After the lucky encounter with the receptionist, John immediately rushes home after everything that happened because he still cant believe that after all this time he was actually , for once, lucky!
While walking home, John was struck with a weird sense of foreboding of something happening, but he just shrugged it off believing that its nothing too serious and will disappear quickly. He was right , but then, a scream was heard throughout the dark neighborhood of his street.
"Another one?" Said john after hearing the scream. While other people would be flustered and quickly call for help in this situation and immediately afterwards try to save the " damsel in distress", he , of course would not try to do that. After all he is really scrawny so its to be expected that he should not help, even if he has godly willpower. Hearing screams like those in this neighborhood is actually pretty common cause of the specific place his house is placed in.
Yes, as it is in every flourishing city, there will always be a part of it that's not and that is where he lives , the slums. In some cities slums would be a very dirty and cruel place, and while it may be a cruel and barbaric place, not every slum is dirty. An example of a clean one is where John lives, although you could call him the most unlucky person in the world, this fact did not stop him from cleaning his house and its surrounding area. He has nothing else to do so he spent his days cleaning his house and the area around it. He was doing an absolute volunteer work and was not doing it for money, not at all. *sarcastic voice
Ok, back to the situation at hand, we wouldn't want to give the readers too much fillers yeah?
As soon as John heard the voice he knew that it was a girl obviously, and that she was being assaulted and there is nobody to help her. John of course just wants to mind his business and go home and that he did. Walking to home away from the sound gave him another sense of foreboding that this time he is forced to acknowledge. He is not wrong in that because as he was walking, he heard rapid footsteps from his back and as soon as he turned around, what he saw was either going to give him a wet dream tonight or a nightmare.
He saw a girl, no , an absolutely stunning Milf being chased by some typical gang members of the neighborhood gang. After watching the woman and her heavenly peaks bounce up and down , he noticed the fear and desperation shown in her eyes and quickly remembered that she was being chased!
He checked the three people who were chasing her and was shocked to see that they were holding some rope and a butcher knife. Like every gangster found in cities or in slums, they looked horrid and were wearing cheap clothing that were dirty and ragged and in their eyes you can see the unbounded lust towards the Mil~ woman who is running towards him. Yes, towards our lucky idiot John!
John , seeing that he is about to get in danger started to run towards his house but by chance he tripped backwards and fell on his butt. He quickly tries to get up but it is too late because the woman is already in front of him, no scratch that, the correct term is falling on him.
Perhaps because John was lucky today, the three gang members who were chasing her suddenly got unlucky and slipped on the slippery road and fell face first into the ground and funnily enough the three of them have the same position .
Back to John, after opening his eyes he found himself being buried by a soft object and quickly realizes that the soft object is the woman from earlier. Startled, he tries to get up and check on the criminals and found them knocked out in a funny position.
The woman groans as she tries to collect her thoughts about what is going on and soon remebers the thugs that were chasing her. But after seeing them knocked out in a funny position, she sighed in relief and said" phew , that is the luckiest thing that happened to ne today and im not kidding."
John, seeing her awake asked," Miss , are you okay?"