Intervention From The Gods!

The battle began and the giant Tangelas moved towards the charging fishmen. The Chikoritas and smaller Tangelas were behind them, ready to support their fellow pokémon. The two armies met head on and the fighting truly started. The fishmen speared, hacked, bit, and clawed the large Tangelas' tentacles but it did little to halt them. The tentacles grew back within seconds and soon wrapped the fishmen up until they were without their weapons and helpless. One large Tangela was capable of ensnaring 10 fishmen by itself.

There were over 25 Tangelas that evolved into that variant. The impressive defensive and regenerative capabilities of the pokémon proved too much for the first wave of the fishmen and allowed the Chikoritas easy pickings. Once a fishman was successfully bound by a Tangela, a group of 5 or more Chikoritas would beat them with their leaves or vines that grew from the tiny spikes on their neck, stomp on them with their feet, or try and bite them with their tiny herbivore teeth. Majin almost gushed from cuteness overload while looking at the cute little Chikoritas trying to end the lives of the fishmen monsters. Even though they tried all those methods, the only ones that worked was planting multiple leech seeds on one monster or strangling them to death by wrapping their vines around their throats. The smaller Tangelas grabbed any weapons they saw and brought them to the toads and Goombas to use.

The Tangelas and Chikoritas managed to take out around 200 fishmen before the enemy started to switch up. Instead of warriors and ranged fishmen, magic-wielding and gigantic beast-like fishmen began to combat against the plants. The large Tangela were barely the size of a single foot of one of the giant fishmen and this caused slight worry for Majin. If they were unable to handle it on their own she would have to send the Goombas to assist them.

The giant fish beasts charged towards the plant army, shaking the ground below while the fish mages stayed back and began charging spells. The large Tangelas stood their ground and the smaller plants dispersed and ran away. The giant monsters finally reached the tentacle monsters and rammed through the Tangelas who were knocked into the sky, but it seems they were fine because they immediately recovered and latched onto any large monster in range. The smaller tentacle plants returned and began aiding their larger members. The Tangela variants that grew poisonous thorns on their tentacles began slapping, whipping, and wrapping their tendrils around the large beasts.

The interesting thing about this variant is that not all of them have the exact same poison. A Tangela's poison might cause vomiting, body paralysis, a burning feeling throughout the body, or even diarrhea! So, these poor fish beasts were being forced to suffer through various terrible effects, being drained of their life by the larger Tangela using giga drain or something similar to it and being cut numerous times by the wave of razor leaves sent by the Chikoritas.

But this positive situation didn't last for long. The fishmen mages have finished charging their spell and now a gigantic water ball that shadowed over Majin's plant army was falling towards them very slowly. Majin was sure she had to intervene this time and placed her hands on the stronghold's wall, ready to hop over and save her babies from harm. The fishmen who created the water spell fainted after completing the spell and now the plant army only had to finish dealing with the fish beasts and the water meteor coming to crash on top of them to get to the third part of this swarm.

"Do you think they'll be alright?" Majin asked.

"Who knows?" Buddy responded halfheartedly before being punched in the shoulder. He winced in pain and started rubbing his shoulder.

"Don't say it like that!" Majin said.

"I think… they'll be fine. See look…" Ren pointed at the plants.

The Tangelas that gained the lighting element after evolving were gathered around a group of Creepers. They seemed to be communicating to each other and the lightning Tangelas grabbed the Creepers and started shocking them with lightning magic before whipping them towards the incoming landscape destroying spell above. When creepers are charged with lightning their explosive capabilities are enhanced two times over and these creepers are ones that have already survived through a swarm and have evolved into four different variants as well.

The first variant grew stronger, bigger, and its explosion range and power grew as well. The second variant allowed them to gain control over elements such as fire, ice, lightning, metal, and air. Once the creepers learned how to use magic, their self-detonation was also changed by whichever element they gained control over. The third variant of creepers did away with their trademark explosion ability and decided to go a different route entirely. They grew blocky arms and an extra pair of legs. Their bodies lengthen out so that the creeper could now perform kicks and punches at a range. (Totaling up to 6) They traded in their suicidal explosion ability for an explosive burst of power in their body. The last variant of creepers was the mvp of the evolutions. The reason for that is because when these creepers explode, they shoot out spores in every direction. And depending on what the spore touches dictates the effect. If a spore latches onto a fellow creeper, it grows another creeper from that spore and allows the creeper it grew from the same ability as it. But if it lands on something that isn't a creeper, mini creepers will grow on the enemy and detonate unless the enemy has a way of clearing their bodies of the spores in time.

