Reward after disaster

Mar is 6 month . but he can barely crall all he start to understand that this world is same of his.

and he is born just 2years before his original birth date.

he was confused as his was born in one of strong demon clan. his father is candidate for clan leader and he is one of the leader of East demon country.

This world just don't have any royalty in it . As his real world have .But when Mar think carefully then he was thankful as royal clan of demon always one to be in power and kill some of human and elves genius to decrease there future conquest trouble.

And they even kill there own being also . demon also.

and Stein family was also killed over night when one of the member awaken the power of Stein family bloodline.

This bloodline power can even put in fear to royal family bloodline power.

Family name Stein come from action of person who build Stein family.

he was very strong as his power was so high that even demon king have to show him respect.

his sorrounding air was like they were stained with blood. and whenever someone breath near him , they can smell blood.

and as demon language grammar and essence of speak is little different so they some Stein name when one demon scholar name them in place of demon king.

where that was older story and history of Demons now let's go back to our Mar.

when we he woke up please show his mother and live happily and drinking his mother milk it was he was shy so he kick and cry. but keep up to his hunger and drink it and just like their 6 month was spend on his boring day with nothing to read or write for you all.

Mar " now what to do I cannot just start walking because my body is so weak in this baby form and I can barely walk up"

was thinking and that time his mother come and said " mar how are you my baby are you feeling hunger " as she said that she take out bottle with milk and try to feed mar but just as mar was going to touch his lip to bottle top to drink milk his mother take it back and check it temperature " sorry mar .I forget to check how much hot it is for you .let me cool it. now where is some water .

hm...maybe Gil can bring some water in bucked to cool it down "

Mar mom cal Gil and tell her bring some water in bucked . Gil nod to Mar mom Order and walk toward the kitchen to bring some water in bucked.

when Gil got water he come back to Mar room but just when she walk from the door she trip and water bucked fly toward the Mar.

Mar was scared as he was just a baby if this heavy bucked with water fall in him then his bone may break or worse he may dies.

his only thought were"what the hell I just Reborn 6 month ago but now . I am going to die again." but he didn't see that his mother come running towards him.

but lastly he close his eye as it felt pain .

On other his mother use her body to sheild her son body . but even after haft min no water or bucked hit her back . so she look backwards but she was shook .

why ?because bucked was stop and water droplets were hanging in air like it was 360° picture which you can look from all side.

she felt something was wrong so she held Mar in her hand and some toward Gil to ask . If she was hurt or what?

but when she finished her questions .

Bucked and water finally fall towards the place where Mar was sleeping previously.

Mar Mom was shock and look toward Mar if he was okay or not but notice that from his closed eyelid blood was coming and his life energy was weakening .

she was shock and cried and call for help . and Gil also ran to call help.

Mar was unconscious but he still heard " Mar are you okay . don't worry mommy's will protect you . you will be find ."