Psycho 3

Abhi just nodded his head in agreement seeing his friend's confident smile. He was just about to say something when Shriya walked out of her room in a long white sleeveless top and black leggings. Her long black hair was left loose and combed back of her shoulders.

Both the men looked at the girl who just came there and now she was staring at Harry. But she smiled to greet him but Harry was fast and before she could complete the word "Hello", he walked upto her and hugged her tightly.

Shriya was shocked to her wits and she was dumbfounded by this strange man who hugged her right after they met. Abhi just looked at both of them and Shriya looked at the man who was silent sitting on the couch. Seeing him there with an indifferent expression she gained her senses and smiled at the man who was trying very hard to conceal his worry.

She then placed her arms around Harry and returned his hug. As soon as her hands were on him, Harry hugged her even more tightly and said with a smile "You are so beautiful girl."

Then he backed off a little and sat back on the couch. Shriya sat on the other side of Abhi. Abhi stood up from the couch and went to the refrigerator to bring two coke bottles for him and his friend and he brought a bottle of soft drink for Shriya.

As soon as Abhi left, Harry turned towards the beautiful girl on the couch and moved to sit close to her. Shriya felt a bit uncomfortable with this but soon Abhi returned and sat at other end of the couch. Shriya moved close to her man so that she could maintain a gap with this weird man who is overly friendly with her.

Abhi smiled mockingly at his friend and asked him "I think you still didn't stop messing around even after getting beaten up half to death by those people".

Harry said indifferently "Is there something wrong in having a girl on whom I have crush on ?".

Abhi raised his both eyebrows and said "No, but you did it when you are still in your middle school", Shriya was shocked when she heard this and Harry corrected his friend immediately with a prideful tone "first year of high school".

Abhi couldn't help but laugh at his shameless friend and he replied with an accusing tone "But you were only fourteen or fifteen back then".

"And you started messing up ever since that accident happened". Abhi continued and didn't hold back with his mocking words.

Shriya was shocked when she heard that Harry had his first time when he was only fifteen. A sudden uncomfortable feeling crept through her body and she thought to herself 'what a shameless man's and she wanted to go away from him.

Just then Abhi received a call from Rahul and soon he stood up to go outside to answer the call. He looked at his women and said with a smile "I will be back in ten minutes, I have to take this call."

Shriya nodded and Harry said with a creepy smile "You need not hurry, bring me a carton of beer, I suddenly had the urge to drink," to which Abhi gave him a killer stare to him.

Ignoring his friend Harry laughed and said "I am your guest and you are the host, you can't treat me badly, afterall you Malhotras' are known for your hospitality."

Abhi nodded unwillingly and said "Okay, I will get them, but behave and first let me attend this call. It's very important."

Saying so Abhi left the room and it turned very silent once he left the room and the atmosphere turned cold. Shriya also stood up saying she has work in the kitchen and she took some big strides towards the kitchen and disappeared from Harry's sight.

She was busy making some random stuff in the kitchen and she suddenly saw some movement in the kitchen from the corner of her eyes. She turned around immediately and saw Harry leaning against the kitchen door and looking at her with a deep sharp gaze which can't be escaped easily.

She dropped the glass bowl which she was holding in her hands and it fell down on the ground and shattered into a hundred pieces.

Harry rushed towards her and helped her to clean the glass pieces. Seeing him on the ground she also knelt down to remove those glass pieces. He removed the pieces carefully while Shriya mopped the floor to make sure that there weren't any pieces left on the ground.

He asked "You must be having a great time with a handsome and hot guy like Abhi in your bedroom." He made a face which made her blush at the very next moment she heard the words understanding his meaning.

Shriya asked looking straight into his eyes "Why are you trying so hard to behave improperly with me when you are actually the kind of person who is other way round".

Harry raised his eyebrow at her questioningly and she asked "I think you both are trying very hard to frighten me. But why ?".

Harry was really shocked now. He looked into her eyes trying to fund the answers and asked "What are you talking about now?".

Shriya said "You are not a bad man, if you really are, Abhi wouldn't have left me alone with you ?".

A smile painted on his lips and he said while complimenting her "Well you are not as stupid as I thought".

Shriya shrugged away and asked "So you must be the one who is saying him all these weird stuff ?".

Harry was furious now and asked "What do you mean ?".