Another Lackey Gained!


Majin passed through class as nothing of importance happened except that the penalties the other champions faced was now over. The annoying girl challenged her to a duel as soon as class was over and she was forced to battle her since it was apart of school rules. They even had a leaderboard for students who also receive benefits straight from the school itself depending on how high their rank is. They were escorted by two fairies to an empty floating arena out of many and some student even came to watch them. She guessed it was because of the floating sparkling words that said "S-ranked talent freshman duel"

She stood across from her and one of the fairies shot a magical light in the sky to start the match.

"My name is Prida! Remember it Majin El as the name of the one who will defeat you!" She said while pointing her sword to the sky.

She smiled before teleporting from her sight.


Majin blocked the sword strike from above her without even looking. Prida teleported again and tried to slice her throat from below but was once again stopped as Majin blocked with her finger once more.

"How?! My stats have grown even stronger from last time! Could the rewards really have made you this much stronger within a few days?!" She questioned.

Majin El mockingly smiled at her.

"I might not be able to get rid of you but I can put you to good use." Majin pulled out her slingshot she made a few days ago and put a rock in the sling.

Prida scoffed before getting into a strange pose. Mana slowly flowed out of her before heading straight towards her blade, making it very shiny and sharp looking. She sliced towards Majin and Majin ducked away from her attack, not that she needed to. She unloaded the rock right into her forehead and forced Prida to slide across the entire platform. She held her forehead in intense anger. Majin could tell she was holding herself back from screaming in pain because she could see tears almost falling from her eyes. Majin left a large slightly bleeding bruise on her forehead and Prida's blade increased in size and darkened slightly.

"This should be good enough." Majin said to herself before splitting herself in two.

'Splitting myself feels really weird.. I can't tell which one of me is actually the clone because I feel like I'm thinking from both parts of me.. Maybe I can use this to my advantage…' Majin thought before forming a double-sided axe and charging at Prida while also charging her spell to use against Prida.

Majin coated her axe in explosion magic that will create an explosion every time she hits something and swung at Prida. Prida teleported behind her and stabbed through the shield on her back and through her stomach. She slowly cut upward and left Majin partly bisected.

"Even you can't come back from that." She said before heading towards the second Majin. Unfortunately for her, she did come back from that and grabbed her by stretching her arm and latching onto her leg. She tried to slice her arm off but unfortunately for the swordswoman the spell was finally complete.

Prida held onto her head and started screaming painfully.

"Stop! It hurts!.... Please! I sur-----" The Majin who attempted to combat her physically, shot a tiny ice beam at her mouth and covered it before she could finish.

Majin watched as her spell took hold of the girl who tried to scream but could only hold her head and try to grit through the pain. At one point she even tried bashing her head against the platform, but this only made her even easier to take control of. Very soon Majin El had her way and gained another loyal lackey under her. The ice magic melted and a slightly different Prida appeared in the arena. She gained those slightly evil looking eyes that all mind-controlled targets receive and her exclusive pink M on her forehead. Not even mentioning the benefits she gained to her power and cheat that is now under her control. She rejoined with her split at this time.

"I surrender." She stated and the fairies ended the battle.

Majin received a spot on the leaderboards and the audience was confused what kind of mind magic did she perform to force her to surrender. Majin just grinned. As if she would be nice enough to explain her power to these kids. She left with Tuff and Prida following behind her. They reached her room and Majin had Prida spill all about her wish.

"I wished for an All-Powerful System, Madam Majin."

"Call me Boss. It sounds cooler. But explain more about your system."

"Yes Boss. My system has multiple tabs. I can choose which tab I please with my mind. The tabs are Stats, Missions, Lottery, Shop, Party, and Skills."

"Tell me about your current self."

"My stats tell me I am as strong as a B-ranked adventurer ever since I became yours along with buffs, debuffs, titles, and occupation, I have multiple missions that will gift me system points if completed, the lottery allows 1 daily free spin and will gift something useless or useful. Most of the time it gives worthless items. The shop has items and abilities from numerous anime and other media. Most of them are overpriced. The party tab is now telling me that you're the leader of our party and I will receive drops from the enemies that you defeat. My current skills are [Sword Mastery], [Teleportation Mastery], [Mana Mastery] which became maxed out once I became yours, [Mana Infusion], [Sword Manipulation], [Demonic Corruption], [Demonic Strength] which is also maxed out, [Unlimited Stamina], [Heightened Senses], and [Unlocked Potential]."

Majin rubbed her head.

'That's a lot to take in… But it's fine I can improve her beyond her wildest dreams. She'll be much easier to improve over Leon since she has a system that will increase her power without limit. Leon will be a bit harder to improve in the future but he was just someone to test the magic on, he'll decide if he can stay as one of my lackies in the future.'

