Silent Changes 1

Lucy winces when the metal comb snags her hair. A huge pile of presents sat in the corner of her room. Most of it would be stored, like the book of gold leaf Elder Rimes Xue gave her. Seriously I'm two. Why are you giving me that? "Mommy?" Lucy asks, looking around. I demand a kiss so I can sleep. "Concubine Meng has gone to attend your Nameday Ball," Selena explains. "You'll see her tomorrow." Lucy rolls her eyes. That has nothing to do with me.

Still, Lucy didn't fuss, letting Selena put her to bed, Lucy buries her face into her pillow dreams of Earth coming to her again. That night as she walked in her old body visiting familiar places,  an oddly quiet baby boy was born.


Blinking against the brightness, Three looks up into the faces of a couple. I'm alive? "My first son shall be Sung Dimitri," Sung Gin says. His wife smiles. "Dimitri is perfect" She brings the silent baby to her, kissing his face. "My little Dimitri. " Three looks up at the couple, his brows furrowing. Dimitri? A name…. An actual name. Three blinks slowly. He never knew his name, never knew his parents, never knew his age.

I died then. His eyes narrow. Six, I will return this to you. "He's perfect" Jun Yao says, cuddling him close. "Sung Dimitri, will you be our wonderful obedient baby?" Juan Yao teases. Her smile blinded him. He reaches up, touching her face. She catches his fist and gently kisses it. I accept. Mother, Father. I shall be your son

What language is this? Understanding without learning, is this a benefit of being reborn? Dimitri spent his hours observing. The house lacked modern amenities but had servants that called his parents Lord, and Lady. Strange. Am I in the past? How will I kill Six?

The next morning Lucy sought out her Mom. "Mommy," Lucy says, climbing onto Concubine Meng's lap. Lucy lays her head on Mommy's chest. A hint of clover teases her nose. Her eyes widen, a warm spark danced in her Mommy. Sensing Lucy finds a struggling embryo. Mom's pregnant? Seeing the flickering energy, Lucy bites her lip. "Mommy? Do you want more babies?" Lucy asks, her light power on her fingertips. Mom kisses her forehead. "I'm always wanted many children. I am blessed to have just you, my darling daughter," Mommy says. With that answer, Lucy feeds her power to the embryo and observes it grow stronger the flickering fading. I'll have to check on it and feed it power every day. Lucy decides.