Such a Silly Child

Lucy leaned against the wall, studying the gem on her palm. It was a navy blue with amber specks. It felt light but it kept breaking the twine and ribbons she tried to tie it to.

It was already three days into her meditation, and Lucy had become impatient. Why can't I feel the Wind Tides? What's wrong with this gem? Lucy closes her eyes, her power sneaking closer to the bright gem. SNAP.

Lucy winces, her head pounding as the Wind gem tossed her spirit probe away. Lucy frowns. "How do I stop bouncing back?" Lucy groans, and lays on the ground, enjoying how cold the stone was. Like a giant ice pack. Lucy puts her cheek against it, and it soothed a bit of her pain. Stupid Wind gem. Why are you so against me entering your core? I need to get this over with. I'm so done.

Lucy tosses the gem to the side and pulls her sketchpad over. Inside of staring at a stubborn rock, she might as well sketch the twins. Lucy got absorbed, as she used tried to draw Brynn's feet. Why do newborns have so many wrinkles? Lucy finishes Bynn's portrait and starts sketching Emma. She was chubbier than Brynn, but she liked to stay curled up. Her feet would stick up by her butt, her hands were almost always in her mouth.

"What do you think you're doing?" a stern voice interrupts Lucy. She sits up so fast, Lucy gets woozy from sitting up so fast. Before she can say a word, her sketchpad, and cosmos bag float away. "No!" Lucy reaches for a sketchpad. I'm not done! Grandmama sighs, tucking Lucinda's cosmos purse in her pocket, and flips through the sketches. "These are very nice." Rimes Xue says. Each sketch was detailed and realistic. Many people won't believe a toddler was capable of such drawings. Rimes Xue smiles. Seers always disorient the norms. "However," Grandmama clears her throat. "You are supposed to be meditating" Violet eyes much like her daughter's stare intensely at her. "I was just taking a short break" Her granddaughter explains, inching closer. "I was about to start meditating," Lucy says. Rimes Xue struggles to keep her lips straight. "In that case, I'll keep these safe for you. You may start meditating now" Matriarch Xue says. Such a silly child. As if I don't know.

Nooooooo! Lucy scowls. I need to finish my sketch of Emma before I lose the details. Lucy searches Grandmama's eyes. There was no give, despite her amusement. Lucy sighs, and sinks back to the ground. Picking up the gem, Lucy stares at it, her spirit feeling it again. The magic within the gem slapped her magic back. Lucy winces and glares at the gem. Stupid rock. Just let me in!

Busy fighting her gem, Lucy didn't pay mind to her Grandmama. Matriarch Xue frowns, watching how Lucy was approaching the Aura gem. This girl. She shakes her head, leaving. With Lucinda's emotions like that, there is no way the magic will accept her. Who would want to embrace someone who just wanted to get your Imprinting over with? Honestly, if the girl didn't stop to remember magic was an entity of its own, she wouldn't be able to enter the Tides.

Rimes Xue shook her head. Let's go check on the Shadow maiden's training. Miss Selena seems like she will break through to Mage soon. It's a pity, she had no ambition to create her own household. She could have been a Shadow crafter with her talent. Matriarch Xue smiles, as she steps onto the shadow field. Young Courtney was practicing her shadow dancing under Selena's guidance. Courtney entered the shadows, her magic trembling. Now, wait for your control to steady. Matriarch Xue sighs as instead, Courtney reached out.

She was attempting to grab another shadow a few meters away. The shadow slipped away, rejecting her touch, and Courtney launched back, skidding on the grass. Courtney rolls on to her hands and knees. "Owie!" Courtney whines. "You know better," Selena says. "Your control is too unsteady. You can't shadow dance, without being one with the shadows" Selena scolds.

Courtney rolls her eyes. "Big sister, you're one to talk. You never repeat lessons." Courtney says. Selena crosses her arms. "That's because I perfect them. And I practice each lesson. Each and every step of shadow dancing belongs in your daily practice. Don't just focus on using shadows as a weapon." Selena says. "Selena" Matriarch Xue interrupts the sisters. "Go to Lady Mari for tutoring,"

Selena and Courtney both kneel. "Yes, Matriarch," Selena says respectfully. Matriarch Xue sighs. "You should have advanced to Mage by the time your Mistress comes out. Practice diligently, child"

Matriarch Xue reminds Selena. Despite pitying Selena wasn't building her own house, Matriarch Xue knew Selena was an excellent bond-maid for that silly child. With the Imperial house worrying that Prince Jing's daughters would enter the Void Thinning, and gain the right to the throne, the stronger the bondmaid, the better.