The Dark Side Of The City!

The Flame Lord formed a fire ball and shot it towards their group. Jackie formed a mana barrier that immediately shattered once touched by the Fire Lord's attack.

"I'm low on mana!" Jackie yelled.

"Restoration!" Majin said in a magical girl voice while refilling Jackie's mana reserves.

"Oh! I didn't know priests could do that." Jackie said.

"I'm a genius." Majin replied.

The three started to work on the Fire Lord while Majin gave them a regen in health or mana every now and then. She was pretty bored being this type of support. Not enough action. Although it was pretty fun acting weak and annoying them by making the monsters stronger she has had enough.

"Get out the way!" Majin yelled.

The three were confused but got out of her way as she blasted the Fire Lord apart with a light beam. The three's eyes bulged out so far, it seemed as if they wanted to poke holes through her.

"I told you before that I was a genius. I just didn't want you all to reject me if I didn't act like a support. Now grab that fire gem and let's turn this quest in." Majin tried to play it off.

"So you let us suffer all that pain for nothing!?" Kun yelled.

"Calm down you wuss. A little pain is good for a B-rank adventurer like you. Now quit whining and let's go." Majin said harshly.

He pulled out his crossbow.

"Don't mess with me you weirdo!" He aimed at her.

"What's wrong with this guy?" She looked at the other two who seemed to want to stay out of this.

'Fine then. Wanna be passive in a possibly life or death situation. I'll teach you guys not to mess with me.' Majin decided as she suddenly appeared in front of Kun and kneed him straight in the gut.

Kun was sent flying away and crashed into the volcano walls. He fell down unconscious and Majin kicked Shin in the ground, caught unaware. She then looked Jackie in the eyes. Jackie was terrified and scared. Majin saw the fear in her eyes and in her body movement. She was shivering.

"Stay back! The guild will investigate if we don't return!" She screeched.

"Don't worry. You'll return just fine.. I'm a healer you know."

Majin appeared behind her and knocked her out before collecting all three of the B-rank adventurer's bodies. She healed them to perfect health but kept them knocked out.

"A little soul magic here, a little illusion magic there, and hurray we have a job well done and hidden."

Majin grabbed the Fire Gem, woke them up, and then teleported to the guild with the door portal. After giving them false memories with illusion magic and soul magic, she got her quest reward and left.

She couldn't ask for further rank advancement quests until she completed at least 10 B-ranked missions. New rules implemented by the Guild Master due to an increase in talented newbies.

'Probably the Champions. It's kind of strange though that I don't see Champions when I come to the guild.'

It was getting dark so Majin decided to see how the night life was inside this magical number 1 city of the country. She took a quick two-hour nap in a random inn and explored the city at 10 pm. The buildings were in much brighter colors and buildings she didn't even know existed were open and bringing in people. She followed this group of suspicious looking men down into some sort of club. There were barely dressed beautiful women of all types of races inside. Dancing, drinking, gambling, loud music, and all sorts of most likely illegal actions were happening down here. And Majin was excited! It was something new to explore!

Majin squeezed and slid pass people to get to a door where a largely built man wearing a tuxedo was blocking.

"Hey what's in there? I wanna see." Majin said.

He looked at her with his black sunglasses that hid the look in his eyes and emotions on his face.

"No kids allowed."

"Profiling me based on my height?! I should kick your ass!" Majin yelled.

"Kid, you can't trick me. I can see right through you. You're a 17-year-old student at Blue Blood Academy aren't you?" He hit right on the mark.

"No I'm not." Majin lied without shame.

"Listen kid, what goes on behind these doors isn't something you want to be apart of. Now scoot on out of here."

All of a sudden some suspicious looking guy put his hand on her shoulder while she was talking to the bouncer. He took a sip of his drink before looking at the bouncer.

"Don't be an ass Greg. Let her in. If she wants to see what the fancy life looks like why not show her? I'll take her in." He said with a creepy smile.

Majin moved his hand and put her hands on her waist.

"Well? Move it already." Majin said.

The bouncer opened the door and Majin went inside. Feasting her eyes upon a bunch of rich nobles watching gladiators with slave collars around their neck battling to the death. She also saw women with the same slave collars being forced to please the bastards who had control over the collar.

'I would say I'm surprised but this should be standard to any great city..' Majin thought before someone tried to stick a needle in her neck.

This action almost instantly tipped Majin over the edge after seeing what kind of conditions these slaves were in. She dislocated her wrist and grabbed her assailant's wrist, crushing it. She turned around and saw that it was the man who let her in. He was about to speak but Majin didn't even want to hear it. She kicked him in the ribs and shattered them. To finish him off, she teleported him to a random destination inside the city. No one saw her actions as she did them extremely quick.

But she didn't really know what she'd find here. She could free the slaves down here, but after that she'll probably be disliked by the upper echelons of this city and having to face random assassinations and challenges by their pampered sons and daughters at school and on quests. Now that she thought about it again… maybe freeing these slaves isn't such a bad choice… She grinned excitedly before spreading her mana throughout the entire place and focusing on the collars. The security in the place seemed to be able to sense her mana and quickly got on the move, but not before she broke all the slave collars and teleporting all the slaves somewhere in the city.

One security managed to locate her as the source and a green aura appeared on him and increased his speed greatly. He appeared in front of her and kicked towards her face.

'Haha… Freeing those slaves took all my mana. Who knew slave collars were so advanced?' Majin thought as she clashed and soon overpowered the guy until his aura changed red and he was able to contest with her for a little bit.

"You won't get away! Even if I have to waste my life." He shouted.

His red aura burst and his strength slowly increased more and more until he was gaining an upperhand over Majin. It seems as if the guy was overturning fate as he had Majin to the ropes.

But then all of a sudden, she smiled.

"Just kidding. I was just waiting for my mana to recover." She said teasingly before punching him in the gut and knocking him out.

She put one foot on top of the guy's body before announcing something.


She stretched before taking off all her clothes and getting in bed.

"Today was pretty fun. Tomorrow I'll be going with my master to become an alchemist. Hopefully they'll have some books there so I can learn some more about it before taking the test, like in that one novel where the guy had a library cheat. Maybe I'll duel that Itachi kid and take his Rinnegan and Sharingan tomorrow as well. Although I got sick of seeing everyone wish for those eyes in novels and such, it wouldn't make sense for me to not have them when I can have them so easily. Especially with all this power I have now. Everyone else isn't that interesting from what I saw so far. After I pass my alchemist test, I'll come back to the academy and start beating down those kids on the ranking board. Hopefully I'll find some strong champions on the leaderboards I can duel and take their abilities." Majin said to herself before smiling herself off to sleep.