Second Destiny Battle!!!

It is the day of the second Destiny Battle and Majin has prepared her team as much as she could with her semi-limited time. She was only able to have Ren form his mana core while the rest weren't that far along in their mana training compared to him. She also formed her own mana core just for the hell of it but hasn't been able to play around with it yet and planned to do so for whatever type of Destiny Battle the gods will throw at her today. Majin, Ren, Buddy, Pliff, Clara, and Melvin were grouped up looking like a rag-tag team made up of troublemakers or just people that were randomly thrown together.

They paid no mind to it though as they conversed between themselves and ignored their surroundings for the most part. Majin however was staring at a certain person's group that rivaled her own's in numbers. She wasn't sure how strong they were though but based on the fact that the speedster delinquent was leading them they couldn't be too weak. There were other champions who also decided to team up but Majin ignored them in favor of the boy and girl she was supposed to lose against eventually.

"How does it feel to have a mana core Ren? I want to try and get one myself but Majin said that I would do better focusing on my physical abilities after I learn how to make my soul intangible." Pliff chatted.

"It feels… different." He told her after feeling the change in his body and strength. But on the inside he was laughing to himself maniacally.

'I'm this much closer to getting away from you! It won't be as long now to gain the strength I need to free myself from you She-Devil!'

"Well yeah no duh it feels different! But like is it a good feeling? Do you need to eat more? What about sleeping? Hey Ren, where were you this morning anyway? Usually you'd be in the room with everyone else." She badgered on.


"Enough you idiot.. Can't you tell you're bothering him?" Clara said after dropping her fist on Pliff's head.

"Owie….. Sorry bout that Ren! If I start to get on your nerves just tell me. I'm not too good on picking up cues like that." She smiled while rubbing her head and looking at Ren.

"You're.. fine." He said waving off the issue.

'Your similar body type to Her's disgusts me.. but you seem to act like nothing more than a child. I'll forgive you.'

"Do you think we'll manage to get by okay with all the training we've done?" Melvin asked while twiddling his fingers.

"Hmph. Majin's training is undeniable. Believe in her if you can't believe in yourself." Buddy responded slightly arrogantly while crossing his arms.

"Sorry! I won't." Melvin said with his eyes looking a bit brighter.

"Alright team! This Destiny Battle will be a breeze no matter what it is! Especially since you have me here. Let's get it!" Majin cheered.

Pliff and Melvin were the most responsive by their outspoken yells of agreement. Clara and Buddy just shook their heads and smiled at their leader while Ren inwardly sighed and outwardly didn't say or do much. Then the oh so familiar announcer god's voice came.



With a snap with the sound of 5 thunderclaps, the entire group of Champions were transported into an empty golden-brown desert. The Champions could only see nothing but sand and the hot blistering sun above. With a small chuckle, the announcer god began yelling again.


One champion was about to ask something but was interrupted by a sound that caused nearly all of the Champions to be stunned.

"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The announcer god yelled.

Few champions began dashing off into the desert while the majority had to gain their bearings from the super loud announcer god. The bad attitude speedster seemed to have wrapped his team in bandages and sped off into the desert, vanishing in seconds while also leaving behind a huge dust trail. Majin protected her team with a mana barrier and began giving orders.

"Let's get started team! Melvin, summon the biggest coolest looking truck you can and then hop on the roof with me and Buddy! Ren, attach any plants you can to the car that will increase its defense or offense! Clara, you'll be our nitro boost and speed us along with your wind! Buddy you stay on the roof of the truck and fire at anything in our way or threatening us! I'll head up there with you!" Majin shouted her orders.

"CAN I DRIVE!? Before my sponsor transported me over I was in the middle of my driving license test!" Pliff begged.

"Pliff is the driver!" Majin shouted. Despite Clara's eyes begging otherwise.

A blue magical circle filled with strange letters appeared under Melvin and black smiling blocks began flowing out of the circle and shooting into the air before slowly connecting themselves into the shape of a giant black spiky monster truck with a roof that could be opened or closed. The wheels were large enough to squash over normal cars back on Earth. Majin, Buddy, Melvin hopped onto the roof while taking out their ranged equipment. Buddy with his bow, Majin with her slingshot, and Melvin with his golden toy desert eagle. Ren began opening up a silver portal with his hands and certain plants began latching onto the monster truck. A gigantic piranha plant with teeth large enough to tear through a dragon without issue and two piranha plants that were just as big as the first one but one attached to the front top of the roof and the trunk who were capable of shooting big cannon ball sized elemental attacks either rapidly or single shots. Clara hopped in the back of the truck with one arm outside the back, getting ready to use her vacuum ability to speed up the car. Ren hopped in next to her and Pliff hopped in the driver's seat excitedly.

