Void Hunger

"Third Miss is afflicted by void hunger. It starves the body" Physician Liu says after examining Lucy. Lani stares at Physician Liu. "Starving?" She asks faintly. "My daughter is starving?" Lani swallows.

"Not exactly. She has a weak constitution, so she needs to eat more to satisfy it." Physician Liu says. "She fainted from a lack of food, and exercise. Keep fruit, and vegetables handy for Third Miss to nibble on. Sweeties are also good because they energize the body fast." Physician Liu says.

"From what you said, she's been moody, and listless since the start of her diet. That's because her body simply requires more food than a child her age normally needs" Physician Liu says. "Third Imperial Miss Jing might not notice when she needs to eat. You will have to ensure she stops whatever she's doing to eat. " Physician Liu says. "When will she wake up?" Lani asks, looking at the sleeping toddler. Poor baby had been begging for sweets. Lani swallows, forcing her tears back. My baby must have been in so much pain.

"Let her drink a sweetened tea. It should rouse her." Physician Liu says. Lani holds her forehead. "Miss Selena, take Physician Liu to see my lord. Prince Jing needs to lift Third Miss' food restrictions in the kitchen." Lani says finally.

"Yes, Concubine Meng," Selena says, leading Physician Liu out. Lani sits by Lucy, soothing her hair back. "I'm so sorry, baby girl" Lani whispers, allowing a tear to escape. I was starving my baby.

    Selena leads the doctor to Imperial Prince Jing's study. Keeping herself from attacking the Prince with her magic when they enter. That man! He was the cause of her little mistress' fainting. He ordered her food restricted and nearly killed little mistress. Selena lowers her eyes, and no one notices her rage. He'd be dead before he could react if I wanted.

    Faint shadows dance around Selena's body, causing the men to overlook her. Not even Prince Jing, the Commander of the entire military who earned the name Blood King on countless battlefields saw her. Not her rage. Not the dagger in her hand, and not the way she watched him coldly.