So, the Tangelas began throwing the charged first variant and fourth variant creepers at the incoming water ball that was big enough to squash the entire flowery garden that Majin made full of her plants. But even with the creepers, the creepers only managed to slow it down slightly. Majin was seconds away from hopping over the stronghold and saving her babies but then one of the champions said something.

"What is that?" Elise asked.

"Huh?" Majin said confused

"Those green things. Inside the spell." Liya pointed out.

"What are you talking about..?" Majin asked before deciding to take a look for herself.

She infused mana into her eyes and finally saw what the girls were talking about. The variant of creepers that dispersed spores after dying managed to get some of its spores inside the water meteor.

"No way.." Majin said in disbelief.

The rest of the champions shared her sentiment as the spores began growing creepers inside the water ball incredibly fast. Soon the entire spell was filled with fully grown creepers that all began flashing and inflating at the same time. Somehow the spores managed to grow from the mana inside the spell!



And 1.5 seconds later, the entire battlefield was under siege by a fierce downpour of water droplets. The plants managed to survive against the gigantic spell and now had to finish off the rest of the fishmen.

"I guess my babies could handle it all on their own… I'm such a bad mother! I didn't even believe in my own children! I'm just the worst!" Majin tearfully cried.

"At least we're all wet together?" Zidane said trying to lift the mood of the all sopping wet champions.

"Turn around! Liya commanded to the men as all the clothing of the girls were transparent.

All the men except Ken turned around respectfully. Ken sneered before taking a punch from Majin and flying into a nearby wall.

'Idiot.. That She-Devil is a woman too.' Ren thought while he covered his eyes and his face flushed red.

It seems the battle would be ending soon. The fishmen weren't capable of taking out the larger Tangelas who could regenerate their endless tentacles and even if they were somehow harmed were able to regenerate by draining the life out of the fishmen and recovering back to 100%. And the smaller pokémon were simply icing on the devil's cake. Even with the rain strengthening their physiques, the numerous abilities and numerical superiority of the pokémon was too much for some simple aquatic monsters on land.

[Congratulations. Your team has successfully defended your Leader! The next swarm will appear in 30 minutes. The Leader can choose to start the next swarm early or sacrifice a member of their team to add 30 more minutes of rest.]

"Haha we'll be finished with this Destiny Battle in no time thanks to Majin!" Zidane said.

"Yeah what kind of wish did you even ask for?" Liya asked.

"I wished to be the most cutest girl ever." Majin responded innocently.

Ren internally threw up and Buddy rolled his eyes. Unfortunately for him, Majin caught this and swiftly kicked him in the side, dropping him to his knees in agony.

'Got to be more careful than that elf guy. You'll learn eventually.' Ren thought while avoiding eye contact with Majin.

The rest of the champions realized that she wished to avoid talking about her wish and accepted that answer. However untrue they believed it may be.



"Is that not true for some of the other Champions as well? The champions, Miles, Jenna, Alice, Mashimoto, Pierre, and Ekon are progressing through this Destiny Battle just as easily as Majin is."


"Fine Tarok. If we forbid the girl from using her creations in the last two swarms will you cease your complaints?"


"Hey wait a moment. Why are you so hung up over my champion? We already made a bet for the final Destiny Battle. If you continue to try and restrain and weaken my champion I will not be polite anymore." Majin's Sponsor said.


"It's not my fault Earth's God has given his creations far more imagination than our mortals could possibly possess." Neflem responded.

"Enough! Bicker on your own time! But now we must discuss the next Destiny Battle."


[Nature Magic and any monsters spawned from it will now cease to exist in the next 5 minutes.]

"Huh!?" Ken exclaimed


"Hey that's not fair you stinking gods! I created my babies through my own sweat and tears and you're trying to take them away from me!? You dirty crooks!" Majin cursed.

"Damn that sucks." Buddy said.

'Heh. I could probably save them all but I doubt she's able to use her brain to-'

"REN! SAVE MY CHILDREN OR ITS BOOM BOOM TIME!" Majin ordered while blasting the unwilling participant, Ren, with her mana at an accelerated rate.

