Be spoiled!

    Next morning, Father came to our Butterfly Courtyard. I was playing with a soft ball, attempting to train my hand coderation by tossing it from hand to hand, yet failing miserably. "Bring Lucy to me" Father's voice interrupted my focus, making my ball hit the ground. Damn it, Dad. Couldn't you have waited just two seconds. I almost caught the ball!

     Unfortunately, being a one year old  limited her to a few words, and a crappy clumsy body that struggles to walk in straight line. Lucy puffed out her cheeks as Selena scooped her out of bed. Father was scowling heavily as he stood waiting. Lucy ruthlessly yanks his bread when Selena passes her over, as a punishment for his interruption. He gives her a stern glance but says nothing as he carries her to out of the courtyard all the way to his study

    "Leave" Father says sternly, and his attendant quickly fades from the room.  Once the door was shut, the fierce look in Father's eye softens. With a heavy scowl Father taps her forehead. "You have no fear, little one" Father says, his voice gruff. Lucy ignores this reaching for the bowl of chocolate drops, shoving some in her mouth. Oh, my dear chocolate why am I so restricted in eating you?

    Lucy ate until the bowl held only flakes of her chocolate. Eyeing it, Lucy pondered licking the bowl. After all, I'm a year old it should be fine. Lucy sighs. Stupid dignity. Leaning back into Father, Lucy looks up at him. He was reading some document, a solemn look hanging on his face. Father notices her look, and blinks. "You finished it already?" Father asks. Lucy nods cutely. "Chocola" Lucy says, making puppy eyes.

    Father just shakes his head. "Only one bowl, little one. You'll lose teeth, before they finish growing in otherwise." Father says. Lucy purses her lips. Fine. Lucy tilts her head, looking around. Her eyes rest on the ink, and brushes, her hands itchy. Lucy rips her eyes away after a second, knowing Father wasn't going to hand it over to a baby. In the corner of her eye, Lucy catches Father's disappointed face.

    ???? Why is Father disappointed??? Should I? No, reading his mind would be wrong. After all, he is my Father. It's kinda disrespectful. Lucy stares at his unhappy face for several minutes. Father was practically pouting, a heavy cloud hanging over him. He read a document, set it down. Picked the same  document up, read it again, and put it down. Once, Twice, Thrice. Four times. A stormy cloud of doom hanging over his head. Unable to stand this, Lucy's ethics crumble. Just this once. Lucy promises herself.

    {Little one never asks for anything but chocolate, and when I tell her no she accepts that. She never throws a fit at me} Father sighs heavily, dropping his documents on his desk. {This little one is too obedient. My daughter should be more spoiled, asking for what she wants until she gets it.}

    Lucy stops stunned. Father's upset. Upset because I'm behaving? He wants me to throw fits? This is the reason you look like you were just sentenced to death row?!

Because I'm too obedient?! Really?

Fine!  In that case, I won't be shy.

    "Chocoa?" Lucy asks, drawing his gaze. "No, little one. It's not good for your teeth." Father answers. Lucy hesitates, and lowers her shield {Good, girl. My other brats never ask again once I say no} Lucy curses mentally. If I wasn't an adult, I would be scared to death by your scowl.  Of course the brats are too scared of you to ask for treats.

    Lucy opens her eyes wide, raising her voice. "Chocoa. Want Chocoa" Lucy insists {She's so cute! But I can't give in, or else this glutton will rot her teeth out} A hint of a smile was on Father's face. {She must feel close to me, if she is so demanding}  Father taps her nose. "No. Not happening" Father says.

Lucy huffs, crossing her arms. "Want chocoa" Lucy mutters, an air of resentment hanging around her. He got my hopes up, and smashed them down. Why want me to ask if you aren't going to give in?  {Such a cute little one. I should get a variety of sweets for her to try} Lucy was slightly mollified by this thought. At least he wasn't completely heartless.

As Father returns to his papers, Lucy began staring into space. This is so boring. Lucy's eyes return to the brush. Father wants me to less obedient, right? So if I make a mess, he shouldn't be too mad. Decided, Lucy swiftly grabs the brush, dipping it in the ink. Lucy pauses, lacking a paper. I should have thought this through. Shrugging mentally, Lucy turns toward him, painting his outer ropes.

Lucy ignores Father's stunned gaze, trying to draw a heart. My hands are so clumsy. Ai, I can't wait until I can hold a brush property. "Little one. You're drawing on me" Father says. Lucy pauses, meeting his gaze. Lucy nods, smiling. "Fun. Fun" Lucy says. And it was. Not wise, or very nice, but fun. Father sighs. "Use paper, not me." Father says. Lucy holds her empty hand out.

"Why don't you do this on the floor?" Father asks, setting her on floor by his chair. Father lays papers down covering the space around her. A small bowl of ink set atop one of the papers. Lucy's eyes light up at this set up. I should practice keeping my hands steady, since I can't grip the brush right.

Lucy sat there, trying to draw straight lines, with her chubby hands. Until the light began to fade, and a servant came in to light lamps. Lucy scowls, when Father picks her up. "I forgot you were here, little one. Consort Meng is probably wanting you back" Father says, walking out of his study. Leaving behind a mountain of crumbled, ink splashed, scribbled on papers on his study floor. Lucy looks over his shoulder, at her efforts. Just how long was I drawing? Lucy whimpers as her tummy rumbles. I'm starving. So hungry!