Majin left her room and sent Prida away. She was roaming the campus until Majin's master finally showed herself! She slowly walked over to her with a serious look on her face. The surrounding students started to whisper and gossip about her master.

'I guess she's more important than I thought. But what does she want?'

"Apprentice come along with me. It's time we started on your training." She said.

It was at this point that Majin realized that she didn't know her master's name..

"Training on what? I was planning on taking on people on the leaderboard this afternoon for training." Majin said.

"You've just got here and you believe you're ready to take on anyone on the Board? I know you're talented my apprentice, but you must build a solid foundation for yourself before trying anything."

"Master what rank would you be if you were an adventurer?"

Majin could tell she was slightly caught off guard by the random question.

"Peak A-rank for sure."

Majin smiled.

"Well okay let's go train master." She was led to a room that has a large concentration of mana inside it and was told to meditate and gather as much mana as she could. Once she couldn't absorb anymore mana, she was to knock on the door to be let out.

But this was pointless for Majin whose mana reserves were large and refilled in a few breaths. So instead of doing what her master told her, she pulled out her slingshot and started to enhance it with a few magical spells to make it even more cooler! Even if she didn't need the weapon, she still thought it was pretty cool. She made it so anything fired by the sling would automatically home in on whatever she's aiming at and magic friendly. So whichever element she poured into the sling, the ammo would also take on characteristics of the element poured in.

And what better time was it to test it now? She aimed at the door before the 5 minute mark and poured nature magic into the slingshot. Once 5 minutes were up, she shot the door with a rock and the door was broken into pieces with all sorts of plants, vines, leaves, and even fruit growing from the shattered parts. Her master was currently pointing a twisting staff in her direction.

"It's me master! No need to be so jumpy. I'm done meditating!" Majin said with a smile.

"Meditation doesn't work like that! No one has ever broken down a door from drawing mana into their bodies!"

"What can I say.. I'm a genius."

"No! That doesn't… What?!" She seemed utterly confused and still hasn't dropped her staff.

"What's the next part of training master?"

Majin's master put away her staff and told her to come over. She showed her 6 words, Culinary, Rune Maker, Alchemist, Tamer, Blacksmith, and Magic Tuner.

"Choose which occupation you would like to master first." She said full of pride as if it doesn't matter which choice she picks she'll succeed in it with her help.

"Which one makes the most money?" Majin asked with shining gold eyes.

Her master looked at her with a strange unpleasant look before realizing that she signed herself up for this when she chose her as an apprentice. Majin was starting to enjoy messing with her prideful, noble born master.

"Magic chef and Alchemist… But wouldn't you rather choose something more popular and refined?" She asked with pleading hidden between her words.

"Alchemist sounds fun. I'll take it!" Majin decided as her master let out a low growl of irritation.

"I see…" She tried to smile.

She then gave Majin 3 large books that could probably squish her head into a pancake if dropped on it and told her to memorize all she can from these books. Once she feels she has a good grasps on them, come back to her and they'll go get her registered to become a 1-star alchemist. So, Majin left with the super heavy books and returned to her dorm briefly to drop them off and pick up Tuff. She then headed straight back out and had Leon and Prida join her on her first B-ranked quest. They were to find traces of necromancy or other forbidden magic being done in a creepy forest and get to the bottom of it. Initially the receptionist refused to allow Majin to go on a B-ranked quest with two complete newbies in her eyes, but Majin had them prove their abilities in the testing room and they were let off.

They went through one of the portal doors and appeared on the outskirts of the fog-filled, silent forest. Many of the trees were dead while the rest looked like tree monsters. Majin, Tuff, Prida, and Leon saw no signs of anything except a creepy forest with a scary feel to it. Majin was starting to get irritated.

"How the hell could a B-rank quest be created from a rumor in the first place!? Unless they had some sort of proof that they didn't list here, could anyone just say there's a necromancer in the forest!"

Her companions stayed silent and Tuff continued riding on her shield by hanging off of it while she walked. It wasn't until they reached deep deep into the forest that they finally found signs of something. Majin picked up a piece of bone that turned into ash soon after she picked it up.

"Skeletons! Finally! We're getting somewhere." Majin took off and Leon and Prida were forced to follow behind quickly. Prida teleported in short bursts to keep up with her and Leon had to cover himself in his armor and manipulate it into flying behind Majin.

Majin abruptly stopped and kicked up a rising cloud of dust. Prida and Leon soon appeared behind her and took notice of the giant mansion ahead of them surrounded by a black metal gate. The gates opened and what awaited the group was bony hands and fingers bursting from the ground. Skeletons rose from the ground and slowly headed towards Majin's group. Some of them had weapons and armor but they were mostly rusty and were likely to break in 1 or 2 hits.

'I might get soul magic here… I'm getting pretty excited… Not many people are immune against soul-based attacks…' Majin thought to herself.

