A New Love Story 17

Mrs. Malhotra decided to send Gouthami to India, she wanted to set up Abhi with Gouthami. So she asked the latter to go to India and pay a visit to Abhi. She is also worried Why her son has not visited her during his stay in America. She is afraid that some girl might snatch her son away from her, but she has no idea that her son is deeply in love with a girl for the past five years and now latter is staying with her son under the same roof. Mrs Malhotra might go insane and crazy if she finds this. Mrs. Malhotra called Abhi to tell the latter to pick Gouthami from the airport.

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Rahul entered Abhi's room and saw Shriya standing there. Abhi ignored his brother's laugh and said non chalantly "Mom just called me to tell that your girlfriend is coming to India". After hearing this all the playfulness on Rahul's face changed to seriousness " S^*t, Why the hell is she coming here, and Why mom is always trying to set you up with her. You have a girlfriend right in front of you," he signed his face towards Shriya who is just standing there silently and listening to them.

Abhi ignored Rahul again and said calmly "Right, I have no interest in any one especially your doctor girlfriend, so you take care of this matter and one more thing you are in charge of Preeti's examinations from now on, so be careful".

Abhi turned around and strode towards his table and started working again. Rahul is at a loss of words , he is already confused with Gouthami now whats with Preeti.

He is flabbergasted and asked Abhi with a serious face " WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY ME BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR PREETI? "

Abhi then turned towards Rahul and said with a stern expression "I mean you are responsible for Preeti for the next one month, she will be writing the examinations, and she has less than 15 days to prepare, so make sure she prepares and performs well in the exams and make sure to dropping of and picking her up from school. " He then came towards Shriya after closing his laptop, massaging his forehead, placed a kiss on her forehead and said with a smile " Good night Shri " and turned towards Rahul and said " you take care of this problem, and now leave".

Rahul said with an angered expression " You are a pure scumbag, you are so gentle to her but to me... you are a pure evil".

Both Abhi and Shriya ignored him.

Shriya said to Abhi "Are you okay? your face is pale."

Abhi : " Yeah I am fine, I have a headache, so you don't worry, go rest , I will also sleep"

Shriya : " You can't take headache lightly , let me get you medicine"

Abhi : "No it's okay I don't take medicine for headache."

Shriya : "Okay then, let me get you a cup of tea. It will relieve your headache and you can't say no to that" she said a little dommeneringly.

Abhi's expression is gentle and then he nodded "Okay, you win".

Rahul who is standing in the corner doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. Shriya who is generally a silent person becomes dominant whenever Abhi refuses to take care of himself and on the other hand Abhi never takes anything light which affects or concerns Shriya. They both love and care for each other as they are and never expecting anything in return. But Gouthami always nagging him to compete with his brother.

Just then a thought striked his brain and he forgot the most important issue.