and it took me almost a year to quiet it. I have more experience with them now, so hopefully that won't happen the next time one starts to wake up, but it's put me in a bit of a time crunch with everything I was planning on doing."

"I don't have a problem with you being busy," he laughed. "I don't know any king who isn't constantly busy. But this invasion thing makes more sense why Bob had to go. I do hope he gets to come back. I hadn't realized he wasn't from this realm, but I suppose I can understand it.

"I have a place picked out for you to place the portal, if that was what you were wanting to talk about? It's over near the new palace that is being built. Most of the elves live near there, so it would be easier for them to get to the trade town."

She nodded and moved over to the clearing he had pointed to, making sure to get the correct position figured out, then started on it. Once it was done, it became active and one of the assassins stepped through, looked around, saw her, and nodded before returning through the portal.

"Was that one of Firion's assassins?" asked Elalar in surprise.

"You know of Firion and his assassins?" asked Aella in shock.

"Jozef told me about them before Bob disappeared. He was trying to get me to agree to back him to get the current king of the demons off the throne. I told him I didn't have time for that when my own kingdom was in shambles, and he said he understood. The guy was very nice and polite about it all, but it bothered me. I guess you were busy with the volcano at the time, which is why he was trying to come up with something."

"We have all of that handled, and a new king is on the throne. The last one didn't work out and he stepped down voluntarily. As for Jozef and Firion, they oversee the trade town and the assassins are the police force."

"Well that should definitely discourage thieves!" exclaimed Elalar. "Are you sure they won't just kill people without reason?"

"No, Firion is tied to me magically to make sure that he doesn't get out of hand, and the assassins fear him above all else. I think it will be fine," said Aella. "There was something else I wanted to discuss."


"I'm sure you are aware of the communication devices that the gnomes use?" she asked.

He nodded.

"I was trying to come up with a way that all of the leaders of the realm could be able to communicate with me magically, since their devices only work within a certain range, and our sage has found a rune that might allow it. It would require the rune be tattooed on each leader for them to use it though."

"I think that might be useful, honestly," nodded Elalar. "If we ever have a major problem, it would definitely be nice to be able to contact you."

"I spoke with you about it first, because it would take an elf to administer the tattoo."

"Ah, I see now," he laughed. "I remember you saying you liked my sister's tattoo. Alright. I will find my tattooist and inform him of what you are needing. Do you know if there will be instructions on how to administer it?"

"Bridgette is copying it down right now. I'll go see Daefina and then get it and return here."

He nodded. "That sounds good. I best be finding my elf."

Aella left, teleporting to the entrance of the dwarven city, feeling pleased with her new pheromones, if that was really the reason everyone was willing to work with her so well, she was okay with that. So much better than an active rape attractor.

"Your Majesty?" asked a dwarf guard, looking around to see if she had anyone with her. "You don't normally come through all proper. I hear you normally just teleport into the throne room when you want to visit."

"I'm coming to visit with the new queen and thought it would do to be proper,��� said Aella, giving him a smile.

"Were you there for the wedding? She was right beautiful, wasn't she?" he asked, just trying to make small talk while he escorted her into the city.

"I saw her before the ceremony, but unfortunately, I had to leave before it started," said Aella carefully, trying not to say she left before she made a huge mess of it all.

"Ah, well, you got to see her, and that's the important thing. I hear the king has already started back to his normal duties, so she must be needing some rest time, if you know what I mean," he laughed.

Aella bit her tongue to keep from saying anything inappropriate and nodded in agreement. Why anyone would want to marry and be tied down with someone that wouldn't let them do what they wanted, confused her. Maybe she could ask Daefina about it? She had seemed like a kindred spirit, but here she was already married.

"Well, you follow this tunnel here, and you'll see her guards outside her room. I need to be getting back to my post or I'll get in some serious heat. It's been good talking to you!" said the dwarf before jogging back the way they had come whistling a merry tune.

Aella watched him disappear around a corner, amused that he was willing to get in trouble for leaving his post in order to spend more time with her. Were her pheromones that enticing? Or was it something else? She probably needed to look into that more. No reason to cause more trouble if it was brewing.