Chap 18: Contact (part 1)

"General of MGU! Don't go sprouting nonsense! How can you declare that we are under an alien invasion so calmly? What proof do you have?" One of the man in the big screen before Eric slammed his desk as he said.

After his conversation with Lyle, Eric immediately contacted the leaders of allied countries as well as those countries that neighbor Chernobyl and put them on a conference video call.

Eric trusts Lyle's judgment, as much as he trusts that guy's intuition.

"Mr Charles, I never said 'invasion' or anything, I just said what my men said might happen and we have to prepare counter measures for it in case what he said becomes true or even if it won't happen, we have to prepare for the worst." Eric said with an emotionless face and his hands folded.

British... He was never good at handling them.

Those people never listen.

MGU and The Great Britain have a long history and it did not revolve around cherry blossom and apple tree.

The fight with South Africa was instigated by the British.

The South African armed forces were nothing but play cards.

The British wanted to use the chance to slander MGU of bullying the weak and tried to send aid to South Africa, but it backfired on them.

From that day onwards, the relationship between MGU and Britain has been pretty bad, but they don't show it outside.

Everyone on the screen was silent.

They didn't speak or more accurately couldn't speak.

In case what he said really did happen and they didn't prepare for it, then they would be the ones to suffer.

But there is still a "what if" it didn't happen?

They would have wasted their time and resources for nothing.

What he just said didn't concern a single country but the whole damn planet.

That being said, no one would really believe that aliens are attacking them just because of some pretty big-small scale event such as this.

"We will consider it, it's better to be safe than sorry." The American president said and hung up.

"Russian Federation will do as advised." The Russian president said and hung up.

"Repubic of China will do as advised." The Chinese president accepted the proposal surprisingly and hung up.

"Japan will also do as advised." The Japanese prime minister said and hung up.

"India will consider." The Indian prime minister said and hung up.

One by one, everyone hung up after saying "we will consider" or "we will do it".

The whole screen became black again.

"Put him through." Eric suddenly said.

The operators were confused.

The next second, the Russian president called again.

The operators were surprised for a second but nonetheless, they still put him through.

"So? What do you think?" The Russian president asked Eric with a serious face.

"The Americans, they definitely know something." Eric said with same seriousness.

"That's my thought as well, they didn't agree but will 'consider'? What kind of play is this? Leaving others behind, the Americans should know better than this but from their recent activities, our suspicion can only grow." The Russian president said.

"Did KGB find anything?" Eric asked.

"Yes, America has been putting up defenses here and there, it's like they are preparing for war but the process is slow so it evaded the public media, the main point is, they put up a lot of air defense, they were aware this will happen and they have been preparing in the dark." The Russian president said.

"Those sneaky bastards! I've decided, MGU will not accept the request from the United States to join the space fleet program, it will be only MGU, Russia, India, China and Japan, Americans can go make their own if they want it that bad." Eric said in a grim cold tone.

He hates the British, but he hates the two faced American government even more.

"Eric, I suggest that you reconsider your decision, with the Americans, the United Earth Space Fleet program will be even more stronger and stable, we need to put aside our differences and vengeance for the greater good." The Russian president strongly suggested.

What he said was also true.

With the help of American, the secret project which the governments and militaries of these countries are working on could receive a big boost.

It's like adding more power to the already powered jet engine.

Ruining it with a decision made out of anger isn't really a good thing.

"Then Mr president, why didn't the Americans inform us about this? Why would they move in air defense silently without getting caught in the eyes of media and other countries? What? Are they preparing for a missile-firework for the 4th July or new year? I will only turn down their request after I get the information that I want, I will get it soon enough and when I do, the Americans will have a piece of my anger." Eric said and cut off the call.

"Contact Knight leader." Eric said.

The operators did as they were told and contacted him.

"Knight leader, this is MGU house command come in." Eric said.

"This is knight leader, you're loud and clear house command, go ahead." Lyle said as he put his helmet on.

Everyone inside the drop ship did the same and put their helmets on.

"What's your status?" Eric asked.

"ETA to LZ is five minutes, the boys are geared up and ready for action, how are things on your end?" Lyle asked.

"As we suspected, the Americans probably knew about this long ago and kept everyone in the dark, I have someone working on getting more info, we will know more information soon enough." Eric said in a defeated tone.

"Hahaha, my intuition is always on spot, now transfer that 10k to my account." Lyle laughed as he said.

"Wha-? When the f*ck did I ever agree to such an unreasonable bet!?" Eric exploded.

"Now." Lyle defeated him with a single word.

"Ah you! F*ck you!" Eric said. They both laughed.

"Alright, enough shitting, we're entering the Chernobyl airspace, we will be going dark in a few or so minutes, prepare everything on your end, MGU is about to enter DEFCON one code Red, Knight leader out." Lyle cut off.

"So what's our next move boss?" Putok asked.

After putting the helmets on, they looked exactly like master chief and his lackeys.

Even though they had advanced weaponry, they still brought the standard weapons their team normally use for everything.

Ed with his sniper rifle, Putok with his LMG(Light Machine Gun), Reginald, Guido, Sam and Hiro with their SMGs while the rest brought their assault rifles.

They plan to use the GEAR weapons only when shit really hits the fan.

"MGU will enter DEFCON one soon and speed up some science projects, as for us, we will proceed as planned and rendezvous with the Indian Paracommandos first and then head to the crash site, recover the fuse, join the Russians and Chinese, do a complete sweep of the black zone and see what the f*ck is going on there, we have clearance to kill anything hostile so heads up and guns up." Lyle said as he looked at his gun.

"Scan." He said.


His helmet began scanning the gun.

It took a x-ray like imaging of the gun and showed the gun's inner structure while slowly rotating in a slow motion.

On the side it showed the stats.

[Function : 100%]

[Magazine : 40/40]

[Fire rate : 40/7 sec]

[Firing range: 700 meters]





The results shown by the system were freaking awesome!

It was as if it's a game system.

It even showed how the gun works in detail plus the manufacturing date and full history of the gun.

He pointed the gun towards Flynn who was sitting opposite to him.

The aiming circle appeared but this time it was a bit bigger than the one when he used the GEAR's gun to aim.

He understood that this meant the spray of the bullets could be controlled to a limit only and that's it.

But the biggest kick is, it even showed where the weak spots are.

The circle was green now because he was aiming at Flynn or more accurately, a teammate.

So that means it will change color if aimed at enemies.

If the soldiers from other countries came to know about these functions, they would probably never want to face MGU in a war or quit the army if such a situation were to really come.

It was like fighting a bunch of cheating bastards.

"Lyle..... You need to get to the cockpit ASAP!" Chris said with a loud voice using the speaker.

From the tone itself, one can see that it was urgent. "

You guys get ready, I'll go check." Lyle said as he stood up and walked to the pilot cabin.

He opened the door and entered the cabin only to see Chris and Claire have a serious and confused face.

"What's wrong?" Lyle asked as he looked forward.

"This..... I don't know how or what to say to explain something like this..." Chris shuttered as he looked at the scene before them.

Even Claire couldn't hide her shock.

To put it in one word, it was un-f*cking-believable.

"Chris.... What in the hadesass is that.....?"