Journey To The Demon World!


When Majin decided to leave for the demon world she had to face a very unfortunate realization. She had no idea how to even get to the demon world! She didn't know if it was some sort of hidden country, an actual different world, or even just a portal door that just said, "Demon World."

So, she figured what better way to find out where the demon world is than to ask an actual demon! So, she traveled across the land using her captured souls to try and search for any demons. One of her souls located a demonic being while journeying across a barren rocky plain with volcanoes spread across the lands.

"Kind of feels like some guy used creator mode and just clicked volcanoes everywhere. There's no natural feel to this view…" Majin said to herself before hopping inside an active volcano and sinking to the bottom of the lava pit.

Majin's skin melted and healed as if it was in a constant tug of war. One side wanted her melted into goop and the other side wanted her unfazed completely. Ultimately, the unfazed size won out as Majin's body became used to the high temperatures and she was met face to face with a building-sized lava salamander with red glowing eyes. It's eyes locked onto her and it blinked with it's eyes going left to right instead of the usual up and down blinking.

"Speak. What is it that you require from me?" It asked.

"I'm surprised you didn't try to eat me at first sight." Majin responded.

"You are not a creature that I can stand against. My very soul is shaking in your presence."

"Hmm…" Majin looked at him skeptically.

"I tried very hard to suppress my soul strength and magic but you're telling me you can still feel it somehow?! I won't be a very good imp if I can't even feel like one. Oh! I nearly forgot!" Majin reminded herself.

She added a pointy arrow tail along with her imp transformation. So, now she just had red skin, two tiny horns on the side of her forehead, her previous hairstyle, bare essential clothing to cover herself, and a devil tail.

"I doubt many demons would be able to sense your true strength Terrifying One." He said respectfully.

"Then how did you do it?" She asked curiously.

Majin even split herself into 3 so, her power should have definitely took a dip, but this old demon lizard says she's still strong. She thought that only godly beings would be able to sense her true strength but thankfully she hasn't reached the top of the world just yet! There is much more to experience and explore.

"You may have taken care of your magical presence and soul presence, you neglected the demonic energy flowing from you like a raging ocean wave, Oh Terrifying One."

Majin closed her eyes for a few moments to try and find the energy that was leaking from her. It kind of made sense now why she didn't encounter any people or monsters along her journey. They must have been scared to death from the demonic energy coming off of her. She managed to control the turbulent energy and the lizard told her she was now no different from any low-level demon.

"Nice. Now, how do I get to the demon world?" She asked.

"Why would a being as strong as yourself wish to head to the demon realm when you could take over this one?" The lizard asked.

"Because I'm already taking over this one. Now stop asking questions and take me to the demon realm!" Majin exclaimed.

"As you wish." He replied subserviently.

He bowed his head and a reddish black swirling portal appeared in front of Majin. Majin walked through and finally arrived in the demon world! She was suddenly assaulted by a pungent waft and guts of a similar looking red tiny demon. She was teleported in the midst of a slaughtering. Tiny little demons were running around, killing, fighting, and eating each other while an even larger demon was swooping them into his wide-open mouth as if he was eating popcorn. He even had a lazy look on his face.

Majin didn't like the look of this guy and the annoying screeching of the demons around her size. She didn't like being covered in blood and guts. And lastly, she hated the smell of freshly killed demons! She jumped at the large sloth-faced demon and kicked his face inside his skull. The impact of her unrestrained attack should've killed the demon as soon as she hit, but as she just now found out. Demons are much more resilient than she thought. The large demon got back up and looked at her angry figure. He raised his hand and tried to flatten her like a pancake.

Majin had a dangerous glint in her eyes as the hand slowly came down upon her. She took the shield off her back and with a heavy arching swing, deflected his hand into the ground, also unknowingly squishing some of the small demons indirectly. The large demon was surprised and Majin took this time to attack. She jumped at him and slammed her large metal shield into his face, knocking him to the barren rocky ground.

She stood on his chest and repeatedly slammed her shield into his face, blooding and bruising up the demon's face until it was nothing more than a messy pile of brain bits, bones, blood, and who knows what. Majin sat down on his non-breathing chest and just held her head as the little demons began to eat the corpse of the demon she has slain.

'I don't know what came over me… I mean sure I was bothered a lot by my sudden surroundings but I don't think I've ever lost my cool like that before… I just felt an intense rage and anger take over me… It can't be because I absorbed the hulk and the childish personality of a Majin….' Majin came to the sudden understanding that she might need to learn how to control her emotions before they start to take control over her.

