
a beginner forest is a place for newly register or low-level adventure to make some money or train. but of course, even some low-level beast or demon, many newly adventure who ignorant and die in this place.

in the middle forest beginner, there an ordinary human and she's a woman in her 30. she has pale and a beautiful feature covered by dirt curly blonde hair. her body is a little skinny. she carried basket on her left hand searching for the herb.

"why there is none herb at all?" she said dejectedly.

she was Maria before she married, she was daughter the former lord in a small town, she falls in love with adventure, but her relationship didn't as they excepted, the lord against her relationship with the adventure, the Lord wanted her to marry some baron family, thus they arguing till their voice shrek, the lord furious with her stubborn, thus the Lord said, 'if choose that man you no longer, my daughter.' maria choose the adventure and become commoner. then they married happily, but that, not the end. the lord, of course, didn't want the adventure life happily. the Lord make an announcement to the whole town if anyone gives the adventure(husband maria) job or request, the lord will kick them out of town. after that, the pair can't any longer feed themselves, the people from the town didn't give them a job to feed themselves. thus they decided to go to the town near the capital not far from this town.

after arriving in a new town, their life lives happily like an ordinary couple husband and wife.

but one day, her husband runs away, leaving her with an infant in her belly. her life is very hard from the very beginning, their life is very poor, her husband always come back drunk and smell perfume (prostitute), she always argued the whole day and night with him, but one day he runs away and didn't back after that.

after her husband left, Maria can only searching herb to sell to adventure guild to feed her own. the money she got from selling herb, can only feed her for 2 meal a day and after that, the money is gone.

she feels regret for the first time he chose him, regret not hearing what her father say. she's very depressing, but not long she remembered that she was pregnant, thus she didn't depressed anymore because she afraid that makes an effect on the baby. she decided to make the baby birth healthy and make her baby happy later on when she/he born. she reduced her meal and saving her earning for her baby when he/she born

1 year later she gave birth and cute daughter too, she was very happy and that makes her forget her sorrow who happened in the past.

5 year passed after that. her daughter almost 5 years old now. but her daughter always sick, she can't go out and play with other children. she saving money and ask doctor and priest but no avail, they said her daughter is healthy and no illness or any curse. thus the priest suggests her to buy health potion to maintain her condition get any worse.

but her earning is very low, even she has job dismantling monster and selling herb, that only can feed her and her daughter.

"sigh*. I need to go deeper but, is already very far I usual collect herb."

'should I go back? but fina..'

'but I afraid I encountered beast or demon..'

'what should I do? is already afternoon, and I still didn't earn herb and sell to the guild..'

when she grumbled over her head.. there a growling sound behind her. "GRRRR"

her heart immediately beating fast and scared her face become with pale. then she turns back, she saw two meters blue Wolf with a horn in the head. she frightened and trembling she wanted to run away, but she feels like her body got drained and can't at all.

the wolf looking at the pry playfully, he revealing his teeth and howling at Maria. maria is already on despair she crying and scared. she doesn't want to die yet, she doesn't want her daughter to become orphans, she trying run but no avail, she *poof* to the ground.

the wolf slowly moving at her with saliva all over the mouth. the wolf is already ready to jump at maria, suddenly a black knife flying and pierced the wolf left eyes. the wolf cried with pain. maria regaining hope and become happy because that someone helping her, she decided that if her savior is man, she was willingly become his wife. if her- her own thought is interrupted because who throwing the knife didn't come out.

the wolf recovered from the pain and calmly searching and sniffing the enemy who throws the knife but the wolf can't smell or detect the enemy.

one minute he waiting for the enemy to appear but no one coming. maria is already in despair because her savior didn't come out to save her or to kill the wolf. the wolf then ignored the enemy in the shadow and jumping at maria.

but suddenly, the wolf feels someone grabbing his tail. before the wolf knows who grabbing his tail, his body flying to the tree and fainted.

maria is shocked! then she recovered and looking at her savior, she was astonishing because of how handsome he was. she saw a silver-haired man with black leather armor and katana on his back.

the man muttering something "I forgot to cancel my skill, that why the wolf didn't even see me and hear what I say..." the man approaching maria.

"are you alright?" said the man.

"ah uh.. y-yes thank you very much!"

"that good." the man smiling at her.

maria saw him smiling, she feels like pierced by something. 'nonono that now way' but she can't help and keep glancing at him.


(Author Note)

should I make Maria a servant or new member?

the harem I won't make much. only 6 slots. the leader is already taken by Rena.

if you have an opinion feel free to, I will consider that :)