Custom Orders

Selena steps forward, "This maid greets Sir Jenz, I am Rimes Selena. Third Miss' bondmaid" Selena introduces herself. Sir Jenz nods, "Miss Selena" Sir Jenz says.

Papa picks up Rosemary and smiles at Lucy. "Jenz will take you out to shop. Have them send me a tab for whatever you buy. Why don't we go try to make a rainbow" The last part was directed to Rosemary as Papa carried her out without another word. Lucy's heart almost burst feeling Rose's shy joy. Ahh, so, so, so cute! Lucy quickly shields emotions out.

"When would Imperial Third Miss Jing like to go out?" Sir Jenz asks his eyes on Selena. Selena looks down at Lucy. "Little Mistress?" Selena asks, oblivious of the way Sir Jenz eyebrows furrow. "Fetch my design sketchbook," Lucy says, biting her tongue against the urge to say please. It feels so unnatural! Lucy smiles bemusedly.

Aunt Thea used to scold me for not using my manners. Saying a true lady treated every living being with respect. Selena scolds me for acting beneath my status by honoring those below me. Lucy shakes her head.

Lucy flips through the sketchbook when Selena returns, checking to make sure it had the right sketches. "Okay, we can go now. Ple-" Lucy coughs. "This Imperial Miss would be pleased if Sir Jenz escorted us at this time" Lucy corrects herself.

"In that case, Little Mistress. We must get you adorned for being in public" Selena says, making Lucy stiffen. Dragged off her to the bedchamber, her hair was quickly covered with ribbons and glittery hairpins. Lucy was stripped of her comfy dress and forced into five silk petticoats and a long sleeve blouse. Over which, an embroidered skirt, and a jacket tied it together.

An uncut diamond hung on a rough silk rope around her neck, while countless gold bangles slid on both wrists, and from her earlobes dripped teardrop pearls.

I look like an advertisement for robbery. Seriously, don't diamonds and pearls clash? Plus, this is too many bangles! Lucy pouts, as Selena carries her to the carriage.

Lucy leans against Selena's body. Mmm, Selena always smells so nice. Lucy yawns. Before she can drift off, the carriage stops. "Imperial Third Miss, Miss Selena. We have arrived at Mister Cole's workshop." Sir Jenz's voice comes in from the outside.

Mister Cole looked to be in his late twenties, but his eyes seemed older. Selena gently sets her down and kneels. Lucy blinks, as Sir Jenz kneels as well. After a second, Lucy gives a respectful bow and says. "This Imperial Miss greets Mister Cole," Selena isn't cringing so I must be doing okay. Confidence boosted, Lucy looks up at Mister Cole, to see him nod cooly. "Third Imperial Miss Jing, what can this craftsman do for you?" He asks.

Lucy accepts the sketchbook from Selena and pulls out the sketches. She holds them up to him. "Can you make these?" Lucy asks, hopefully. "I want to give my Mommy and sisters a present," Lucy says. Mister Cole looks carefully at the sketches, his eyes shining. "Aye. I can. May I inquire who designed these?" Mister Cole asks, flipping through the pages. A rocking chair, a porch swing, a shape sorter toy, nesting dolls, a drafting table, and a set of Zilic alphabet blocks.

Lucy hesitates. "Uh. I made them. Are they bad?" Lucy asks. His eyebrow lifts. "You?" Mister Cole mummers. Lucy ignores his doubtful eyes. After all, she didn't actually come up with the design of these things. She just copied them. "I like drawing," Lucy says truthfully. "Will you make it?" Lucy asks, attempting to change the subject.

"I will, Third Imperial Miss Jing. However, you'll have to go to a smith for the chain for this bench swing," He says, pointing to the porch swing. Lucy nods. "Good, start with this one," Lucy says pointing to the rocking chair. "It is for my- My Concubine mother. It must be made to perfection" Lucy says, her face dark. Stupid customs. Not allowed to call her Mommy or Mom.

"I shall perform to the best of my abilities." Mister Cole answers. While Selena arranged for the bill to be sent to Jing Palace. Lucy turns to a fresh page in her sketchbook, sketching out the porch swing again, doing a few close sketches of the chains.