Just why?

Prince Jing's Study, Jing Palace

A piercing gaze watched his movements. Physician Liu didn't dare to breathe loudly. "Explain" Prince Jing spat coldly. Physician Liu bows his head. "Third Miss Jing was given Royal Foxglove poison, and Winter's Kiss poison, Your Highness" Physician Liu says carefully. "Both poisons should kill an adult within three days. There are no known cures for Winter's Kiss" Physician Liu says.

Snap. The jade broke into three. Bao Benin drops it on the desk. Kill an adult with three days. The little one was only a year old. She probably wouldn't last to the night. His eyes rest on the platter of cookies, and his heart clenches. That cookie was a new recipe he had sought out after his chef ran out of new sweets for the little one. It was supposed to be a delicacy in Swan Empire. "Go attend to Third Miss. Do your best to save her" Prince Jing says, waving the Physician away. He pauses "If it seems like she can't hang on, send for me"

A cold smile forms as Physician Liu leaves. "It seems like someone has forgotten the Blood King," Prince Jing says, idly playing with the broken jade. "Carlos, send a message to Earl Gu. Accept his request for his son's betrothal to Second Miss, if he agrees to lend his Truth Crystal out."

"Yes, your Highness" Carlos says.

Meanwhile, all the servants from Butterfly Courtyard except for Selena had been confined. Even Miss Edith, Concubine Meng's dowry maid. Perhaps even Lucy's bonded maid would have been imprisoned, except for the Third Miss' demanding Miss Selena, and her Mother stay by her side. No one dared breath loud, as they walked past the Lily Courtyard, where Third Miss was being nursed.

Another miss was going to die. A depressive aura hangs over the entire Jing Palace. Everyone knew that Prince Jing had a deep liking for the Third Miss. Even when an unfavored child died, Prince Jing would be in a rage for months, and dozens would die under his short temper. His favorite daughter was dying. Just how long would his rage last? How many would he kill during his rage?

Unaware of the rage her fever was inspiring, Lucy had finally let her pure energy free to attack the poisons. It raged and fought. In waves and tides, the pure energy sought out the poison burning away what it could, pushing the rest out of her pores. As Lucy tossed and turned gunk accumulated on her skin. Selena kisses Lucy's face. "Be strong, little Mistress. I'm here. I'll follow you if you go to Hades. Don't worry, I won't leave you alone" Selena comforts, using a rag to keep Lucy clean despite the neverending scum her body was producing.

"You are so brave, baby girl, Mommy's here" Mom sat on the side of the bed, holding Lucy's hand, and wiping the spots Selena cleaned with an icy rag, attempting to damper Lucy's fever.

Blessed. I'm truly blessed. Both of these girls were young. Mother was 16, while Selena was only 14, and yet. If she truly died they would both be killed, still, they thought only of her. Due to her fever, her shield kept collapsing, so she knew very well what they felt, and thought.

Pain, worry, fear. None of it about themselves. All towards her tiny body. Just why am I so blessed to get this concern? This care? I haven't done anything. All I do is make you suffer, and worry. Why do you worry so?

Why do you feel so much compassion? Why do you hurt when I wince? What is this painful hope in your chest? I've never once been a good daughter. I've never once been a good master. All I do is act willfully, spending my time as I want. How could you both love me this much? Why do you love me? Just why?