Confession 2

Gouthami and Rahul had dinner and sat on the sofa of the living room and were watching a movie "Bahubali 2". They were silent the entire time. These two have lots to talk to each other but were waiting for the other to speak first.

Rahul looked at her side profile, she seemed to be immersed in the movie, completely ignoring his presence there.

Rahul couldn't take it anymore and he pushed Gouthami onto the couch's armrest and leaned over her. Gouthami was dumbfounded by his sudden action but he didnot give her any time to think about anything, he kissed her on lips passionately and soon she was short of breath. He pulled back a little to allow her to breathe and smiled at her mischievously seeing the look on her face. Her face was all red and the blush on her face made him want to do it more. But she ignored his smile and made an angry face to show him her disinterest and that she was angry with him so much.

He was always lazy and never does anything seriously. He just parties all day while his brother is always busy working hard. She wanted him to do something with his life and earn his own identity.

She looked at him seriously and mumbled "You aren't doing anything for me. "

She then looked into his eyes and he returned her gaze with his own.

"Look at your brother. He does so much everyday, when you are always slouching off. What is your aim in life Rahul?" she yelled at him.

Rahul pulled back completely and sat straight on the sofa. He then looked down to the floor while intervening his fingers of both hands. He sat silent without uttering a single word.

Seeing his serious expression, Gouthami straightened her back too and sat beside him quietly.

He looked down and said quietly "My only aim in life is to help my brother. What ever he does I will help him in that. I want to follow him and wanted be his shadow. Don't ask me the reason. I will tell you when the right time comes ?".

He didn't look up to see her face. She looked at him confusedly. He can feel her stare at him, but he kept his gaze on the floor and said "Believe me, I know what I am doing. You have to believe me in this."

Gouthami felt touched hearing his words. She never saw him this serious. She thought that he might have his own reasons for doing this afterall he doesn't seem to be finding an excuse to brush her off."

She didnot like this serious look of him. She was happy that he decided to do something and gave some serious thought about it. She doesn't mind him being a helper to his brother, she just wanted him tobe serious about his life. But just now the talk with him made her realize that he was doing everything on purpose.

She wanted to console him but she doesn't know how to do it and didn't understand what to say to him to make him normal and be in his usual self.

She called his name and he looked up to see her but at that very instant he felt her lips on his.

He was shocked but came back to his senses very quickly. He reciprocated her action and soon the gentle kiss turned into a passionate one. They both know what was going to happen next but both of them didnot want to stop what they were doing. They moved to the bedroom and when they reached the room Rahul took Gouthami's hands in his, kissed the back of her hand and said "I love you baby and Thanks for understanding me." he smiled at her.

She smiled at him and said "I love you too Rahul". They both continued their kiss.

* * * * * *

Shriya looked at him not knowing what to say. If she was right Abhi just told her "I love you" which means he confessed to her. She didn't believe her own ears, she wanted to make sure that she wasn't dreaming, she pinched her right hand with her left hand and she felt pain which means she isn't dreaming.

Abhi found the look on her face was cute and her action made him laugh a bit but he controlled the urge to laugh as it might make her feel awkward. She stared into his eyes and her eyes were moist and tears rolled down from her eyes on to her cheek. Abhi wiped her tears her cherks with his thumb and said "you don't have to answer me right now".

She shook her head and said with a rough voice "I didn't know what to say. I didn't even know what you mean by you love me".

She looked like a scared cat. Her expression was so adorable. Though she guessed that Abhi loved her and will confess his feelings to her one day, she was quite shocked when she actually faced that special day of her life.

Seeing her expression he said gently while holding her face in his hands "Don't feel pressued by my words Shri I just wanted to tell you about my feelings for you."

He stared into her eyes and said with a gentle smile, " For me Love is a nothing but a promise. A promise to say that I will be there for you no matter what. Remember I will always be there for you no matter what happens in the future and what you choose".His expression was as gentle as it could be.

Shriya looked back into his eyes and nodded her head and smiled at him.