Chapter One Part C

Nom, nom, nom...

The eggshell actually tastes a little like stale toast? Not the white bread toast that momma cuts the crust off of but that whole wheat/9 grain crispy toast that is mostly crust...

It didn't mean to! But, but I was so hungry and it was right there!

But... now I've got sand paste all over my body because I can't really use the eggshell as a shelter anymore...

The slime from earlier doesn't seem to be drying very fast and sleeping in the sand earlier just gravitated those sandy particles into all the folds of my skin. The back of my knees, my underarm, my groin area, behind my ears and between my toes and fingers... it kinda starts hurting after it's rubbed for a while...

I would love to get into some water and rub off the paste of slime and sand but the river is so fast... it seems really dark which means it's very deep... the wind seems very chill when it comes from the river, that means the water is cold... right? Very scary!

The hot spring has already seeped into the sand beneath and I can't find a clear trail of water. So I would need to scrub more sand over my skin to get the sand paste off?

The cliffs edging the perimeter also look really sharp and cold... maybe when the sun hits the dark rocks it will warm up... but it still looks really sharp.

The forest is really far away... it looks really nice with all the deep green and undergrowth and different trees but they look really blurred and small, that means it's far away... unless I'm just really large but I don't feel large... those cliffs and river are scary big.

Beyond being a little hungry I don't feel that bad. No thirst, don't need to use the toilet, no hurts beyond the irritating sand. The eggshell was helping keep me in shelter from the cold wind and direct sun... but it is disappearing really fast... am I really eating that much? It doesn't feel like I'm eating that much, I wait till my stomach hurts and then I eat some bites till it stops hurting... maybe I should bite then wait 20 minutes... but how do you count time? ...What is time?

That previous nap really helped. Now that I found out that I'm not blind and I seem to be out of danger and I feel pretty good beyond some hunger pangs...

I think I can stay here for a while. But what was that fall before? Maybe if I know where I fell I can find out what I am and where I am? But how do you track a floating egg upstream that fell into the river?

...I should probably wait till I can actually walk and figure out how to even go upstream and probably climb some cliffs. It seems I might need to wait a while before I can find my origin.

So, so, so... I'll just take one more little bite then just a little nap...


mhm... ugh. Why is it so hot?

...oh yeah, the suns overhead now. That means it's noon now, right?

Now where is that egg-toast, I'm hungry.

Wow, did I really eat that much? The edges of the buried half of the egg-toast is barely above the sand that surrounds us and the bottom half is still filled with leftover slime... it kinda looks a little soupy/crusty... can I eat the slime? It doesn't smell bad anymore... maybe the river water evaporated?

The outer edges of the eggshell are embedded in the sand surface... I don't want to eat more sand then I have to... it hurts my teeth grinding it down.

So... slurp, sluuurrrrppp, slurp.


It kinda tastes like butter? Not the fake butter made of oil but the farm fresh butter that's freshly churned out of whole milk and put fresh and soft on the table. So if the eggshell toast and the slime is butter the first meal of my life was supposed to be buttered bread?

That is not too bad for breakfast... could have used some egg... was I the egg? Was I supposed to be breakfast for someone?!

... Well it didn't happen, why invite nightmares?

Hm, I'm actually feeling stronger... does sleep make you stronger? I thought all that sleep did was consolidate our memories, clean out your fluids and help you grow muscles and bones and stabilise what is already there... ah, am I growing?

...Well I did just hatch... I guess...

Anyway! I can actually move the egg-toast towards my mouth and the slime sticks to the edges fairly well... the sand sticks pretty good too, pah-tooey.

The way it disappears so fast means it won't last much longer... what else do I eat? ...since I'm eating eggshell which is mostly calcium maybe I can eat some rocks? But sand is made of rock and it doesn't taste good at all, it is actually really bad tasting and it hurts if I swallow too at one bite. So I probably shouldn't try and bite some rock anytime soon...

So once I finish the egg-toast where should I go to find food?

River is scary and too deep, the cliffs probably don't have anything... they look really sharp too. Hot springs can't grow food, right? They're too hot and have too many minerals mixed in for plants and animals to live... So I should go towards the distant forest, I was always told there was food in the woods... but I was also always told to not eat what you don't know, it might be poison.

But I can eat eggshell, will poison really affect me? ...It probably will, I remember birds dying from poison even after they eat their own eggshells.

Also, also if my eggshell tastes like toast and the dried slime tastes like butter maybe other items will taste weird? The sand just tastes like chalky rock and it doesn't dissolve in my mouth like the egg-toast does... maybe I can spit on something and if it dissolves, I can eat it? But if it's a dissolved how do you eat a pile of goo?

But that can be a good test...

Hm... now how do you spit?

Hruk... Hhhrrruuukk! Pe-toey!!

...ok, that was just pathetic. All I got was some slime that dripped down my front...


...Now I feel hungry again. Why?

Well, that went fast. The eggshell is all gone and I can't see the sun anymore...

The wind off the river is getting colder and colder, does that mean night is approaching? ...But how am I supposed to sleep in the open sand like this?

Maybe I can hide closer to the edge of the cliff, I can get behind a big rock and that should hide me... right?