"Prida will you be able to improve your skills if you take these guys out or are they too weak?"

"Yes Boss. No matter how weak my opponents are, as long as I use a skill it will improve."

"Good. Take them out while we go on ahead. We'll be waiting at the top!" Majin waved goodbye as she, Leon, and Tuff broke through a window and appeared on the second floor inside the mansion. Completely ignoring the opened door from the first floor.

"Foolish mortals. My lord will reign supreme over these lands and you will be helpless to stop it." A black knight said in a deep voice you'd expect from an evil knight.

"Idiot.." Leon said while walking towards the knight completely empty-handed. He pointed his thorny cactus stub at the knight and his armor instantly caved in on itself. Leon forced the knight's armor to fold itself until it was nothing more than a tiny cube on the floor.

'Metal magic might be a bit more powerful than I thought… If any dumbasses brought guns to this magic world, he'd be able to take care of them without a problem.' Majin moved to the third floor and another sub-boss appeared. He went through his classic sub-boss speech just like the other one.

'A vampire? I didn't know necromancers could control vampires.. Especially a fancy one like this. He's got the tuxedo, handsome face, and lean swimmer-like body. But then again necromancers do control souls and corpses.. So, vampires shouldn't be too farfetched.. I guess.'

He summoned lesser vampires and vampire bats to swarm towards Majin's group. Tuff dropped from Majin's back and burst into orange flames before taking on the minions without trouble. Every punch turned a vampie into ash and the bats couldn't even get close to without turning into ash as well. Majin could see the boss vamp getting irritated that her cute little Tuff was easily destroying his minions. So irritated in fact that he even tried to sneak attack her adorable Tuff from behind! Luckily Tuff wasn't that easy to get the drop on and he dodged the vampire's claw attack.

Tuff and the much taller vampire started to fight and Majin was very surprised at how Tuff was fighting so well. She never trained him or anything so he must have been watching all the times she fought and tried to learn from them. He even created a perfect fire destructo disc and sliced the vampire in the midsection, reducing him into ash. Tuff looked over at her for praise and she put up 2 thumbs up. Tuff rushed at her and she gave him all the praise he deserved.

After rewarding Tuff, the group went to the fourth floor and were met with a giant mass of zombie flesh that looked merged together forcefully.

"Hehe. I guess it's my turn now!" Majin said as she stepped up to the creature. It slowly grabbed for her and with a brief zap of her antenna turned it into a jaw breaker. She ate the jaw breaker in one bite and felt another type of magic being added to her own already huge amount. The creature was forced together by the magic and she couldn't wait to see what this necromancer held.

The group arrived on the final floor with Prida just now reaching them. She looked unharmed and Majin expected no less from a system user. They were met with the back of a balding sickly looking old man.

"You fools! You are ruining my great grand plan to finally get revenge on that man!"

"Why do you want revenge?"

"He killed my wife and blamed me for it! Then turned my own blood against me and nearly killed me! I was forced to leave in fear for my life! But I wouldn't take such cruelty without doing anything. I will get revenge for my family and my previous life no matter what it takes…"

'Shoot that sounds really sad… Well. Lucky for him I'm such a nice person.' Majin thought

The necromancer had green magic swirling around his body and the group could see faint images of screaming faces inside the magic.

"Hold him off for a couple of seconds." Majin said.

Prida and Leon engaged the Necromancer while avoiding his green magic. Prida was unable to teleport near the wizard but she was able to damage him. With the increase in her abilities thanks to Majin's mark, she was able to do much more than she was previously. She sliced the air and suddenly the necromancer's arm was cut off. His forbidden magic surged in response to his anger and forced Prida and Leon even further away. Leon used his metal magic to form small metallic objects and shot them off towards the magician. The green magic morphed into human figures that flew towards Majin's group. Leon's, Prida's, and Tuff's abilities were useless against the ghosts and it seemed as if Majin's group was overwhelmed and defeated. Leon's body was paralyzed and a spirit seemed to trying to insert itself into his body. Prida was consistently being chased around while teleporting constantly and Tuff kept trying to punch and kick the specters.

"TIMES UP BALDY!" Majin shouted as the spirits vanished and a pink goop swallowed the old necromancer.

'Sorry bout your family though.' Majin thought as she absorbed the powerful wizard and gaining all of his power and knowledge.

Majin created a small glass orb and using her new soul magic forced all the souls on the mansion ground inside the glass orb. She put the orb on her waist and covered it with a mana sealing cloth. So that no one would be able to sense the souls inside.

"Time to go team! Good work everybody. Prida, teleport us outta here." Majin ordered and they reappeared back inside the adventurer guild. They reported that there was nothing there and it was just a false rumor. They weren't paid but didn't suffer any penalties either. So Majin and Tuff returned to their room while Leon and Prida did the same.