Ren was currently in a do or die situation. Either he saves the garden or he explodes from the inside out from his body being unable to handle the amount of mana Majin's pouring into him.

'I swear I'll get my revenge one day Devil…' Ren swore in his mind.

"Okay… I understand.." Ren responded.

Ren hopped over the stronghold and landed in the middle of the beautiful flowery garden filled with various plant monsters. He clasped his palms together before slowly separating them apart. A spiral silvery orb emerged in the empty space between his hands. Soon the silver orb formed into a whirling vortex that expanded into a size that rivaled the stronghold and began sucking up all the plants into the vortex.

As Majin's mana continued to fuel the vortex, all the monster plants, alien eggs, and flowers were sucked into the vortex and held inside a time zone where all time has ceased and is only accessible to Ren. The zone usually is only capable of holding something around the size of a picnic basket but with Majin's infinite mana fueling into it, the size is only limited by however Majin wishes. Thankfully, the time zone doesn't require a constant upkeep of mana and once all the plants have successfully been transported, Ren will be free to do whatever he pleases with them or whatever Majin orders him to do with them.


"Hahaha! Majin wins this round gods!" Majin screamed to the sky.

"Don't taunt the gods…." Buddy sighed.


[SWARM 9/10]


"Ren you handle this wave. I'll get the final wave. Make it quick. I'm getting kind of bored now that my plant babies are gone." Majin waved him away while resting on her side and chewing a chocolate bar.

She was still sharing her mana with him, so she definitely meant for him to end this quickly. If she chose not to share her mana with him then it would have been considered another impossible training task. He sighed inwardly at the lazy powerful Devil before hopping back over the stronghold and standing with his back to the wind vs 900 ant-like monsters. The basic ant monster was around the size of a large tiger and the ants farther in the back were probably large enough to touch the clouds in the sky.

Ren sighed outwardly now that he was out of sound from Her. He twirled his Legendary steel chain slowly that had a slight tint of gold at the end of it from absorbing the monster birds in the 7th swarm. The ocean of ants began their march and Ren's eyes glowed light silver.

"Time Acceleration…"

And off he went. Within a blink of an eye, Ren disappeared and was in the midst of the monster army. The rest of the champions were unable to follow exactly what was happening but they could see the outcome. Ren was destroying the swarm with such ease, skill, and pizzazz. None of the monster ants were able to touch Ren and few of the ant's exoskeletons were capable of defending against the soul weapon. Even a slight tap of the steel chain would destroy or penetrate through most of the ants. Only when Ren reached the final few of the boss ants would they be capable of taking hits from the legendary weapon made by a mortal.

But even if they were able to stand off against the chain, they still weren't able to even touch Ren's shadow. Ren fueled his time acceleration ability up to eleven with Majin's mana fueling his reserves. The Ant Queen was forced to take constant beatings from all over her body before being brutally beaten to death with a final swing to the skull from Ren. The previous green landscape has turned into a field of death, green blood, and ant appendages.

The champions could only see the green stained back of Ren as he stood amongst the field of corpses. The normally meek and small back of the Japanese boy seemed to be larger than the sky right now, even taller than the ant monsters that reached the actual clouds. Everyone usually thought of the polite and gentle kid as nothing special or nothing to take notice of but when he feels like it, he's just as much of a monster as she is.

"Heheh. That's my underling. Too bad these dumb ants weren't any challenge at all. That soul weapon I gave him may have been a little bit too powerful.. I'll have to be careful who I give those to in the future." Majin decided.

[Congratulations. Your team has successfully defended your Leader! The next swarm will appear in 30 minutes. The Leader can choose to start the next swarm early or sacrifice a member of their team to add 30 more minutes of rest.]

Ren returned back to the stronghold and Majin ceased her mana connection with him. The rest of the Champions congratulated Ren and the Elise and Liya barraged him once again. But unlike before Majin didn't interrupt them and let the boy try and start his own harem. If he wants to. For now though, Majin was thinking what could the gods throw at her next. The final swarm has to be something special since they had to remove her plant monsters. She wanted to finish this off with a big bang of her own as well so, she was kind of excited at what kind of challenge the gods will throw at her. Its been a while since she could go all out and fight without reserves and this wide-open grassland is the perfect battlefield for something like that.

"Don't let me down you cowardly gods… Let me have some fun worthy of a majin…" Majin muttered while resting on her back.


[SWARM 10/10]
