Curious Rahul

Barun nodded his head and said in the same calm tone "He is not only aware of it all, but also a member of it himself. Actually they are the ones who are doing all this, and I am the CEO of it just as you are the CEO of your company just on papers."

Rahul was truly surprised with all this and Barun continued "Not only this Abhi bhaiya is also doing real state business for a while now and he even entered construction business with A & S constructions which is actually doing a big project of building private villas on the outskirts of pune city and that entire company is under the name of Shriya Sheren. We have so many sister companies in other fields also"

Rahul was still in shock and he was trying to understand and process his friend's words. His brother is doing a bunch of business and he us jir even aware if it.

He then asked the most important question "Why are you having Shriya's information with you and why do you need it now ? "

Barun also had a look which is very different from his calm one and said "Even I don't know, Abhi bhai called me this morning and asked me to get this file right now. He said he wanted to change the ownership back to his name from Shriya".

Rahul was even more curious now and asked "Why ?". He know if his brother wanted to do something then he must have thought about it a lot, the pros and cons and everything. He is the kind of person who does things with utmost clarity and logic and carefully. If he decided to place the company under Shriya's name then he must have thought that even if she went away from them, she must have a financial support for herself. But why is his brother withdrawing the ownership now and that to so early in the morning.

He felt something is wrong and he decided to talk to his brother about this. He then asked his friend "I didn't know about any of this and you didn't tell me till now which means you don't want me to know about this till the end but why did you choose to open up infront of me today".

Barun understood what his friend was trying to ask, so he replied "When you first came to India and started working here you are not ready for any of this, but now you are and we have been thinking to tell you for a while now and it happened today".

Rahul looked at his friend with bewilderment and said "Thanks bro for believing in me".

Barun chuckled and said "Come on, don't be emotional and don't act like a kid. Be a man and we all believe in you", with that he patted Rahul's shoulder and they both came back to the latter's office with the documents.

Barun called his brother and said "Bhai, I found the documents".

Kunal said "Okay, give them to our legal team and tell them to remove Shriya's name from the ownership and ask him to change it back to Abhishek and after that make sure to call Abhi and inform him".

Barun said "Okay bhai," and then both the brothers hung up the call and after bidding 'bye' to Rahul, Barun went to do his job.

* * * * * *

Kunal stood by the car and then he was speaking on his phone and a girl wearing a red checks shirt and black torn jeans came running towards him and while she was running her short hair which was up to her shoulders were moving and it looked so good. She was looking back and she accidentally bumped into Kunal making him to fall and she fell on him. They had to stay like that for a while for the perfect shot and Kunal was not so comfortable but he tried to maintain his expression.

Then he stood up and started scolding the girl and his expression of annoyance and anger came out perfect and natural that it earned him a round of applause from the other cast and crew. He managed to complete the scene in just three takes and his first day of shooting was done smoothly.

* * * * * *

Abhi didn't want to leave Shriya alone and he didn't go to work. Uday called him more than ten times that day to ask him to give two hours of his time. He said "a new story writer want to meet and tell you a story and believe me it will increase your status to atleast ten times in the industry, I already heard the storyline and it was so beautiful".

Abhi was not in the mood to go to his office but because of constant pleas from Uday he told to Uday "Okay fine, ask him to come to my house and narrate the story here".

Uday was a bit shocked and asked "I don't think it will be a good idea and Shriya is also there".

Abhi said "Then forget it" saying that he was about to hung up but Uday said "Okay, I will inform him, but make sure not to cause any trouble".

Abhi then hung up the phone and Shriya looked at him and asked "If you are busy go to work, I don't want you stay here all the time and waste your time. "

Abhi just caressed her cheeks with his thumb and said "It's okay, I am on vacation and don't worry, it's just a narration of a story,"

Shriya wanted to say something more, she said "But.....", but before she could say anything he said placing a finger on her lips "Do one thing, you also listen to the story with me and tell me your opinion."