Little witch 2

Shriya was about to scold her sister when Abhi shook his head at her not to do so. He loves the little girl very much and dotes on her. He can't see the little getting scolded by his woman. He don't like it when she cries or feels upset.

Whenever Preeti does something wrong or naughty Shriya scolds her and warns her not to do so or repeat the same mistake. She becomes a stubborn person and never listens to anyone when it comes to disciplining her little sister.

Even Abhi let's her do her job and stays silent during that time. But now he didn't allow her to scold the little girl afterall there is a guest at home. and she listened to him. They have a great understanding and they can understand each others silence also. She nodded her head.

Shriya didn't warn or lecture her sister instead she explained patiently to the little girl "You can't call him by those nick names, He is elder than you are and you have to respect your elders". Seeing her sister all angry Preeti nodded her head obediently like a good kid.

Abhi didn't say anything further considering there was a guest at home. They had dinner in peace and everyone enjoyed a good time with delicious food expect Rahul.

He was worried about what's going to happen next. He understood that his brother knew everything about his problem afterall nothing can escape his brother's eyes.

After dinner, Vamshi decided to leave. He kissed the little girl, patted Shriya head. He gave her his contact number and asked her to call him occassionally or if she needed anything from him. He also promised befire leaving that he will keep Abhishek's and Shriya's relationship a secret.

Then after bidding a good bye to everyone he left the house. Abhi asked Naveen to drop Vamshi off at a near by bus stop. Naveen also left the place leaving two brothers and two sisters at home.

Abhi looked at Shriya and said "Leave the dishes and everything, I will hire a helper to clean this all tomorrow".

Saying this he looked at his brother who stood at a corner. His lips were tensed and he was looking at his phone. Abhi said to his brother in a very cold tone "Follow me".

Abhi walked into the one of the bedrooms which he changed into a study and Rahul followed behind him.

Both the sisters looked at the disappearing backs of the two men. Shriya escorted her little sister into her room.

Shriya asked the little girl about her classes, school, health and other important issues. Shriya has only Preeti left in her family. And she loves and missed her very much.

But she knew Preeti will be happy and safe with Rahul. That was the reason why she left her sister in Rahul's care.

Rahul is the person that Shriya trusts the most after Abhi. And he always proved that he is worthy of her trust.

So she tried to talk to her sister about all this but Preeti wanted to talk to her sister about Rahul. The little was worried about him and she wanted to gossip. So she said "That chote chetan...." .

When Shriya heard that nick name again she frowned her eyebrows and Preeti said with eagerness "Dhi, listen to me".

Shriya didn't want to bother these brothers and but she was also curious to know about the situation. So she said "Okay, tell me what happened ?".

Shriya sat infront of the little girl. The little girl opened her bright eyes and they were a pair of beautiful eyes and were glistening and looking so pretty in that night.

She said "He hasn't been sleeping well lately. Stays home all the time, don't go to office and practically livings with his phone." Then she leaned in and said in a low whisper "He was drinking and I saw him smoking also once or twice".

Shriya was shocked. She knew Rahul has the habit of drinking but he never smoked in front of her. Abhi also drinks but he has a very low tolerance for alcohol and he avoids it most of the time. As for smoking she never saw him smoking".

Abhi is a health freak and he never forgets to do his work outs. He always takes healthy food and never eats something unhealthy let alone smoking. He also takes care of his family and never let them do something bad or unhealthy.

Shriya looked at the little girl and asked her "so you told Abhi about this ?". Preeti nodded her head innocently and Shriya was shocked.

Shriya knew that it was a matter between both the brothers. But She couldn't sit still. She was worried that Abhi might scold his brother out of anger and Rahul might ger hurt.

She gave her sister her I pad and asked her to play a game. Preeti nodded her head and Shriya ran out of the room in a hurry.

* * * * * *

Abhi sat on a couch and Rahul occupied the chair which is across from the couch. He sat facing his brother. His head was held down and he was staring at the floor.

Abhi looked at his brother indifferently and seeing him all silent he said in a cold and indifferent tone. He said only three words but those words were not simple to Rahul "Tell me now?".

Rahul knew and understood that his brother already knew everything. He decided to accept it and surrender to his brother, that way he could ask for his help. So he said with his head held even more low "Gouthami is pregnant".