So it goes

Carlos came back relatively fast with the dolls. Of course, a maid was carrying them, Lucy doubted Carlos had ever touched a doll. "Thank you, Royal Father," Rosemary says, accepting the dolls. Lucy looks up. "Thank you, Papa" Once the maid is gone, "It's thank you, Papa. Not Royal Father." Lucy says. Rosemary's eyes widen. "But…It's improper!" Lucy pouts, "Call him Papa or I won't play with you!" Lucy demands, twitching mentally. So childish. Still, it was effective. Rose tenses. "But, Third Sister Honored Mother said-" Lucy points her finger at Rose "Call him Papa," Lucy says.

Rosemary frowns {Honored Mother will be angry if I call Royal Father that. But Third Sister..} Rosemary bites her lips. Feeling Rose's disturbance, Lucy rolls her eyes. "That Concubine won't know. She's not here." Lucy says, helpfully. {Oh,} Rose's tension melts, and she looks hesitantly at their Father. He was watching calmly. She lowers her eyes. "Thank you, Papa" Rose whispers. Lucy grins. Success!

Deciding not to push Rosemary too much, Lucy obediently plays dolls. So boring! I'm dying! Lucy smothers a yawn. Some of the games are fun even at my age, others kill me. Dolls were one such thing, at least when playing with others. I can play with dolls, endlessly entertaining myself but the way little girls here want to play dolls was…. Just so boring! Who wants to pretend their dolls are concubines, and wives, or young girls preparing for marriage, or ladies at court? How is that appealing at all?

Almost two hours later, Rose's bondmaid Rimes Dai whisks Rosemary away for her dance lessons. Lucy tucks the dolls onto the couch. Papa was bent over accounts, muttering about grain suppliers. Lucy shakes her head. It still surprises me, that Papa as an Imperial Prince works so hard as Commander of the military. Instead of bothering him, Lucy lays on the floor, carefully tracing lines, over and over again. Unsatisfied with her shaky, childish handwriting.

Lucy was attempting to write a character for a vowel, when her light disappears, causing her to smudge it. Lucy scowls up at Carlos, who stood over her. "My light!" Lucy says. Carlos ignores her, picking one of her scattered pages. "You're learning the Zilic alphabet already? Third Miss" He added her title, as an afterthought. Lucy just frowns, more concerned over his phasing. She'd bugged Mom to tell her what the characters in her fairy tale book meant. The writing was similar to the English alphabet with its singular letters that made up words. Zilic alphabet? Most people would just call it the alphabet. Unless...

Lucy stands up, and props her hands on her hips, staring intently at Carlos. "Is there another one?" Lucy demands. Carlos blinks. "Of course, young miss. Runic is learned alongside the Zilic alphabet. It's very important for Casters and nobles. Otherwise, it's impossible to draw magic circles, or read spells. After all, Runic is the language of life" Carlos explains. Fuck. I have to learn two! Lucy droops, all her eagerness gone. It's so hard already! Why? Why? Why is there two?

"Little thing," Papa says. "Bring me some of your writing, I want to look at it" Lucy grimaces, but walks over to him with leaden steps. Papa lifts her onto his lap and points at a character. "What's this?" Papa asks. Lucy wasn't sure if he was testing her or honestly didn't know. It didn't look anything like it was supposed to. "A" Lucy answers. Papa nods and points to another. "G" Lucy answers before he could ask. After a few minutes of this, Papa hands her a brush. "Try to write a character for me," Papa says.

Might as well. Lucy carefully draws A. Or least the equivalent in this language. This world had completely different languages, and thus scripts. Papa smiles, his smugness, and joy were so strong it pierced through her shields. Papa pats her head. "Such a smart girl." Papa compliments. Lucy rolls her eyes. I'm not a dog, dude.