She got off the creature and looked at the swarm of disgusting scavengers. She left them behind and travelled through the demon world, looking for the army.


It has been several hours and Majin has yet to find anything as eventful as her first hour here. The demon world is pretty empty and barren for the most part. No wonder they want to take over the mortal world. There's no life anywhere except other demons, no water, no food besides other demons, and a large lack of cooperation between demons. Most of these were found out by the numerous destroyed or abandoned demon cities and towns she's passed by. It wasn't until she stumbled upon a populated city that she finally got a taste of demon culture. She walked along the city streets and was vocally harassed and looked down upon. One scumbag demon even spat at her!

She slapped him across the face with her tail and lodged him into a nearby building. She smiled when some of the passing demons gave her looks of approval or tried to get out of her way. Majin eventually found herself inside some type of building with large fancy walls, statues, and floors. She aimlessly walked around until she reached the end of the hall that held a large door. She walked up to the door and using both of her hands pushed it open slowly.

"WHO DARES!?" A loud voice bellowed towards her.

"Ah. Hello. I was wondering is this the place where I can join the demon lord's army? I've been searching for so long." Majin replied innocently and ignoring the heavy serious mood inside the room filled with demons of all sorts of shapes and sizes.

"YOU IDIOT! RECRUITMENT WAS 2 WEEKS AGO!" He shouted once more.

Majin smiled inwardly. Would she have to play the ditzy talented fool until she reached the top?

'Hehe.. Sounds a bit fun.'

"You wouldn't be willing to make an exception would you Mr. Strong scary demon man?" Majin asked while doing a cutesy pose.

The rest of the demon army started to giggle lowly.


Majin saluted and quickly ran into a random line. The other demons snickered at her choice and she knew exactly why. She joined a line that held the weakest and most pathetic looking demons in the entire building. This would be the perfect start for her beginning as the future Demon Lord! But for now, she will be called Satana! As a reference to the old devil back at her previous world.

The strong and scary demon captain continued to bark orders and give instructions about what each division needs to accomplish. He eventually came upon her division which was the last to be said.


"Ye- Ye- Yes sir." Bhilf saluted.

"DISMISSED!" He ended the meeting and numerous portals appeared.

"Lets go…." Bhilf said while pointing us towards the portal in front of our line.

The weak demons ahead of her started marching through until she also vanished through the portal. Bhilf was the last to go through and her division arrived in a green forest in the mortal world.

"Let's…. Begin making a base of operations soldiers….." Bhilf ordered weakly.

One of the demons that was around her size walked up to Bhilf and looked at him with disdain.

"In the demon world, might equals right. So if I defeat you, will I become the captain?"

"Ye- Yes that's correct soldier… We- We would have to do battle and whoever comes out on top will become the new Captain." Bhilf explained.

The new recruit clawed towards Bhilf and his attack phased right through him! Bhilf grabbed him by the neck after he phased through him and shoved him face first into the dirt.

"As a new recruit, it.. it is my duty as your cap- captain to make sure you know your place as a low- lowly recruit." Bhilf informed.

"Get off me you pathetic excuse for a demon! I'll kill you!" He shouted while wiggling and trying to free himself.

Bhilf shook his head sadly before knocking the unruly demon out

"Is there anyone else that would like to try…?" He asked with melancholy.

"No sir! Let's start making this base!" Satana responded in an upbeat mood while carrying a tree trunk.

"Tha- Thank you Private…."

"Satana." She smiled.

"Private Satana. Everyone else please lend her a hand and get started on building our base."

It took them a couple of hours before their base in the woods was nearing completion. The only thing left was the demonic barrier Bhilf placed around the base, preventing any mortals from accidentally stumbling upon the base. Once the base was finished, Bhilf began planning out their first attack on a mortal settlement. We weren't given weapons or anything because our division is the most ridiculed. The 15th division is also known as the Failure division. So Satana's squad had to destroy this human city that held strong adventurers and mages. They had barely any information to go off on except the location.

So really this mission could be said to be a suicide mission really. There could be anything inside that town waiting for us and even though Satana doubted that anything in there could really harm her she was getting excited on how she would complete her first suicide mission!

They set out in three different squads. The first was the Distraction Squad, the second was the Support Squad, and the last was the Assassination Squad. Satana was put in the third one because of her small size and hard to see figure. Her goal was to kill any important or strong mortals. Bhilf even gave her a dangerous spell engraved into a page just in case she needed it.