Name Day - 2

Duke Lu was in his mid-thirties, he wore a yellow robe with a pale green sash. Lucy's eyebrow twitched as she glanced from her Papa's red leathers, and breeches with a loose over-robe, and Duke Lu's exquisite robes. A few of the men simply wore breeches and a loose embroidered blouse. All they need was a private patch to complete it. Why are the men's clothes here so diverse?

"I greet the Third Imperial Miss Jing. May you enjoy a 100 more Namedays" Duke Lu says. Lucy curtsies "This Imperial Miss greets your grace," Lucy says, tilting her head. He's like a steady mountain. His emotions were serene, and a hint of... Pity? {Poor lass' face will attract trouble with her weak powers}

"This is my gift to the young miss" Duke Lu says, handing Papa a cloth drawstring pouch. Papa looks in it and smiles. "Spirit Grapes. Little thing will enjoy it. I thank you on her behalf" Papa says, handing it to her. Lucy clutches the bag and freezes.

What is the… Should I thank him when Papa did that? Lucy swallows. Well, I can't be too polite I guess. "Thanks to your grace" Lucy blurts. Duke Lu just nods, his emotions not fluctuating. "There's Duke Meng, I best move on so he can greet the child," Duke Lu says. Papa glances at Carlos. "Bring Concubine Meng over," he orders. Lucy realizes for the first time that Mom stood in a corner.

Mom follows Carlos over to them, and Lucy takes deep breaths. Don't screw up the greeting. Don't screw up the greeting. "This Imperial daughter greets Honored Mother," Lucy says, forcing herself not to curtsy. A concubine couldn't accept a curtsy from a member of the Imperial Family. Not even her daughters.

Mom kneels, "This Concubine greets my lord, and Third Imperial Miss Jing," Mom says. Lucy clenches her fist and lowers her eyes to the floor. "Rise, Concubine Meng," Papa says. Mom stands, positioning herself a little behind them.

A man in his fifties stalked toward them. He bows stiffly to Papa and inclines his head at Lucy. Resentment pouring off him. "This grace greets Second Imperial Prince Jing and the Third Imperial Miss Jing." Lucy curtsies in response but stays quiet as Papa responds. {Treating a trash's child like an Imperial Miss. I might as well honor a beggar as one. Empress Kaili's marriage contract insists her sons' daughters be of the Rimes house. The child is Rimes Lucinda, not Bao Lucinda. Why should she keep the status of a Prince's daughter?} Lucy nearly sways on her feet, Duke Meng's emotions choking her. What a bastard! "This Concubine and lowly daughter greets Honorable Father," Mom says, curtsying so low her scalp could be seen. Duke Meng is Mom's father? Lucy stares hard at her maternal grandfather. He curls his lip at Mom saying. "Rise, Out-Daughter." Distaste radiating off him.

Lucy eyes narrow. How did Uncle Ru turn out so well with such a bastard as his Father? "I see that East General Ning and his family haven't arrived. Did they send notice for their tardiness?" Duke Meng asks, making Mom pale. Lucy buries her face in Papa's leg, hiding her scowl. I should beat the fuck out of him! Stupid small body! Stupid etiquette!

Papa frowns. "Carlos take the Third Miss back to the gardens" Papa orders. Lucy obediently goes out, but stands by the doorway once Carlos leaves, opening her shields. The absence of the Ning Family is highly noted. Many of the military people. People under Papa's command sympathize with the Ning Family. How could a cripple's daughter produce strong sons? In a roomful of nobles of all types they almost to the man, and woman thought she would be a burden to her husband. Lucy didn't really care, but the fear and pain coming off Mom's body made Lucy tremble. How dare they? How dare they treat Mommy this way!

These people are utter fractals! Lucy thinks furious then staggers back feeling as if she'd been punched. Aunt Thea, why did you call them fractals? Her own 7-year-old voice drifts into her mind. Because cursing is impolite, dear. Plus, they will be puzzled on whether I've insulted them. Tears fill her eyes "Aunt Thea." Lucy breathes, fiercely swiping tears away. I want to go home! Lucy turns away, walking blindly out to the garden. Lucy avoids the noisy children waiting for her, and couches by a rose bush, pressing her palms to her eyes.

It's too cold here. Too quiet. Too serene. There were no loud sirens, no coffee, and no blazing Atlanta sun. She didn't have crazy neighbors, or Bella dragging her to clubs. Nobody knows me! Lucy lets her forehead touch her knees. "I thought I was alone when Aunt Thea died" Lucy whispers in English. I wish I'd lost my memories when I died.

"Little Sis Lucy?" Big Sis Jiao's voice makes Lucy's head snap up. The silver-haired little girl kneels by her, her thumb wiping the streaks off Lucy's cheeks. "Who was mean to you?" Big Sister Jiao asks. Lucy sniffs, just looking at her. Jiao kisses Lucy's forehead. "Don't worry so much, little sister. You're a Rimes Daughter." Big Sister Jiao mutters and walks away leaving only a faint cherry scent in the air. Swallowing, Lucy clutches her skirt, allowing those words to sink in. They might not know me, but I'm not alone.

Meanwhile, Big Sis Jiao marches into the Dew Receiving Rooms right up to Prince Jing. "Your Royal Highness, Who upset my little sister?" Rimes Jiao demands storm clouds in her eyes. Prince Jing lifts an eyebrow, his gaze drifting to a corner where an older man sat conversing with Earl Gu. Rimes Jiao follows his gaze. Her face gets a grim look. "Duke Meng, huh" Rimes Jiao taps her foot, before pasting a bright smile on her face. She snags a jug of wine on her way to the corner. "Let me pour you some wine, your grace" Rimes Jiao says, and dumps the jug on him.

She steps back, the jug dangling from her fingertips. "Oops" Rimes Jiao gives an insincere smile. "I am deeply sorry, your grace. Your grace should leave, and have that stain treated." Rimes Jiao calmly sets the jug on the side table and lifts an eyebrow at him. "Does your grace have health problems? Your face is red. Ah! Perhaps this gathering was too much excitement for a man of your exalted age. You should quickly return to your carriage, and rest" Rimes Jiao says, before stalking away.