"CAN I START IT!? WHERES THE KEY!?" Pliff shouted.

"JUST PRESS THE-" Melvin's shout was cut off by a group of champions who had their eyes set on robbing Melvin's truck. One of the champions threw knife towards Melvin and cut his cheek.

"Get that monster truck!" One of the champions below shouted as other champions began racing across the desert and other running towards the truck.

Despite how pissed Majin was at these guys for daring to even think about stealing from her, she decided to let her team handle this. What better way to see their progress from the past week than something as interesting as this? She smiled and leisurely relaxed on top of the toy monster truck while petting the toothed piranha plant as their truck was swarmed from all sides.

Buddy and Melvin began firing immediately. Buddy's arrows snuffed out the lives of many Champions that weren't protecting their vitals. He drew, shot, and killed. This simple pattern repeated itself as the defensive battle went on. Melvin was also similar in his methods of execution.

"You forced this..!" Melvin said mostly to himself as he aimed his toy desert eagle and began firing pin-point accurate toy bullets.

The bullets had grinning faces on them as they sped towards whichever Champion they wanted. Melvin didn't even really need to aim since the bullets would head for whoever he wanted them to head towards but Majin forced him to work on his accuracy regardless and now was capable of shooting near him with fatal precision with any small arms. His toy bullets easily tore through the foreheads or chests of the attacking Champions and soon him and Buddy were being targeted.

"GET THOSE TWO ON THE ROOF!" One champion shouted and soon Buddy and Melvin were under siege from magical spells and other dangerous attacks.

They hopped down into the truck and Clara and Pliff smiled.

"You jerks aren't going to stop me from driving this car! I will drive this thing if it's the last thing I do! Let's go teach these ding-dongs a lesson Clara!" Pliff yelled while taking out her two two-pronged Sais and jumping out the window.

"Hmph.. Follow my lead." Clara responded, following behind Pliff by kicking open the door and flying out the door with a mini tornado underneath her feet, causing her to levitate.

Clara wielded a chainsaw in her left hand and held her palm out towards the incoming Champions. With a brief surge of mana, a large tornado began heading towards her foes. The tornado started sucking up the surrounding desert sand and turned into a sand tornado. Multiple Champions were sucked into the tornado that began increasing in size and speed the more it sucked up the surrounding sand. Clara looked in contempt before slowly crushing her palm into a fist and causing the tornado to implode on itself and explode in a sharp sandy explosion that produced winds capable of slicing through people as if they were tofu.

Before all this happened, Pliff dashed in just as Clara was creating her tornado and began slaughtering any Champions that managed to escape from Clara's tornado and sand storm. With her enchanted sais, she was capable of slicing and stabbing nearly anything to death. Majin enchanted her sais with the ability to pierce through almost anything, remanifest into her hands when she wanted, and are coated in a poison that would slowly shut down the body of whoever is cut by it.

"DIE!" A thieving Champion yelled as he swung his sword at Pliff.

The blade passed harmlessly through her body and Pliff stabbed her sai through the shocked and defenseless Champion's jaw, penetrating all the way through the top of his skull and killing him. He fell down and more Champions surrounded her.

"Come and get some you losers! You won't stop me from driving my truck!" She shouted.

'Didn't I make this truck…?' Melvin thought before smiling and shaking his head at the sudden transfer of ownership.

Clara was similarly getting swarmed but hearing the warcry of Pliff caused her to hold her head and sigh.

"That idiot…" She said with a faint smile.

The two began systematically taking out groups of Champions before the others started realizing that maybe they chose to mess with the wrong group of Champions. As Pliff threw her sais into the skulls of two beast-like Champions, she backflipped and rapidly stabbed another Champion in the gut multiple times after she willed them to return to her. But in the midst of her stabbing, the female Champion grabbed onto her arms and smiled while coughing blood.

"Got you now bitch…!" She spat as a yellow lightning bolt fired down from the heavens and struck towards them.

Pliff was able to make herself intangible despite the girl holding onto her and swiftly avoided the attack as the girl was suddenly transforming into a colossal 50 ft (15m) creature. The only way someone would be able to harm Pliff is if they targeted her soul or attacked her at the same moment she was attacking someone.

"I…. don't think… I can stab this one to death hahaha….." Pliff nervously laughed as she backed away and got a better look at the gigantic humanoid creature with plated armor covering most of its body. The armor covered her fleshy skin except in a few key points and had a plated face mask. She looked down on them with a sort of perverse glee in her eyes.

"Damn it…" Clara cursed as her powers would be useless against this thing as well.

Even if she gathered all her mana for a big spell, she wasn't sure it would take down the thing for good.. Pliff and Clara started retreating. Pliff by running, and Clara by flying away with her tornado lifting her.

