Become Adventure Part End

haa.. what should i do next.. should I try enjoying my life in this world? if i go back to japan.. i didn't know how to back neither..

"nah leleina-san"



i'm feeling dejected..

Leleina-san held my hand with guilty expression written over her face and said.

"please don't make that face..

"actually, i don't like the way you call me desu!" she paused and her face flustered. "besides, we already husband and wife..hehe"



what does she mean?!

"who's husband?" I asked strangely..

"mooo don't make girl say something so embarrassing like that!"

"wait a minute! i don't get it at all!"

"how we can become husband and wife?!"

her eyes become red and she started crying.. oi..

"how means! you did that to me.. and abandoned me like that?!"

i'm too shocked! i don't remember do anything to her at all!

"i'm sorry.. i don't remember it.."

"you actually didn't remember last night?! so mean desu!"

"then can you tell what I did to you?" i'm sure i don't doing anything to her at all! I'm not sleepwalking type either..

"you g-grope my breast and steal my first kiss too.. so i now pregnant with baby..desu" when she said that, her face become red as tomato and turn her head 'kawaii' .. that's not it!

"i see.. wait? what do you mean pregnant?!"

"eh you don't know?"

"about what?"

"I will explain.. uhum.. when two opposite sex kissed and t-touches their sensitive part.. then then.. the baby will come out..desu"

"who's told you that's absurd theory?!"

"mom told that.."

i frowned little.. this elf is too pure..

"listen. just only kissed can't make women pregnant.. and at that time is accident.."

"is that so?" she said with disappointed.

then let's make it right away! how should we do?."

"wait wait wait!"

"what is it?"

"those word 'make what?"

"of course baby"

"did you know what are you saying?!"

"of course desu.. since you kiss me at that time, we already becomes husband and wife desu"

"what?! don't joke a round will you?!"

leleina shook her head with dejected..

"i'm not. in elf clan, first kiss is sacred for elf. kisses mean marriage. and you know.. if elf loss their first kiss by accident or forced.. he or she can't married any other men or women.."

kissing each other means officially becomes husband and wife."

that's mean..

she suddenly opened her buttons..and revealed half her white beautiful chest. then she pointed her fingers towards slightly above her breast..

"look this is the contract." her fingers pointed at tattoo green circle.

"if only half the contract circle. the opposite party who kissed by, that mean she or he didn't receive the contract."


so i forcefully take her fate..haa.. but i'm a man. man must responsibility what they did.



"mooo hmpph"

"then how should address you?"

"Rena desu"


"Rena don't add any 'san desu!"


"yes darling!"

"don't call me like that.. its embarrassing.."

"but i don't know darling name.."


"then.. Alonso"



i breath in, straightened myself and said



"are you ok with me?"


"but you know.. i'm not from this world. someday i come back to my world, are you willing leave this world and go with me to my world?"

"yes i'm willing!"

i hug her and said "thanks rena"


rena telling me about her identity, in fact i already now it. she become adventure because her little sister. her little sister is High Elf. she's genius magician and becomes high Wizard in her twenty.

at that time. a masked man wearing cloak and black clothes appeared. he leading ten thousand demon-kin towards Elf Kingdoms. the gates can't hold the demon-kin and break the barriers. the elf soldiers lost very badly.. and the demon-kin breakthrough to residents.. her little can't sit still and immediately go to battlefields. she using magic area, which depleted her mana at very fast speed! the demon-kin theirs number reduced. however she become exhausted.. still she forcing herself to annihilate the demon-kin and use magic area. soon the demon-kin pushing back. however her mana depleted. suddenly the masked man appeared beside her, and casted magic curse to make her mana can't regenerate. the masked man vanished and she unconscious. if mage depleted their mana. they become unconscious, and need recover their mana to awake.

and til now she didn't wake up. the king and elf clan immediately to big tree at the castle elf kingdoms and they praying to mother nature's at Yygdrasil tree's to asked to cure and takeout the curses. the mother nature's immediately give their answer. the said.. only high grade potion can make her awake. however the curses only herself can solve. they immediately became relieved soon, became dejected again high grade potion only grandmaster alchemists can make it. in this world only one person can breakthrough to grandmaster alchemists. but she's nowhere to be found.

So rena hide her identity and become adventure to searching that person.


"what is it?"

"I'll help you. i will become adventure and help you searching that grandmaster alchemists"

she immediately hugged and crying.

"thanks Alonso. i'm so happy"
