Crazy Talk 3

Shriya and her friends started discussing about the mid term examinations and preparation schedule and other things while Manvi was bored to death. She received a text from her husband and seeing it her face brightened upwith excitement.

The text said "Call me and I will put the phone on speaker."

"You make Sony and Shriya spill their beans regarding their love life"

"It will be fun.😂😂😎".

She texted him back "I will try".

Uday : "👍"

After seeing these series of texts from Uday Manvi also felt the excitement and decided to follow her husband's plan.

She decided to start with Shriya and she called her husband and kept the speaker on and turned her phone upside down and left it on the table.

Shriya was also sitting on the couch with Sony while Brahmini and Manvi sat on the chairs which were brought in by the maids.

Manvi suddenly said "Shriya" and all of them lifted their heads and looked at her.

Manvi asked her with a smile "How was the kiss ?"

Everyone were stunned by this sudden question but Sony was the first one to realise what was happening there and she quickly became excited and joined Manvi .

Shriya was taken aback by the sudden question. No one has any idea why she asked that question out of the blue. Shriya just coughed in awkwardness.

Sony kept the books away in haste and asked with curious eyes "Don't you dare lie to us. We know you guys kissed already. I saw him kiss his co-actresses on screen several times, but I am curious how is he in real life?"

Shriya's face turned bright red up to her neck and ear lobes hearing her friend's direct question. She hesitated but said "He was good".

Sony was not happy with that brief answer so she asked again "Tell us about the details, how did you feel ?"

Shriya knew her friend turned into a curious cat and she also know it is impossible to escape her curious questions. So she decided to be a bit brave and honest and answer her questions. It's not as if she was lying to them anyway. She thought in her brain 'It's fine as long as Abhi don't listen to me'. But she has no idea that Abhi was listening to her from the start.

"He is good at kissing and I can say he is the best kisser in this entire world and I feel very happy and feel like I am the queen of this world whenever we kiss, Happy".

There was a huge 'Wow ' from her friends.

She then looked at her friend and they were all smiling ear to ear. Sony then collected herself and asked "How many times do you guys kiss per a day ?"

Brahmini interfered hearing this "You sound so stupid, what do you mean per day , Is she working or what. How much you earn per day ?".

Siny ignored her friend and looked towards Shriya.

Shriya smiled and said "two times a day is compulsory morning and night and other times it depends".

They all looked at her and were surprised to hear her answer all their questions without any hesitation.

Sony again asked her another question. It seemed like she has a million or two questions to ask Shriya.

"Morning and Night, well that doesn't sound so romantic, It seems like he is kissing his daughter or a sister. It's too conservative".

"Yeah, he always make me feel like I have known him for a long time now and because of that I feel comfortable around him".

Brahmini admired him loud "That's so cool and great if him."

Sony again went on "So did you guys do it yet ?"

Shriya felt very awkward but came to her senses soon "No" and Sony raised her eyebrows and the words 'I don't believe you were written on her forehead.

Shriya said "But we do sleep in one room".

Now it was time for Manvi to react. She was stunned and said "From when did this happen ?"

Shriya said "Two days, I was hurt and he stayed here so that he can help me with stuff".

Sony said "You guys didn't do it when you were sharing a single bed ?" and her eyes had a bit complex expressions in them.

Shriya said "Ah,no. you have dirty mind girl".

Sony felt wronged with Shriya's accusations on her "You are the one who was sharing a room and kissing two times a day. I am pure and innocent. How am I dirty ?. Someone please enlighten me."

Her friends couldn't help but laugh hearing her cute complains and Shriya explained "You also had you first kiss, right. And you had it in college. Wow ". Shriya had a teasing smile on her face and Sony felt like she got caught in the act of theft.

Sony didn't think that her friend will target her and she was short of words. She didn't reply and her friends were all laughing seeing her scared expression.

Manvi said "You had a lot questions to ask Shriya just now and now it's your turn to answer our questions. How was the kiss with Kunal bhai ".

Sony thought back to her kiss and she blushed. She said "I don't know. That iceberg kissed me out of the blue and took me by surprise and I couldn't feel anything".

Shriya asked "Really" and her eyes were suspicious and it was clear from her eyes that she didn't believe Sony.

Sony said while gulping "Well I think it was good. He is not so bad either."

Manvi raised an eyebrow and Sony was nervous and and blabbered "second time it felt good".

Manvi asked "Second time, When was it ?". She was definitely shocked to hear that there was a second time between Kunal and Sony.

Shriya was the one who answered this question "Yesterday, right ?" she looked at Sony and the latter nodded her head in agreement.

"Someone kidnapped me and Kunal was the one who rescued me and dropped me at my house. He even bought me a dress as my previous clothes were all messy and torn."

Manvi listened to her friend and said "Kunal bhai is not the kind of person to do something in that situation."

Sony held her head down and said "It was me, I kissed him."

This time everyone was shocked and didn't say anything else because they thought Sony might feel bad about it.

Manvi completely forgot that her phone was on and those men were listening to their conversation.

Sony continued looking a bit guilty "I don't know why I did that either. I am afraid what will he think of me".

Shriya held her friend's hand in her hands and said "It's okay, people do things out in emotion. I am sure he know why you did that and I am confident he will not misunderstand you".

Sony nodded her head and then Manvi turned her head towards Brahmini and asked with the same teasing smile "What about you, how was your experience ?".

All the heads turned towards Brahmini and the atmosphere again turned lively in the room.