Sharing the same room with my man 4

Abhi just looked at her and he saw her face relaxing and she smiled at him and then spoke on the call "Okay, I will there tomorrow morning".

Then after saying 'bye' to the person in the line, she hung up the phone and he looked at her and she explained "Our college students are participating in a march or something tomorrow and they want me be there".

He nodded as if he understood what she was saying and he asked "Who is that person who called you now ?".

She looked at him curiously and asked with a mischievous smile "Why ? Are you jealous now ?"

He replied "Why would I be jealous of him, you are mine and he is just a passerby, but I think I heard his voice somewhere".

Shriya liked his cute and innocent expression and she replied him "He is our University student President and he is the one who accompanied me on the stage when I won the crown".

Abhi suddenly remembered the scene "Ah that guy, no wonder I felt I heard a familiar tone".

He asked "So you are busy tomorrow right ?".

Shriya nodded her head and Abhi caressed her head and said while looking at her beautiful eyes "Be careful tomorrow and make sure to take Naveen with you".

She nodded her head and they spent the rest of the night like that in each other's embrace.

* * * * * * *

Sony sat in the living room in her house and she was watching a serial "Kumkum bhagy" in Zee TV.

She is a big fan of Abhi (The Male lead name in the serial is Abhishek Prem Mehra) and she muttered to herself "That girl Shriya is so lucky to have Abhi by her side," she then sighed deeply feeling down "On the other hand, that psycho Kunal made fun of me in front of all those people and he almost caught me red handed".

As if she remembered something she thought about something and she sat comfortably on the sofa "How did he know that I had photos of him, Does he know fortune telling ?", She then shook her head and said "No, He must have installed secret cameras in my house".

She lifted her head up and searched the entire ceiling to see if there are any cameras there In her house".

When she didn't find any, she thought and after realizing how impractical she was being just a moment ago, she laughed at herself and muttered "Why would that iceberg bother to follow me and install cameras in my house. It's more likely of him to grab my phone and search all the gallery photos than going through the heckle of doing these things."

Just then she receives a call from Brahmini they speak about other stuff and the latter informs Sony "Naveen just called to tell me and asked me ingorm you that we are all going to college tomorrow morning with Shriya ro participate in a rally or something like that".

Sony was so curious that she immediately asked Shriya in a private chat.

"Hey, where are we going tomorrow ?" She came straight to the point and Shriya replied "I don't have any idea about this".

She then continued "Dhruv called me just now and asked me to go college tomorrow".

Sony replied with a single word "Oh", and later they talked about something.

When Sony asked Shriya "Where are you now ?" Shriya replied "I am in a condo which Abhi recently took for rent., "

She immediately asked "Are you alone there ?".

Sony started gossiping as soon she heard her friend saying "No, he is with me. We are living in the same condo".

Knowing Sony will some stupid questions, Shriya soon said bye to her and slept.

After chatting with her friend for a while Shriya was feeling not sleepy . Abhi slept tight not bothering about anything and he didn't wake up even since helping her with her phone. She started playing games in her phone.

After a while Abhi woke up to drink some water and seeing her playing with her phone and not sleeping he asked her turning to her side.

"Why are you not asleep yet ?". Then they spoke for a while and she asked him to grant Uday leave so that he can spend some time his wife.

They decided not to disturb Manvi and Shriya even asked her man not to allot Uday with much work.

He nodded his head but said "I have a condition for that".

"What is that ?" Shriya is already having a very bad feeling about this and he said "Take off your clothes."

Shriya was truly dumbfounded and she is so shocked, she didn't expect him to be so direct and shameless.

She slapped on his cheek but not so heavily just a light touch and he said with the same cold tone "If not forget about Uday's holidyas".

Shriya said with an angry tone "Don't you treat Manvi as your own sister then why are you like this".

He replied calmly "That's the reason why I am willing to give him a leave but I guess you don't want to do anything for your best friend."

Shriya yelled at him "When did you become so shameless and perverted ?"

He smiled and said "Thank you".

All this while they were still cuddling each other even though they are fighting.

Seeing her not stepping into his trap Abhi said "atleast the top you are wearing," And she also understood that he won't give in so she thought for a moment 'what to do?'