Fading Runes

Lucy relished her steaming hot chocolate, a fur slung around her shoulders, as she watched Misty carefully wash and dry her old baby toys. "The paint on that one is chipping. It should be removed before my sisters get them" Lucy points to a wooden shape sorter. "Yes, Young Miss. Should we repaint it or seal it with beeswax?" Misty asks. Lucy frowns. "Beeswax?" That should be safe enough right?

A soft sigh draws Lucy's eyes. "Breeze, do you like sewing blankets that much?" Lucy asks, tilting her head. She was making yet another quilt. Breeze smiles, shaking her head. "I'm sewing them for my sisters and brothers." Seeing Lucy frown, Breeze explains. "Just like your duvets, quilts, and cloaks are all sewn by Concubine Meng and Miss Selena. I'm providing for the younger clan sisters and brothers" Lucy pauses. Forgot that they can't just buy blankets. And it's really chilly right now. I wonder how many of the Dais tribe are enduring the cold? Lucy wrinkles her forehead.

"Little Mistress, Master Gavin has arrived," Selena snapped Lucy out of her thoughts. Leaving aside her hot chocolate, Lucy straightens, attempting to look studious as Master Gavin went straight to the table. "Third Miss Jing," Master Gavin greets. "Have you been practicing your runes?"

Lucy nods. "Yes, Master Gavin. Selena, bring me my sketchbook." Lucy stood, her toes suddenly cold as her slippers touched the ground. Lucy waits to sit at the table until Master Gavin has sat. "Why do my runes keep fading?" Lucy asks. Perhaps someone else wouldn't have noticed how the ink slowly lightened and then disappeared from the page entirely. After all, who looked at old homework. Only because she would hide runes in her sketches did she see. ~~ for water, rather Hato at the bottom of a pond, )( for fire, or Wyre tucked into the hearth. When she flipped through her sketches, those were gone.

Master Gavin chuckles. "It seems that you've been studying during your recovery," Master Gavin says, seemingly pleased. Lucy's mouth twitches and decides not to correct him. She has been doing her daily Runic pages after all. That surely counts.

"Let's do a small test to see what you remember," Master Gavin says, writing a rune on the slate. |c| "Nic" Lucy identifies. "Runic for sing or talk. It can be used to create wards to heighten or silence sounds. Most often found in playbooks, or grimoires of Air Castors and Mages "

"Good. Good." Master Gavin says, and wipes it away, writing another one down.

O "MaDesRuur" Lucy recites. "Ma for Eternal. Ru for Life. Ur For Death. Des for Void. It is commonly known as the Eternity Ring and is the basis for all magic circles and most spells. It's meaning depends on the placement, and surrounding runes." Lucy takes a deep breath, looking up at Master Gavin. "Tell me what are the three Runic Grades?" Master Gavin asks

What? No praise? Do you know how annoying it is for a single word to contain so many meanings without one taking precedence? Shouldn't you reward me for not mangling that!

Lucy lifts a finger. "Grade one is Set Runes. They are self-contained and don't leak magic. Set Runes have consistent magic throughout the rune." Another finger rises. "Grade two are Ace Runes. They continuously absorb magic from their surroundings and have stable magic. They last for decades, sometimes even hundreds of years." Lucy yawns. "Grade three are Bet Runes. They absorb magic as you write it. The stability depends on the focus of the inscriber. Often have thin points in the Rune with low magic." Lucy finishes and puts her fingers down. "Did I remember it all?" Lucy asks. "Set Runes are only JaMana, and can't be cast by Aura" Master Gavin reminds, tapping the table.

Lucy shrugs. You should be grateful I even remember what the three grades are. At the age of my body, I should still be struggling to write, and remember the alphabet. Lucy decides to ignore how her tutor seemed to harbor abnormal standards. "Now, tell me why do Runes have grades" Master Gavin interrupts her inner grumbling. Lucy just looks at him. Don't you feel ashamed asking a 2-year-old, such a deep question?

Master Gavin doesn't react to her gaze. A breeze jingles the bells in her braid as Lucy frowns and reviews what she knew of the Three grades. The differences seemed to lay in the density and stability of magic. Even the lowest level, Bet Runes required the runes to be precisely inscribed. "Because of the magic in each type is different" Lucy answers. Master Gavin nods. "Runic is magic. Runes are magic as well. But magic without support returns to Gana. That's why its necessary to refine one's magic. Otherwise, it will be drawn out on its own. Some Castors disdain the act of refining as a fussy step and pay for it when their magic goes beyond their control" Master Gavin lays his slate on the table. "Runes act as pillars for the magic to display its meaning. Each Rune expresses a different side of magic. The better the pillar, the longer the magic is supported on the page." Master Gavin explains.

"Some cheat this by using hides or parchment infused with magic, so the magic from the page nourishes the rune, allowing it to stick around long. However, this is a stop-gap measure as the Rune will soak up the magic from the page, and then begin to disperse. In essence, your runes are fading because you lack the comprehension, magic, and precision to create lasting runes." Master Gavin says. I should never, ever ask you questions. "Thank you for enlightening me," Lucy says, in accordance with what Selena taught.

Master Gavin slides the slate over. "Inscribe the Tria Rune" Lucy sighs. This is going to be a long class, isn't it?