"Ren… looks like it's your time to shine." Majin said in a sing-song manner.

Ren inwardly sighed but he knew that he was the only one besides Majin and maybe Buddy who could take this giant down.

"Come back… to the car.. I'll handle it.." Ren said to Pliff and Clara.

"THAT'S A BIG BITCH!" Someone yelled

The rest of the Champions fled in terror and the big creature focused its sights on the car.

'Buddy would be able to take this thing down if he's lucky enough or that Witch shared her mana with him. His quiver that's able to spawn arrows from multiple timelines and dimensions, could probably shoot an arrow that would kill this thing in one arrow but Buddy's luck is absolute shit. Most of the arrows he gets are useless and no doubt we would be crushed by the time he finds the right arrow.' Ren thought before appearing outside the truck.

The armored titan raised its plated foot intending to squash their truck into pancake. Clara and Pliff returned to the truck and Ren appeared on top of it. He pulled out his soul weapon, the steel chain, and with a flick of his wrist, whacked the titan's foot away as it came crashing down towards them. The titan was forced off balance by the insane power of a soul weapon and slowly fell to the desert ground.

'This soul weapon is too strong…. I don't even have to use my own strength to fight against someone..' Ren thought.

"Accelerate…" Ren muttered before quickly following up to attack. He appeared over the fallen titan and stood atop of her forehead.

Her eyes focused on him and she was about to try and recover but Ren couldn't allow that.

"Reverse…." He muttered, trying out his new spell.

The large titan's body was covered in a silver aura before slowly shrinking and having the girl return to her original appearance. Her eyes were shocked and she looked at Ren as if he was a devil in human's skin.

"You wouldn't mind following me would you….? I could use someone like you…" Ren asked with his chain wrapped around her throat.

He was slightly out of breath and completely out of mana after reversing her transformation. Ren was slowly absorbing the mana in the air to refuel his reserves but that new spell was completely worth it..

The tall, busty, and delinquent-looking girl realized that this kid could easily crush her throat with a slight tug of the chain around her neck. Her eyes frantically looked around for any type of salvation but quickly realized that there was only two ways of getting out of this.

Submit or die.

Tears began running down her cheeks as agreed to follow under him.

"Good. What's your name?" Ren said quietly as his chain snapped off and formed a chained collar around her neck.


"Let's go then. Hopefully that bitch doesn't cause too much of a fuss." Ren muttered.

Sasha felt the chain collar around her throat tighten once Ren saw she wasn't following behind him and she sped off towards him, realizing that he was in complete control of her life now..

The two returned to the truck and everyone but Majin looked at her with glaring eyes.

"She isn't… that bad of a person…" Ren said reverting back to his usual manner of speech around them. Sasha looked at him with confusion.

Majin showed a grinning smile as she looked at the collar around Sasha's neck.

"It would be better if she was dead but whatever." Clara said before resting her feet on the back of the passenger's seat.

"Fuck you, you pink bi-" The chain around her throat tighten and cut her off.

Ren gave her a certain look and she quickly went quiet.

"LET'S GOOOOO!" Pliff shouted excitedly while honking the horn, giving no thought about the girl she was butchering earlier.

Ren sat in the middle back seat while Sasha took the left seat. Buddy and Melvin returned to their positions with their upper bodies hanging out the roof of the truck. Pliff stomped on the gas and the toy monster truck blasted off in the desert with sand kicking up behind them. The sound of Pliff's excited yelling in combination with the passing wind, and engine caused most of the team to smile. Even Ren had a small smile on his face remembering his time back on Earth. Missing the advanced technology of their old world and being reminded of it by this toy truck was quite nice.

And Majin's team finally left the starting line with 4 and a half more days to go to finish the race. A white shining light appeared in Majin's hand and revealed itself to be a gift given from her sponsor. She began to call him the GameCube God due to his realm looking like it was made up of nothing but the cubes from the starting screen of the Gamecube It was a map that showed exactly where the finish line was and the things she needs to expect ahead. To get past this desert she first needed to defeat the great Sphinx or reason with it. Beyond the desert laid a frozen wasteland full of ice and snow. The guardian of that biome was the King Snowman who ruled over his snowy subjects. They needed to either break their way past the snowmen or somehow manage to avoid them entirely. Going past that tundra laid a swamp ruled by the Mushroom Queen. What her mushrooms did wasn't stated but the options they had to get through that one was appease the Queen or kill her. And for the final lap was grass plain filled with yellow grass. They would have to avoid or take out all the wild creatures to get past the finish line and successfully get through this Destiny Battle.

"Now these types of Destiny Battles are fun! A death race filled with monsters, magic, and fighting! Kyaaa! This is the life I've needed all my life!" Majin exclaimed.