
The trip took what seemed to be hours. Lucy drifted off, her tiny body curled on Prince Benin's lap. Despite her will, her stamina didn't match. When Lucy woke up, she was in an elaborate room in the arms of a strange lady. Lucy eyes her. Who are you? The woman smiled, her eyes sparkling. Despite her older age, at that moment Lucy's breath was taken away by her beauty. "Imperial Mother, it's time to start," Father says. Lucy looks over, seeing him standing by them. So, this is my grandmother? That's so unfair! Her skin looks even better than mine did when I died!

    Grandmother frowns but hands Lucy off to a maid. Lucy watches as her Grandmother, and Father approaches an altar. An older man stood by it, in dragon robes, who Lucy assumed was her grandfather.  "Great ancestors, we present our family's newest daughter" Imperial Grandfather began. Father and Grandmother started burning incense, while he talked. Finally, they all bowed, and Imperial Grandfather picked up a calligraphy brush. Lucy leans forward curious. A sharp pain in her leg made Lucy suck in a breath, tears springing up. It felt like something just cut her.

    Lucy covers her mouth with her hands, sneakily wiping her tears on her sleeves, because of Mother's warning. Crying was bad luck. This ceremony was clearly important, not even a hint of bad luck could be attached to her name. Lucy looks up angrily. The stupid maid had pinched her. This was sabotage! How dare she!

    Lucy guides her pure energy to her leg, simulating the blood. Soon, it would show an ugly bruise. Let's see how she explains that! Lucy thinks, fuming. "Take the child to rest." Imperial Grandfather orders. Father nods, coming over to Lucy.  "Be good, little one. I have to attend the banquet. Once you've had a nap, we'll send for you, so you may be introduced to your Imperial Aunt." Father says, patting Lucy's head. This maid just tried to ruin my future, and you're just leaving me with her? Lucy sulks, as the maid carries her away.

    The maid took Lucy to a fine room, that held a crib, and a wet nurse. She frowns at the wet nurse "Leave, the child isn't hungry" She orders. The wet nurse bows, and retreats from the room. Lucy scowls. While she would have refused that wet nurse anyway, a normal baby would need to be feed in order to attend a banquet without fussing.

    The maid shuts the door and pulls a small vial from her pocket. The liquid in it was brown, and as she popped the cork smelt vile. She puts it up to Lucy's mouth. Oh, hell no! Lucy jerks back. No! Unfortunately, her small body was simply no match for the woman. She held Lucy down, poured it in her mouth, and clamped a hand over Lucy's mouth to prevent her from spitting it out. Lucy didn't swallow. She wasn't a fool. This liquid wasn't a nourishing potion. It wasn't anything good for her.

    Impatient, the maid pinches Lucy's nose, cutting off her air supply. As her vision gets black dots in it, Lucy angrily swallows the liquid. It burned as it went down her throat. The maid tossed Lucy into the crib. The burning feeling spread throughout her body. Lucy trances, and finds the poison quickly. It was like a black sludge in her body.